Author Topic: More dog stories; these from another Newf-fool!  (Read 1009 times)

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More dog stories; these from another Newf-fool!
« on: August 08, 2006, 04:13:59 am »
 I have only three experiences to share with all of you.....first of all, as I MAY have previously mentioned...ju st in passing, of course, my Willie was mostly
a perfect gentleman. However,,,,,,and isn't there ALWAYS a "however?", the one place you never wanted to be when you said..."Do you want to go in the car/for a ride" was between him and the door! My friend Nick knew this perfectly well, but in a relaspe moment of some kind...stood by the kitchen cupboard and the door and asked if I wanted to go see the storm damage, and then said....OMG... Willie, you want to go with us (obviously the dog was smart enuff to translate this
into....go in the car)? Now Nick was - and probably still is....LOL...6'3 and a well muscled 250 and Willie, just trying to get to the door you understand, hit him at the knees and took him right out! In was like watching a slow motion cartoon of some huge giant flying into the air and belly-flopping on the floor not able to catch his breath while this big black bear kept licking him on the face telling him to get up so he could go for the promised ride! sigh.....
> Then, yet another friend who had never before met Willie wanted to see my vintage 1964 Dodge, so I brought it over complete with Newf in the back seat. Of course, laying down my darling dog spent most of the back seat and more. His
comment was...."OMG! most people hauling that size of animal use a horse trailer!" Last time I ever talked to
> Last incident was with a deputy sheriff...."oh yeah"....who when I was still living in Wyoming stopped to tell me that bears (I am totally serious here) that no one could keep pet bears in the city limits - he must have just seen only Wyoming bears with a serious "tail crisis"


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Re: More dog stories; these from another Newf-fool!
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 04:35:08 am »
GREAT stories!