Author Topic: My Hubby the Freaky Streaker  (Read 4253 times)


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Re: My Hubby the Freaky Streaker
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2006, 12:06:57 pm »
  Poor guy. Trying to protect his family and he gets laughed at. You ladies are ruthless. ::) Did you ever figure out what Badger was barking at?
Apparently my neice talks in her sleep...that is our best guess anyway.  Badger is very used to sleeping alone in the living room, so really any noise she made could have startled him!


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Re: My Hubby the Freaky Streaker
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2006, 12:16:50 pm »
Poor hubby. It is obvious that he is not cut out for a carreer traumatizing teens, as he was more traumatized then she was.
I can totally relate to the terrorizing family, tho. My family never miss an opportunity to harrass Dale. Imagine a wedding reception, with a young, shy, 19 year old groom.In walks the belly dancer, in full costume, (but not for long) and plucks him out from the crowd of 200 friends and relatives. The fun then began...It was his official "welcome to the family present" from my insane family. They didn't even have to cojones to tell ME about it first either. It is now memorialized in photos and on video as part of our wedding album. Luckily he handles it well.
LOLOL Oh Stella, our hubby's need to start their own message board for "Husbands Whose Wives/Wives Families Traumatize Them For FUN and Profit".  We had to go to Vegas to get married because of my family.  I can only imagine your shock when the belly dance came out, I guess it could have been worse, coulda been a drunk stripper...
I'll have to let David know he got off easy at our wedding, and tell him what happened to your poor hubby!