Author Topic: puppy backtalking?  (Read 3706 times)

Offline Krystal_00

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puppy backtalking?
« on: September 29, 2006, 06:26:24 am »
Mack has gotten quite the little sass mouth on him lately. if i tell him to do something, or if i tell him "no" or he cant have something i am eating...he barks at me!  its really annoying when i am eating d he sits in front of me(i dont know why he does this...i have never given him anything that i was eating) and i tell him "no" he gets all up and starts barking and backtalking me.

sometimes when he does it he gets really excited and starts barking and jumping up and down...

how do i stop his little sass mouth?  ;D
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Offline clark

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Re: puppy backtalking?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2006, 06:36:01 am »
O.K., I'm probably the worst mom in the world, but my Buddy does this to me sometimes and it absolutely cracks me up!!!  I tell him shhhhhh and then I laugh at him and hug him :)
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Re: puppy backtalking?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2006, 06:38:31 am »
If you just tell him "no" will he stop? Jasmine knows our tone of voice really well, and she knows playing from not playing. When she gets hyper and tries to play and its not a good time we will tell her "jasmine no - lay down" and she usually listens. Anytime she isn't listening and we are having a hard time getting her to do what we ask, we kennel her. It's almost like a time out for her.

Offline Krystal_00

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Re: puppy backtalking?
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2006, 07:05:45 pm »
If you just tell him "no" will he stop? Jasmine knows our tone of voice really well, and she knows playing from not playing. When she gets hyper and tries to play and its not a good time we will tell her "jasmine no - lay down" and she usually listens. Anytime she isn't listening and we are having a hard time getting her to do what we ask, we kennel her. It's almost like a time out for her.

well say, for example im eating something he wants...he will sit there and look at me(he can look all he wants, i have NEVER fed him something i was eating) and he will start like"huffing" his lips..not barking but huffy backtalk(if that makes sense...and i will say "no!" and then he goes full out WOOF WOOF!! its like hes backtalking me for not giving him something!! sassy bugger!!  :D

i know i really is funny, but i try not to laugh cause he thinks its okay if i laugh cause the he gets even more excited and does it more!!

ahhh sassy saint!!
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Offline cosmosmama

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Re: puppy backtalking?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2006, 03:40:48 am »
Cosmo does counter surfing while we are eating.  When we are at the table I use a spray bottle with water.  Cosmo hates it and I have only used it a few times.  Now when he starts I get the bottle and put it between us and he goes to the other room and lays down.  That happened only after some lessons of "Go lay down".
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Re: puppy backtalking?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2006, 07:55:16 am »
HAHA I am dealing with this right now myself...I have a VERY talkative puppers on my hand! She'll just lay there and moan and groan... and if you talk to  her she'll bark and howl at you...not really's usually the malamute (she's a Husky German Shep Mal mix) ROO ROOOR ROOOOOO.

She knows better than to beg or talk back when I have food though...I'll tell her no and she'll lay down and give me the puppy eyes.

Offline Miranda

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Re: puppy backtalking?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2006, 08:04:58 am »
Haha Kingsley's really bad about doing this, especially when he's excited. When I get his leash out, he sits there and does that little in-between bark and howl until we're out the door.
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Offline jabear

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Re: puppy backtalking?
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2006, 08:14:26 am »
I couldn't agree more with Luvmydanes. Bear will sit in front of us when we're eating too and drool everywhere. His eyes never even move away from the plate.  ::) We make him lay down too and that usually stops him but if for some reason it doesn't, he'll mini-bark (kinda like a whisper bark) to let us know he really wants something. At this point, we'll say "no" in a stern voice, say "no beg" and if that doesn't work then he gets the "bad boy! do you want a time out?" which makes him sad and then he sulks. Good luck!
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Offline LittleGrace

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Re: puppy backtalking?
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2006, 10:15:52 am »
Grace does the jumpy/barky thing when she gets excited and it gets to be feeding time.  What worked for us was that we started having her sit or lay down patiently before we feed her and now she automatically sits when I am preparing her food and patiently waits for it.  Once and awhile when my back is turned toward her she will do her "happy dance" but when I turn back she sits again. 

Both of our dogs our beggars sit and stare intently while we eat, but they finally give it up when they realize they are not getting a treat, they also know back it up if they get to close...
Zoe is a grumbler and when shes laying somewhere we don't want her to she'll grumble and huff when we move her.  Â