Author Topic: Belle-new foster Dane  (Read 2639 times)

Offline eightdogs4me

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Belle-new foster Dane
« on: June 05, 2006, 01:12:17 pm »
Hi all, its been a while!  I really hate having limited internet access, but I'm loving living on my own now.

I mentioned a while back about getting a new foster dane, a mantle named Belle.  Well, here she is.  These were taken probably a month ago.  I've got some more current ones, but haven't downloaded them yet.  Part of me wants to keep her, but I may place her.  I haven't decided yet.

When I got her, she had a terrible yeast infection in her ears, an eye infection, and of course, her skin was infected.  Here eyes and ears have pretty much cleared up now, and her last skin scrape looked pretty good with very few demodex mites present. 

I went out of town not long after I got her, so we started the ivermectin treatment.  I much prefer a holistic treatment over the traditional, but she really needed some kind of treatment immediately.  I've weaned her off the ivermectin, and will continue to use immune boosting supplements and skin soothing baths on her for the rest of her treatment.

Emily and the gang

Offline Kermit

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Re: Belle-new foster Dane
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 01:22:29 pm »
Aw, sweet pooch. I hope she is feeling much better now. I know it's hard to nurse a foster back to health... and then comes the decision about whether to actually put them up for adoption. It is so hard. (That's why we have so many dogs here! :D)

So what is the holistic way to treat demodex? I am curious. :)

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Re: Belle-new foster Dane
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2006, 05:13:51 pm »
Poor baby!  It's so great that you can help her like you have! :-*
Tessie - Belladonna's and Mojo's Mom

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Re: Belle-new foster Dane
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2006, 08:22:00 pm »
So what is the holistic way to treat demodex? I am curious.

Well, since demodex is essentially an immune system problem, especially when older (ie: passed adolecence) dogs aquire it, the main objective is to get the immune system back kick started.  The traditional ivermectin treatment sort of trick starts the immune system, but it more of a quick fix, IMO.

Belle has most likely had this since she was younger.  She was discovered in a shelter in Florida by a rescuer on the Alabama/Georgia line who pulled her.  Belle most likely had a light case of demodex before she went into the shelter, but the stress of being there kicked it into high gear.  When she was pulled, it did get a little better.  When she was adopted by the lady that had her, it got better as well, but soon got worse.  The lady was overwhelmed, and as a result, Belle was stressed.  Over the time between the shelter, the rescue, and her first home, Belle was treated on and off with antibiotics and ivermectin.  Over time, the body just kind of absorbs it and develops a sort of resistance to it.  Also, ivermectin works great on blood sucking parasites-sarcops mites (AKA scabies, sarcoptic mange, contagious mange), intestinal worms, and microflaria/heartworms.  But demodex mites feed on the oils of the skin rather than the blood, so the ivermectin isn't even touching them that way, but rather, as I said kind of tricking the immune system into a quick jump start.

The first step to a holistic treatment, or rather a less traditional treatment, is to get them on a high quality food.  Home cooked would be best, but I can't do that right now, so I've got her on the best kibble I can afford.  You really wouldn't want to do RAW right away with a generalized demodex case mainly due to the compromised immune system-it may not be be able to handle the bacteria associated with raw foods that a healthy dog can handle. 

Frequent baths in a benzoyl peroxide shampoo will help open the pores- where the demodex mite live.  Then a rinse in tea tree oil helps soothe the skin and flush out the mites.  Boosting the immune system with a high quality source of omega fatty acids (3&6), vitamins A, C, and E, Echinacea, Colostrum, MSM, and other immune supplements.  A lady from another forum introduced this idea to me.  She has treated many cases this way successfully.  After researching it for myself, it really does make sense.  I have yet to have a severe case of generalized demodex since finding this, but have treated a less severe case of generalized demodex and a case of localized demodex without as much as looking at ivermectin or dipping.

The dipping alone, by the way, is a huge risk, IMO.  It is a poison essentially, so one has to make sure the dog doesn't ingest any of the dip or there could be bad consequences.
Emily and the gang

Offline Kermit

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Re: Belle-new foster Dane
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2006, 08:50:19 pm »
Wow. That is some awesome information you have there. I am a huge fan of holistic and natural approaches to health. :)