Author Topic: I had to ask my brother to leave  (Read 5725 times)


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I had to ask my brother to leave
« on: June 05, 2005, 05:47:09 pm »
My problem is where it should be...Out of my hands...The 2nd night he was calling his drug buddies & inviting them to MY house!...He just didn't understand why they couldn't come to see him here...The next morning he got ahold of his Methadone & I told him he had already had it & he was out of here if he took more...He called me several choice names & told me to mind my own business...I told him what happens in MY house is MY business...Wel l, he took it & I called my mom & told he come get him NOW!!!!!!!!...That was yesterday morning...He's been at my mom's, my sister's & now is at my brother's who lives out of town...I didn't care to ask for any details as to why...They just understand that he isn't welcomed here at all...Mom gave me the talk on how we all have to pull together because this could be his last chance..I calmly explained that MY son's name is RUSSELL & that I don't have a boy named CRAIG...The kicker is that she has never wanted to babysit for me but would sit for Craig's daughter & my sister's kids because "you don't work..they need a break" but now she wants me to sit for her kid because I "don't work & this is the best place for him"...She will do anything to advoid being the one to take care of him as far as threatening her own daughters family & mental health..Sad huh?...I have been called selfish, irrational, & told I "need help"(once by my brother that was here) in the past 3 days because I didn't want Craig here...I was told 'they (my kids & randy) have been my family for only the past 10 years but Craig's "been your family for life"...Meaning I should put Craig 1st...I came to a very sad realization through all of this that my husband has been right for years when he told me "they are just plain mean to you"...Well, I'm done...On my part our family structure has been irreversibly damaged...They ahve sucked out the last of my energy that I will allow them to...I felt like I was surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves tearing me every which way in order to keep Craig here so they didn't have to deal with him...I'm am glad it happened...i'll have more energy for the family I CHOSE now.

So, that's how it is here...I don't have time to catch up on posts right now but I miss you guys & will catch up soon!


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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2005, 05:54:11 pm »
well im glad you put your foot down and made a decision that will be better for you and YOUR family in the future. 

i dont have too much experience here im not going to talk out of my @ss and make up shit....BUT... .stay strong, and remember we are always here to chat and listen and anythying else you need okay!

and h*ll, when you need an upper...come look at the pix of my kids costumes!  they are priceless!

all our love!  nicki,  wango and cody!

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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2005, 06:03:29 pm »
Good for you! Stay strong!


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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2005, 07:13:31 pm »
i'v been friends with gypsy for about 10 years we've been through alot together and i will tell ya this thing has been wearing on her even before the accident ...what can i say its hard to love a addict..we've both been faced with these problems but gypsy has given more than she has to try and help him...with that i want to invite gypsy to vodka sunday at my house  i'll buy.......


Offline NatsaintB

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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2005, 07:18:31 pm »
Be strong!  You did the right thing in my book (and that's all the matters right?).  I gave up on my family members a long time ago because they were constantly fighting and sucking the life out of me.  It left nothing for my own family and wasn't helping my mom or dad either.  I was co dependent and now that I eliminated them from my life it's so much better!  My kids will never know them or their drama and that is the most important thing to me.  You owe him nothing!  Don't let anyone tell you that.  You do owe your husband and kids the best of you and you can't give them that if you are giving it to your brother.  I'm proud of you for wanting to be perfect, but none of us are and it's too hard to keep trying to be.  Now, go give your babies and hubby a big slobber!

Chin up,


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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2005, 07:33:53 pm »
 :-* You definately did the right thing. Its not up to you to look after your brother. You have alot of freinds here who will support you and help you deal with this. I know its hard to give up on a family member but there comes a time that you have to think of yourself and your family. We are all here to help. You have a big heart and your brother doesnt relizes it. Use that on your family. As you likely already know the benifits are much greater.
Karen :) Image hosting by Photobucket

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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2005, 08:02:09 pm »
Oh Gypsy, you have got some guts standing up to your family! I am so proud of you and how you handled the situation. Even though I have only been married for 2 years (anniversary on the 14th) I have had my share of family encounters. I have come to realize that my husband is MY family and that my parents will come 2nd- for the rest of my life. Luckily I have an aunt & uncle who are soo supportive and encourage me to be strong and independent. Even though I love my parents, I had to put an end to them financially using me and emotionally wearning me down. I don't speak to a lot of extended family either- by choice. My husband is my family and I have to be true to myself first.

Stay strong and know that you did the right thing. Your husband and son will love you more for it and you'll be happier yourself. If you need to talk we're here for you!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2005, 08:15:00 pm »
Ty all SO much!...It is hard to realize that your family has been treating you like an outsider for most of your life...Funny how even human animals will prey on who they sense is weak for their own betterment even if it be their "own"...What doesn't kill you really does make you stronger...Now, I will still interact with my family when I feel like it or need be but they are no longer a priority at all...Ty all again, Ann, I'll have that vodka ;) ,& I should have known I was "different" from them because none of them love .B.T.W., Sammy HATED my brother...I felt so bad for him! ( Yesterday all day Sammy was afraid to go into the yard because he thought my brother was out there...Craig will not darken my doorstep again...I wouldn't even do that to my dog! ;) ;D LOL!


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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2005, 08:25:28 pm »
Gypsy - I am soo proud of you!  I can only imagine how hard it was to have the strength and courage to stand up to your family.  I think you absolutely made the right decision.  I whole-heartedly agree with Tina - once you say "I do," your husband IS your family and you create your own family from there.  Your children have to come first and anyone who tells you or thinks otherwise is totally wrong in my book!  Like Jamie, I've only been married for a year and 1/2 (coming up on 2 years in October) and Jason IS my family.  It has been extremely hard for my Mom to grasp that concept and we've gone round and round with it.  My Dad "gets" it, so he's really supportive of me and my decisions.  Family situations are always sticky, but ultimately, you have to do what is right for you and your family.

Keep your head up and we are all here if you need us!

Hugs  :-*


PS:  Ranger sends a big ol' smooch too!

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Re: I had to ask my brother to leave
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2005, 09:00:49 pm »
I am so sorry to hear this Gypsy, because even if it is soooo the right thing to do, it doesnt mean it is easy. But no doubt it sounds like your family is using you. And on the  note, where you say, your mother never wanted to babysit for your children, so she thought you were at home and obviously thought that was some kind of vacation (not the case) but how about spending some quality time with her grand children???? wouldnt that have been a wonderful time to spend with your children?????

And for how your husband and children have "only" been in your life for 10 years BS....... when you get married, when you have children, THEY are your family, loyalty is one of the most important things in a relationship and you choose your hubby, the min. you say "I do" your spouse is number one, no matter what. And for your mom to not realize that, welll that is just sad......

Your brother was putting your whole family in danger, and I can tell you, had anyone, anyone at all put my kids in danger, especially in  my home, I would do whatever it took, call the law to have them removed, get rid of their asses soooo fast they didnt even have time to pack. How could your mother want you to put YOUR childrens safety after your brothers comfort....... ... It is her son, and if anyone should be there she should. God forbid that any of my kids end up with drug related problems but if they do, I would do whatever it took to try and get their act together, but would I put that burdon on any other of my children NOOOOO, shame on her.

I am so proud of you, it is not at all an easy thing to break with your family, but the ones who really count you still have there at home, and they are the ones who really really care about you and your wellbeing.

You can count on all of us here too, I hope you know that. We will always be here, and talk or listen and lend a shoulder. I'll be thinking of you sweety

Big huggs and lots of slobbery kisses from me, galahad, hera, zeus and Buffy (trouble said she would catch you a mouse)

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