Author Topic: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.  (Read 4981 times)


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Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« on: July 18, 2006, 08:24:35 am »
I need some help with Lola. She is super submissive with people. I'm worried she may develop into a future 'fear biter'. :( She's came a long way since first coming here, but alot of the time she will still 'shut down' and go all weird on me. It's just odd because with Bubba she's a pushy, bossy little bugger.

I have to be super easy when correcting her. Any eye contact at all and she turns her body into a U shape, with her ears down and her tail wagging low, almost between her legs. Sometimes she will flop to the floor belly up. It's truly a sad sight, and I'm not sure how to go about boosting her confidence.

When we first brought her home she wouldn't approach anyone. She would actually back up into the first available corner, so soon after I got her first set of shots I started taking her out and meeting people. I knew if I kept her confined to the house until she got the rest of her shots this was just going to get worse. That did help and she willingly approaches people now. But she still has the same submissive posture. It's like 'HI HI HI' with her ears back but tail wagging.. then as soon as they touch her, total submission. Body turned into a U shape.. the whole nine yards. :(

I honestly don't think she's been abused.. you can raise your hand above her head and bring it down towards her face and she doesn't even flinch. She just takes a super submissive attitude to ALL people. Even kids.

I'm going to be enrolling her in level one obedience as soon as she's finished with her shots. They won't let me enroll before then. My vet waits 3-4 weeks between shots. I just got her first set on june 26th. (she didn't have ANY shots when I got her :( ) So we have a bit yet before they are complete.

I've never had to deal with a super submissive pup before. I'm paraniod that I'm going to do something wrong and mess her up for life.  :'(

Anyone have any insight, or things for me to try with her in the meantime?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 08:25:28 am by Lyn »

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 04:11:53 pm »
I would just keep doing what you're doing.  Take her out to meet people.  But take it slooooow.  I might just have her "people watch" for awhile so she won't be nervous that every person is going to come up to her.  Once she is comfortable with that, you can move it onto the next step, walking amongst people, but still not meeting them if possible.  I know this may be hard with some persistent dog lovers. 

I guess I should ask how old she is.  I know she is just a puppy, and since she just started her puppy shots, I would guess her around 12 wks or so?  Maybe a bit younger?  If she's just started her shots, I would be extra careful about her meeting and being around people and other animals.

Since she is young, I really wouldn't be too concerned about her behavior.  Most dogs that are super submissive eventually outgrow it to some extent.  I would be careful about being "super easy" when correcting her.  You do have to be a bit more careful with the very submissive, but don't be slack about it.  If you are, once the dog reaches adulthood, it may be to late to teach them manners and right from wrong.  My Keiko was a super submissive puppy.  Submissive peeing all over and if you looked at her wrong she would put her ears back and tail between her legs.  Now, you would never guess that.  She is extremely well adjusted and loves to meet people.  I used to take her on campus to meet students when she was a pup.  Socialization will help tremendously to build confidence.

Good luck.

Offline brandon

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Re: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 08:50:41 pm »
Mowgli, our smaller pup (border collie mix we think) had some fear / submissive issues , he still has some issues with strange dogs and people, but he is 200% better after lots of time spent with training him.  We worked on obedience and tricks, it helped his confidence a heck of a lot, and now whenever he gets into a pickle he looks to us for guidance instead of freaking out and going postal. 

Melissa did most all of the training, she taught him "up" to get on a pedestal, and to lay down on it and wait for her signal, I taught him over, to jump over a jump pole I set up, and other stuff later.  Leave it, etc... lots of the regular stuff and then some trick stuff..... He really loves doing that stuff now, and is just a pretty great dog.  It doesn't seem like it would help but it did a lot indirectly and he is just a happy little camper now.

He was a really bad submissive pee'er, etc when he first came here, but he doesn't do that anymore.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 08:51:51 pm by brandon »
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Re: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2006, 09:07:15 pm »
Keep socializing her and when she flips, just look at her like she's lost her mind and keep on doing what you're doing.  She'll grow into herself eventually.  DOn't make it a big deal though or you'll make it worse and she will be a fear biter, etc.  You making a fuss over her during an episode will only confirm there is something to fear.  I know you want to make it "better" but you wouldn't be...You'll be teaching her that that behavior is acceptable and encouraged.  Do small things like quietly put your hand on her every so often, don't allow people to run up to her or to talk loudly at her, protect her from kids that are loud and jerky in their movements.  However, the more you have her out the faster this will resolve and the easier it will resolve.


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Re: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 08:23:36 am »
Thanks everyone. Bubba was submissive also.. but not like this so I was completely lost.

I know sucking her up will just encourage the behaviour. So I do ignore her. I think what I'm doing is helping to some extent. We took her with us when we went shopping. She was walking around the parking lot like she owned the joint. LOL She was also seeking people out for attention, ears still back but tail out and wagging instead of between her legs. Like a Rotti, her entire butt and tail go at the same time. LOL

Zoocrew, Lola is 14 weeks old tomorrow. She had her first set of shots when she was just over 11 weeks so her next set is due at 15 weeks. I'm going to phone my vet and see if I can bring her in a bit early. She got started late on her shots since she didn't have ANY when I got her. And we started taking her with us to town to socialize her a week after recieving her first set of shots. I've kept her away from strange dogs, and stayed away from parks or other places that dogs would frequent. But I was worried that if I also kept her away from people she would just get worse.

She LOVES attention.. She just goes all submissive. It's like your petting 42 pounds of jello. LOL Loud and quick moving people do still scare her, although not as badly now. We took her to my sons school for show and tell on the last day of school. There are 24 kids in my sons class. She was hesitant at first but after all the kids got down on the floor she was in pet me heaven. LOL

She does submissive pee everyonce in awhile if your over the top when greeting her or if you startle her. When I picked her up to weigh her a couple days ago she actually peed down my leg. LOL I'm not too worried about that though. Since I ignore her when she does it, she's pretty much stopped doing it. 

It would be so much easier if you all could just meet her and see exactly how she acts. I could make a video but then it would take me months to upload with my slow 56k.  :(
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 08:28:05 am by Lyn »

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Re: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2006, 05:11:34 pm »
Play with her! That helps build confidence. Get a ball and roll it around, have some other people that she's submissive with play too! Get a rope and play tug-of-war (don't forget to let her win occasionally!). Have her chase you. Play can go a long way to make a dog feel like it can be bold and exuberant without getting in trouble with you. I know she plays with Bubba, but she needs to play with people too!

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Re: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2006, 07:35:25 am »
Oh I do play with her, but Bubba always joins in and either steals the ball or grabs the rope and drags me all over the yard with Lola hanging on for dear life. LOL

They remind me of 2 spoiled children.. you can't play with one without the other butting in. :D

Offline Jessdryden

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Re: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2006, 07:51:50 am »
Hi Lyn,

It sounds like you're doing all the right things.  Lola will come around as she gets more comfortable and confident.  Our first newfie was very submissive too.  It took lots of patience, but she learned that she could trust people and herself.

Lola is such a cutie! :)

Edited because Bella was helping me type. ::)
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 07:53:08 am by Jessdryden »


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Re: Building confidence in a very submissive pup.
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2006, 01:33:37 pm »
It would be so much easier if she was an over confident, stubborn pain in the butt. Then I'd just need to knock her down the totem pole so to speak. But attempting to build her up has been a extremely slow progress. One wrong move and we start all over again. It doesn't help either that she's probably hitting a fear stage.

Funny thought is that she is totally full of herself when it comes to Bubba. Ears forward, tail up, complete miss priss attitude. He's constantly trying to put her in her place, but she is persistant. I have a feeling that she is going to be alpha over him, as odd as that sounds. Bubba will litterally roll over and give in to her when she's being bossy with him. But she never willingly gives in to him and if he holds her down she gets up and gives him heck as soon as he lets her go. Makes me wonder what hidden demon is hiding within her just waiting to come out. LOL

Anyway I managed to get a pic of her body posture so you can all see what I mean. I snapped this pic right after I called her name and we made eye contact. Her tail is wagging but it's carried very low, almost between her legs low.