Author Topic: Ellie Mae  (Read 1942 times)

Offline NOWIZ

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Ellie Mae
« on: August 13, 2006, 12:47:20 am »
Miss Ellie has picked up a bad habit now that she has turned 2. She has started to chew up blankets and pillows. I need advice on how to stop this behavior. She does it while we are not home as in at work or at church. Miss ellie is a 2 year old wiemy who has always lived indoors but if the situation does not change I will be forced to keep her outside.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 12:50:12 am by NOWIZ »

Offline navarre1316

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Re: Ellie Mae
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2006, 05:19:13 am »
AAAHHHH  Weims!!  Grew up with them, mom has a 15 yr old!!  Weims need stimulation regardless of whether you are there or not!!  All of our Weims were FABULOUS, but one, and I in all my 6? year old wisdom named her Dreamer!!  We came home one day and I don't remember why/how because we have always crated but she had DESTROYED the house, not just one thing, anything that moved!!  Granted, she was younger than two, but I'm just saying......!!!!

If there's any way to totally tire her out (which I know is next to impossible with a Weim) before you leave her alone in the house, that would be great!  I definitely agree with the crating.  Our pups were kept crated, even when we were home when they were young, unless they could be totally supervised.  Never put them in the crate when they are in trouble because this needs to be their safe place.  As to the blankets and pillows, she may be chewing them up because she is bored, but they also smell like you.  To this day, my mom's Shade will pick up my mom's dirty clothes and drag them into her crate and lay with them.  She tries to do this with my clothes also when I visit, but I usually catch her!!  There was an article in Dog World awhile ago and it talked about Weims and how they had a tendency to do this.  Some will also meet you at the door, or bring something of yours to you, this is part of the retreiver factor in them.  Definitely try crating before leaving her out, that will not help her self-esteem at all!!  Good luck, sorry for the short story!!
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