Author Topic: I'm beginning to think this isn't a housetraining problem....  (Read 2174 times)


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I'm beginning to think this isn't a housetraining problem....
« on: August 18, 2006, 03:48:50 am »
I'm still having issues getting Lola to poop outside.. I'm beginning to wonder what her past was like..

First let me say though she is NOT having any accidents, but I'm not giving her the opportunity to have any. She is never out of my sight. The problem is getting her to potty while she's outside. She will pee no problem 99% of the time. But getting her to poop is almost impossible unless she has to go really bad or she will just hold it. There are days that she will only poop once, meanwhile she's eating 3 times a day, plus treats inbetween. Even when she had diarrhea from the switch to California Natural she held it. I've never seen a pup do this ever..

I'm beginning to wonder if she was disciplined in some way for pooping where she wasn't suppose to before I got her? It's almost like she thinks she's not suppose to poop. As odd as that sounds. :-\

I've tried treats, praise and a combination there of.. but it's not really making any difference. I've even left some of her poop in the yard instead of picking it all up (she always goes in one spot) thinking maybe she'd realize it's ok to poop out here. But nope.. didn't work.

My hubby says I should just be happy that she's not coming in and going on the floor.. But something else has to be going on. Plus it can't be healthy for her to hold it in like that.

I'm completely stumped.. She's been to the vet and had a full checkup.. there is nothing physically wrong with her.

Has anyone here ever seen anything like this before?

Offline PennyK

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Re: I'm beginning to think this isn't a housetraining problem....
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 06:58:19 am »
I'm not sure if it helps any, but ever since he was about 3-4 months, Teddy generally only poops once a day.

I can take him out to pee (which he does right away) and then wait and wait for the other.  I'll take him in and then he's squeeking at the door 10 minutes later to go poop (which he will do right away at THAT time but not 10 minutes before >:(). (yes, my 115# pup squeeks when he needs out ::)) 

Maybe Lola is normal and you are just comparing her to Bubba (who we know has tummy troubles)?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 06:58:39 am by PennyK »
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Re: I'm beginning to think this isn't a housetraining problem....
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2006, 07:03:56 am »
She might have been taught previously to only poop on a walk, as many dogs would prefer not to poop in "their" yard.

Weedsport, NY


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Re: I'm beginning to think this isn't a housetraining problem....
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 12:36:00 pm »
Penny.. that could be. Bubba still goes generally about 6 times a day whether his stool normal or soft. He's always done that.. so maybe I am just used to his schedule.

In my experience puppies are poop and pee machines. Lola has been doing this 'holding her poop thing' since I brought her home at 10 weeks.

I know the breeder was paper training her. When I went up there none of the other puppies that were left had any problems pooping in front of you, lol.. so I decided to call the girl that bought Lola from the breeder to ask her how she was potty training her and the first thing she said to me before I could even ask anything was "I'm not taking her back" OMG... ::) After my initial shock she said that she never disiplined Lola.. Right.. Then why is she hand shy? Ok enough of that before I start venting about this airhead...

Well, I'm hoping this will just resolve on it's own.. If not that's ok.. it will just be one of her little quirks. :D

Forgot to add.. Imani's Mom. I don't think Lola was walked ever. She didn't know what a leash was when I got her.  :-\
« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 12:37:59 pm by Lyn »

Offline NoDogNow

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Re: I'm beginning to think this isn't a housetraining problem....
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2006, 01:34:07 pm »
I've known a non-pooping dogs myself; it's my personal theory that some dogs just don't like to poop.

My great-great aunt Barbara had a springer spaniel that would eat and eat and eat...and poop about every other day, a huge pile, but only about 3-4 times a week.  He would walk away from it as though he'd never seen it before, and the poop's presence was offensive to him. The vet couldn't explain it, the dog was perfectly healthy, lived to be 13 years old, and his whole life, never pooped more than 3-4 times a week!

But consider that maybe she's not pooping because something is hurting her when she does.  When my sister's collie, Zach, first started having problems, she noticed that he wasn't pooping as often; it turned out that he had impacted anal glands.  The vet told her that it must have been agony for him to poo.  After his glands were evacuated (she had it done by the vet tech!) he went back to his normal 2 poop a day schedule.

I know she's only a puppy, but maybe there's something uncomfortable going on for her.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 01:40:08 pm by NoDogNow »
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