Author Topic: the news was not good  (Read 4369 times)


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the news was not good
« on: August 23, 2006, 05:47:02 am »
I am hoping that someone may have some thoughts or advice for me...

Let me backtrack a little... Some of you know that as of February 2006, I have been off of work.  I was put on medical leave, and eventually was relieved of my teaching position in April.

A year ago, I had to have a root canal re-done due to an infection in my gums.  This infection traveled into my sinuses and settled in my ears.  Over a period of 4 months, I was given several different antibiotics, decongestants, etc. to attempt to treat and clear the infection. 

The doctors finally cleared the infection, but I still was having problems with my ears.  I teach HS Spanish and Spanish for Native Speakers and was unable to hear my students speaking clearly.  When more than 2 or 3 talked at the same time I couldn't tolerate the noise level, and if it was quiet there was a constant ringing in my ears.

I was sent to 2 different ENT's, and a Neuro-otologist (nerves from ears to brain).  Several CT scans, MRI's, and specialized blood tests later, they diagnosed me with bi-lateral hearing loss of 30%, hyperacusis (sensitivity to sound), and tinitus (ringing in the ears). 

I was told that the infection that I had had damaged the interior of my cochlea and the auditory nerve in both ears going to the brain.  There was no "cure" and my hearing would not improve.  They also could not guarantee that it would not deteriorate further.  We tried hearing aids, but they made things louder not clearer and louder was more painful.

I went last week for my 6 month follow up with my ENT.  I had a hearing test done to find out that I have lost another 5%.  Yesterday the Neuro-otologist confirmed that my hyperacusis has also increased. 

They say that there is no way that I can go back teaching in the classroom.  The noise level would be awful.  I'm afraid I have to agree with them.  I carry earplugs in my purse just in case I'm somewhere that could potentially be loud.  I can't listen to the radio or TV past a certain volume.  If I am exposed to a lot during the day, I ususally end up with a headache and the ringing makes it difficult to fall asleep at night.

I am sad - to say the least.  I was so hoping that they would say that something had improved, but I can tell that it really hasn't.  Many thoughts have been going through my mind.  What do I do now?  I have been teaching for 15 years.  Once we move, I will need to find a job.  I guess I need a direction or at least some ideas.

So, I am tapping into the resources that I have available to me.  My hearing loss is what brought me to BPO in February.  LOL - I was looking to occupy my increased amount of free-time.  BPO has become my favorite resource for so many things dog/non-dog related. 

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. that you all might have are greatly appreciated.
with love-

Offline MagicM3

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 06:04:46 am »
WOW I'm not sure what to say to help ??
Have you ever thougt of maybe teaching the hearing impared or deaf.
I hopt that doesn't sound cold,you sound like teaching is a very important part of your life and I don't see why that should end.
We have a big Academy hear in Tucson called,gosh I can't remember but it is huge.

Good teachers are so hard to find and are so important.
I am sure the you will have many challenges to deal with but I am also sure that you will find a way to deal with this hand life has dealt you .

There is a reason for all things.
You are not alone and this may take you in life to places you never thought of going.

Stay positive.

Tricia and the fur kids

Offline Leah-n-boy-os

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 06:10:04 am »
I agree with MagicM3, teaching is a gift, and you could really help.

With your grasp of Spanish, you could be an enormous help to those in the Spanish community who are suffering because they can't hear.

Keep us posted on what you decide, and know that we're pulling for you!
Leah and the Boy-os
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Offline Good Hope

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2006, 06:17:08 am »

Two things come to mind...
1) Tutoring
You are moving to one of the best areas to work as a Spanish tutor. If you can offer services through a private school, you will have no shortage of students.
2) Online tutoring/classes
Look into offering online classes or tutoring to students online. My children take Great Books and Socratic Discussion online. They use PalTalk. It has text and audio. Great thing is only one person can talk at a time. I'd imagine with all the advances in technology, you could have yopur computer enhanced/tweaked with regards to audio to suit your needs and adjusted as necessary.

Also, something sounds odd regarding your continued hearing loss. What is the exact diagnosis? (You can pm me.)I'd like to check into a couple of things. I'm a dentist, practiced for 10 years then retired 5.5 years ago, I still do my CE and am liciensed. Dh is an ophthamologist-retina,  bil is an ENT-plastics, and one of my best friend's dh is a neurosurgeon, so we pretty much have things covered from the neck


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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2006, 06:19:14 am »
You could also check into being a private tutor, then you would only have one student at a time. Or I agree with teaching the deaf. I will keep you in my prayers that God shows you the direction you need to take.

Offline navarre1316

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2006, 06:20:10 am »
I'm so sorry to hear about your hearing loss.  My brother is in a similar boat.  Did your doctor discuss if, in time, the cochlear implants would benifit you?

Also, as to teaching, how about tutoring, I know some places like learning centers may need someone like you.  Have you thought of looking for a job as an interpretur(sp)?  That's pretty much one on one and I know that a lot of companies look for them, as do hospitals.  I know teaching is probably your love, but this can open other doors for you.  Think about it, look into it and maybe you'll find something that fits you.
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Offline brandon

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2006, 07:15:14 am »
You could also work as a trainer in a business envrionment, your teaching skills will come in very handy. It would more likely be in a one-on-one environment teaching new employess how to use software, etc.. that kind of thing.   I'd put together a resume hilighting your teaching proficiency areas, etc and send it to software companies, and the like in the area you will be moving to. 

On the hearing loss.. I can totally relate, but my job doesn't require me to hear very well. I've had a couple of surgeries for cholesteatoma, etc.. it's not fun stuff.
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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2006, 01:24:42 pm »
Oh, Kristi. 

I am so, so, SO sorry. Leaving the classroom was such a wrench for me--and I CHOSE to do it--it must be a hundred times worse to be forced to leave.  :'(  :'(  :'(   I just don't even have words for how sad I am, for you and for those kids who needed you and your heart in their lives.

Tutoring is a great idea, but once you move, also contact the districts around you about being a 'medical leave' teacher. Most districts who have these positions have them under a union contract, so all your teacher benefits and stuff would be the same as if you were still in a regular classroom, even though you'd be going from student to student.  The downside of that job is that most students aren't on medical leave for long enough to really get a rapport going, but the pay would probably about the same as you're used to getting after 15 years in the classroom.

HOWEVER: This may be even BETTER for the immediate future:

After 15 years, I'm sure you have files and files FULL of units, lesson plans, activities, etc. You need to get onto TeachersPayTea, which is kind of a teacher's eBay for lesson plans that I just heard about. You can start dispersing your best units and worksheets, etc. out there for other teachers, particularly new teachers, to use and learn from! Get all your lessons out, re-keyboard them and clean them up, convert them to pdfs and start selling them. Things are about to go to 'slow' time here in my office, and I'm planning on doing just that with some of my literature units, and weekly vocab sets.

If unit and lesson planning are something you like to do, you can still create them for others to enlighten kids with.  I love creating study guides and tests and stuff--I still help Debra do hers.  She hates it. I'm exactly the opposite--I don't mind making up the lessons in the least, it's the correcting I object to. ;)

Now go--get out those files and start figuring out which ones those first year Spanish teachers are going to need when school starts next week!
Sheryl, Dogless and sad

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2006, 01:31:09 pm »
Kristi, I'm so sorry!  You've gotten such good suggestions and I have nothing to add but my support and cheerleading skills.  At least I can add encouragement!

I know you'll find your path and continue to be successful in another area!

Drools, hugs and  :-* :-* :-*

Offline macybean

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2006, 03:32:25 pm »
I don't know if I can add anything here, but I just wanted to send hugs. If you like lesson planning and whatnot, what about working for a textbook company? I'm sorry about your news.


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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2006, 10:12:33 am »
Kristi: I have no words of wisdom....just want you to know I'm thinking of you. 
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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2006, 02:25:18 pm »
Thank you everyone - I have been making notes based on your suggestions!  Please keep them comming - I will explore every option that it placed in front of me.

I also really appreciate your kind thoughts and words of wisdom.
-k. :-*

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2006, 03:11:58 pm »
kristi, I am really sorry you are going through all of this!...But I do believe it true that when a door closes a window opens..Good luck to you. :)

Offline Tspanos

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Re: the news was not good
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2006, 08:29:06 pm »
Hi Kristi this is the first time I've read about your ear problems. Its interesting because my sister in FL has a similiar problem that was attributed to a recurring infection she had. I can't remember what her actual diagnosis was but she has currently lost somethin like 70% in one ear and 5-10% in the other. I wish you luck and have to say everyone is giving wonderful suggestions for you to work from.  Tim & Kali