Author Topic: another puddle on the kitchen floor  (Read 5736 times)

Offline kate.jardine

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another puddle on the kitchen floor
« on: July 12, 2006, 12:59:14 am »
 :(can anyone tell me when my dakota is going to stop wanting to releive himself in the middle of the night.He doesnt have any accidents during the day just at night,he will start barking usually around 3am i get up to let him out you can guarantee there will be a puddle in kithen.I usually let him out last thing around 11.30pm any suggestions

Offline jaspers mom

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 06:35:55 am »
I'm a novice at this myself.  I crate our puppy at night so we have had good luck from 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m.  I wonder what would happen if you set your alarm to wake just before 3 a.m. for a couple of nights to let him out before the accident, and then set the alarm later (say,  half an hour) each night or two until you reach 6 a.m.?  So tonight and tomorrow night up at 3, Fri-3:30, Sat 4 a.m., etc.  Just brainstorming.  Good luck -


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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2006, 07:31:25 am »
Strider is 18 months old, and will still occaisionally-a couple of times a week-wake me up in the middle of the night to go outside. He usually gets right down to business and is back in bed in less than 5 minutes, and so am I. As for puddle prevention, I agree with jaspersmom, crate training is a great asset. Most dogs will wake you up before soiling in their crate, and once he gets  a bit older and ready to hold it all night a few nights you can start trusting him out and about at night again.


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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2006, 08:08:50 am »
I was up 5 freaking times last night because everyone's potty alarms went off at different freaking times.  Mine range in age from 8ish down to 11 mos.  It was the in betweens that woke me up all freaking night though.

Offline Boyle

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2006, 09:20:26 am »
Have you thought about removing Dakota's water dish in the evening, say at 8?  Or, if you already do, think about removing it a bit earlier. 

Offline kate.jardine

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2006, 10:03:25 am »
I think i will try stopping his water earlier because at the moment he is drinking till about 9o,clock He does drink an awful lot of water all day long,Iunderstand this is typical of newfies.I owned two black labs until a couple of years ago and they hardly drank much water at all could be why i never had this problem

Offline ptkennel

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2006, 04:52:40 am »
I have a six month old newfie named Joy.  About a month now she has been sleeping out in the garage because she was waking us up for play time and a potty break in the middle of the night.  She is crate trained, but would still bark to get our attention in the middle of the night.  Our breeder told us to remove her from our room where she was crated and put her in the garage where we couldn't hear her, crated.  It has worked.  We miss having her in the house but she has never soiled in her crate.  We have had her since 8 weeks and have had her crated at night and through the days for naps and whatever.  I am a strong believer in crating dogs.  It works.  They won't make a mess in the crate, that is there bedroom.  I leave a water dish in her crate at night. My breeder told us that she should stay out in the garage for about a month then bring her in and try it again, if it still doesn't work, then back to the garage.
We also have a Rottweiler and he has been crated, he loves his bed, he escapes our newf by going to his bed.  She loves to antagonize him. :P
« Last Edit: August 12, 2006, 11:10:11 am by ptkennel »
Joy, Newfoundland
Gabi, Newfoundland
Amy, Irish Wolfhound
Sara, Irish Wolfhound
Gintaro, Irish Wolfhound (from Poland)
Desa, our Borzoi
4 Irish Wolfhound puppies, Saturn, Gemini, Delta and Mercury

Offline sarnewfie

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2006, 01:15:23 am »
how old is he? remember, the bladder does not grow as quickly as the outter shell, is he drinking a lot of water? he should be if it is hot, than the elimination is more frequent, at night, when is the last time he goes out to potty? how often does he go during the day?
I also think it is VERY SAD that someone will tell the other gal in this thread to put her newf in the GARAGE!
i am sorry, she still can be in a kennel in the house, how horribly isolated she must feel, i have heard a samiliar story from someone else, and i bet it is the same breeder giving that bad advice out.
can you not put a kennel in the house?
not in your room?
why not?
why isolate her in a garage,where it can get terribly hot inside?
not meant to offend you at all, but the newfoundland dog is not mean to be isolated from the family, they are people orientated and love being by their people
it is heartwrenching when i hear of this happening.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2006, 01:18:22 am by sarnewfie »
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

HarborWinds Newfoundlands&Search and Rescue

Offline ptkennel

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2006, 02:53:19 am »
Lets clarify things here for you that think that I am mean and cruel to my newfie puppy. I have a garage that has been converted into a kennel facility.  There is airconditionin g  or heat whenever the temp changes. There are also dogs in there all the time.  My breeder suggested it so that my newf would know that play time is not in the middle of the night.  She is only out there for sleep purposes, the rest of the time she is right in the house beside or under my feet.  We would NEVER put her in the garage where it is too hot, we know that the breed does not like the heat.  Our Joy sleeps on the aircondioned register in the house, so we know that she gets hot.  She goes to the bathroom before she goes into the kennel fac. around 10-11 and she gets out of the kennel fac. around 6-7.  She has plenty of water there as well and has never soiled in her kennel at night.  She has not been lonely either.
I hope that this helps out the people that were concerned that I am mistreating my newfie, I am not.  I was hoping that the next time things aren't clear, when I post, that you wouldn't assume that my breeder and myself are mistreating my dog.  That is the last thing that I would do. 
Before she went into the kennel fac. she had been in our room.
Anyways, hope this helps.
Joy, Newfoundland
Gabi, Newfoundland
Amy, Irish Wolfhound
Sara, Irish Wolfhound
Gintaro, Irish Wolfhound (from Poland)
Desa, our Borzoi
4 Irish Wolfhound puppies, Saturn, Gemini, Delta and Mercury

Offline sarnewfie

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2006, 03:35:33 am »
Thanx for the explanation, but, i still disagree with your breeder, that is the lazy way out, not cutting YOU down, but HER!
many of us settle the issue by working with our dogs so they can be an integral part of the family and do learn that nighttime is sleepy time, by working with them.
in the garage, they are ignored, alone or with other dogs, they are away from their humans.
i did not say you were mistreating, i am perturbed by the suposed good advice you got.
that is ok, not seen is not heard right?
this to the breeder.
i disagree highly with the way that was handled by her.
a good breeder gives good advice to help you work thru the problems, they do not have you remove them altogether from the situation and the human pack.
i highly disagree, respectfully, not meant to cut you down, but, i also see to many people taking the easy way out of situations, than once said pup turns into the obnoxious teenager, believe me it is coming, i would love to know what advice is given for that.
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

HarborWinds Newfoundlands&Search and Rescue

Offline ptkennel

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2006, 03:55:29 am »
I am just curious what do you suggest we do with her in the middle of the night when she wants to get up to play.  She isn't needing to go to the bathroom, she just wants to play.  I know that she is a puppy, and they have naps, but at night she has to sleep longer than 4 hours.  Any help, different form what I have done, let me know.  Please don't bash my breeder anymore, I respect her and value any and all info. from her.  She lives 3 hours form where we live and all she has given is suggestions to try to help us with our FIRST newfie.  We have a lot to learn i realize, that is why I joined BPO so I would gain some knowledge from you BPOers. :-\
Joy, Newfoundland
Gabi, Newfoundland
Amy, Irish Wolfhound
Sara, Irish Wolfhound
Gintaro, Irish Wolfhound (from Poland)
Desa, our Borzoi
4 Irish Wolfhound puppies, Saturn, Gemini, Delta and Mercury

Offline sarnewfie

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Re: another puddle on the kitchen floor
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2006, 04:11:46 am »
You could put her in a crate at night to sleep in the living room, with the comfort of knowing you are there, eventually the crying stops, yes it is a bit of a headache.
if you get up everytime she cries, you feed her the signals that that is the right thing to do.
ignore her.
if she has accidants she may still need to go out once in the night or twice.
it is a very big responsibility .
i am not bashing, i detest laziness and bad information, it does you the owner no good.
what is the advice for when she gets obnoxious?
did you get her into an obedience class yet? ;)
i highly recommend it, and now! and keep going, socializing her as much as possible.
do not ask her to do something, you give one command, if she doesnt do it, you show her what to do without coddling her.
sit her gently, to lay her down you walk her front legs down.
things of that sort.
make sure the trainer is a good one.
good luck to you.
Photography by Christine FOR ORDERS

HarborWinds Newfoundlands&Search and Rescue