Author Topic: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!  (Read 6173 times)

Offline cuttles/sadieMay

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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2006, 10:03:27 pm »
The very same thing happened to me at the Vet when Queenie had surgery on her ear! They took off the bandages to change them and clean it and all of a sudden I started feeling exactly how you described! It was horrible! I never have a weak stomach but for some reason that day it just hit me! I had to sit down and they were really nice and gave me a glass of Orange Juice and in no time I was fine! I think it may have been a sugar issue, and yours might have been too. I hope you are feeling better and get to the bottom of it! Good Luck, and dont put it off, get it checked out.


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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2006, 11:09:23 pm »
Well, when I saw your subject line, I read "Oh, boy... I farted at the vet's!"  I thought, "Wow!  That must've been a real stinky one to get a post on BPO!  How embarrassing!  Poor macybean!"

Fortunately, I opened the thread and found out that you didn't fart after all.  Well, maybe you did and decided not to share it.  Hmmmm.  Well, either way, I believe that, whenever I see your posts from now on, I will always reminisce about the day you farted at the vets.  ;D

Now that I have that out of the way...go to your doctor and get this fainting thing checked out!


ROFL What is WRONG with you?  That is funny. 
I'm SO glad to see that you are going to the doc tomorrow.  It sounds like low blood sugar to me.  It is a horrible feeling to faint, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, on the other hand maybe it was good because now you have a doc appt!

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2006, 07:21:35 am »
Yep add me to the list - go to the doctor and have the blood work done.  I do the same thing though I get papers for the blood work but feel better and don't go...but now it is time to get it checked out!!

Offline macybean

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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2006, 07:50:42 am »
Okay, I got a dr appt for this afternoon. We'll see how it goes. I wasn't too worried, b/c I was thinking it was just being at the vets-the smells, the shots, etc-but I felt a little weak and light-headed most of the night. I still feel a bit like that... like if I stand too long maybe it would happen again (that's just how I feel, not saying it would happen). Maybe it's just me feeling weird, but I would think all of that would have passed after leaving the vet's office.

Thanks for the advice and information, guys! I will let you know how it goes.

Offline PennyK

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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2006, 07:58:53 am »
Good luck today!  Will be thinking about you!
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Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2006, 08:07:46 am »
That sounds scary. That used to happen to me a lot a couple of years ago and it is such a lousy feeling (not to mention embarassing). It turned out to be chronic hypoglycemia, but I didn't find that out until I went into hypoglycemic shock at work. That's no fun. If I'd been smart like you and gotten it checked out right away, it never would've happened. The worst part of the whole ordeal for me was that I drooled all over myself in front of my totally b*tchy boss.

Good luck today :)
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Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2006, 08:13:02 am »
Well, if it makes you feel any better I faint or get faint almost every time I go to any kind of doctor's office. Strangely enough, I'm usually OK at the vet's, but if a people doctor tries explaining something to me in detail or if I have to get anything special done besides a normal exam then I get faint and have to lie down. I'm a big medical wuss.

I remember when I got my contacts for the first time, I passed out in the chair. Thank GOD my aunt was the nurse. I even got faint at the podiatrist and had to ask to sit down and get some water!!

What's really weird is that my mom and sister are both nurses. Something sure got screwed up in my genetics.
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Offline macybean

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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2006, 04:19:59 pm »
I went to the doctor. He did a regular check-up, and everything looked fine. He ordered bloodwork and sent me to their in-house lab. He thinks it was just a fainting spell, as my dad said, but wanted to do the bloodwork to rule out anything else (also my dad's advice).

I've never really had a problem with getting blood drawn before, but I was still a bit light-headed today. Well, she pulls the needle out of my arm, and THEN I break into a cold sweat. I told her I didn't feel very good and put my head between my knees. They gave me some orange juice and had me sit there for a while.

If the test is abnormal, I'll likely find out by the end of the this week or by the middle of next week (the dr will call). If it's normal, I may not find out until the post the results on the phone line, which can take up to 14 days. He tested my blood sugar, thyroid, liver, kidneys, and cholesterol (I've never had it tested, so he through it in, too).

Here's to a "normal" test!

Offline macybean

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Re: Oh, boy... I fainted at the vet's!
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2006, 05:00:27 pm »
No, I didn't mention it, but I had mentioned it in a previous visit. I'm almost certain he wrote it in my file. I'm supposed to call to let him know how I'm doing, so I will bring that up. I'm going to call my dad again tonight, and I'll mention it to him as well. Thank you for asking your friend about me. You guys are great!