Author Topic: I need some input on Bubba's new behaviour...  (Read 2244 times)


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I need some input on Bubba's new behaviour...
« on: July 01, 2006, 01:31:03 pm »
Since bringing Lola home Bubba is now announcing when strangers enter our yard. Which isn't neccessarily a bad thing. It's just seems so Un-Saint like...

Let me try to explain a little... We have a friends car out by the road for sale. Whenever anyone stops to see the car and Bubba happens to be outside his hackles raise and he barks and runs to the fence. If these people approach him he backs away and keep barking. After 5 or so minutes of looking at these people he will stop and go about his usual business. Back to wagging his tail and looking for attention.

He only does it with people he has NEVER met. If he reconizes you then he doesn't make a peep.

Also when Bubba does this Lola will go up on the porch and sit and wait there until Bubba comes up and gets her then she will follow him back down the steps. Some serious doggy communication going on there or something.

I know I've read that male saints can be same sex dog aggressive but I don't think I've read anything about them being territorial. ???

I wouldn't even call it being aggressive.. it's more of a 'Who are you and why are you on my property' type of thing. Aloof with strangers comes to mind.

I'm just looking for some input. For the record Bubba is 17 months old and not yet neutered.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2006, 03:45:48 pm by Lyn »

Offline shangrila

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Re: I need some input on Bubba's new behaviour...
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2006, 02:14:38 pm »
I think that he is becoming more leery of strangers near the house because he is being protective of his new little sister, which is why she will hide on the porch until he gives the the okay.
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Re: I need some input on Bubba's new behaviour...
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2006, 03:55:07 pm »
That's what I was thinking too.. That he's just protecting Lola. Or maybe he just needs his family jewels removed. LOL

I did some more searching on Saint temperments and what he's doing doesn't sound like it's out of the norm. So maybe I'm just over analyzing things like usual. LOL

Just to see what he'd do we had my SIL's friend that he's never met walk up to the fence with treats. Not a damn PEEP out of him. He instantly turned into her best friend. LMAO

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Re: I need some input on Bubba's new behaviour...
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2006, 11:05:51 pm »
Sounds like he's protecting his new sister, which is soooooo adorable! What an awesome brother!

Zoey- Alaskan Malamute, 4 years
Dolly, CGC- Saint Bernard, 4 years
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"To be loved by...any animal should fill us with awe-for we have not deserved it."