Author Topic: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy  (Read 12217 times)

Offline kathryn

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2006, 09:09:11 am »
Welcome to the board and congrats on your newfie boy.  I can't help with newfie questions but just wanted to say hi.
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Offline kenthunder2

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2006, 04:23:55 pm »
Glad you are finding this site helpful. I too am a new member and am learning all kinds of things. When Thunder was younger, he would play the "not getting up" game. I found it to be a test of wills. When he would refuse to get up, I'd gently put my hand under him and coax him up. After a while he learned that no matter how long he stayed there, I would not go away until he did as I requested. The problem slowly disappeared. As for water dishes.Yes, Newfies love to spill water all over and get into it. I finally got a heavy, squatty, ceramic bowl that doesn't tip. Works great.
We had to put Thunder, our 7 year old Newf down the other day due to cancer, so we're feeling the loss of our boy at the moment. Hoping to get another Newf in the near future. We absolutely love the breed and need at least one in our lives at all times!! We've had Labs, Saints and Newfs. Loved them all, but there's something very special about the Newfs.
Good luck and welcome to this amazing site.


Offline marinafb

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2006, 08:58:37 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I have a english mastiff and i put a bucket in the tub for all 3 of mine to drink out of. They love fresh running water what are you going to do ? I do my best to keep them happy! Marina
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Offline FumbsAuntie

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2006, 11:44:39 pm »
I don't think he lays down because he is tired... it almost seems like the minute he feels a tug and realizes he is on a leash is when he lays down.  We've been afraid to walk away.. don't know if he'll just leave town!

I'm Jaime by the way and have a 4 year old Newf named Bear. Sometimes when he refuses to move I just tell him that I'm leaving and will "see ya later". He usually gets sad and runs after me. Another trick I use to get his big booty to move is to ask him if he wants to race. I know, sounds dumb right? I swear though, the minute I say it he looks at me and we run and run. Sadly, I always lose.  ;D
Jamie thats exactly what eiren and i do, when he wont come we eventually just say "Bye" and start walking away, boy he doesnt like that! and then we race too! when we get to the end of the street, I say "ON your mark get set.... GO" and he is off!! TOo bad its hard to race/run with a barralling newf that couldnt walk in a straight line non the less run!! HAHAHHAHA

HI! Im stacy Fumbles Aunt. Fumble is 15 mths and is a big brat right now. When he was a puppy he used to just lay down too. not really anymore, since after training though. In regards to that, the trainer had us purchase a pinch collar. I hated it because Eiren made me be the first one to put it on him and take him for a walk, and it killed me. Even though everyone said that it didnt hurt. But ever since we got it and started using it, Fumble won't stop going! it also helps when he is "Investigating" the brush for a very long time, i just tell him to leave it and try to continue walking, usually ending up putting all my body weight into a little tug to get him to move along. the most important thing is to not yank the pinch collar though, let it be a natural walk and if he stops and you continue he just gets a little umph to go.. thats always a possibility.
He looks like a beauty, Please post more pictures!! :)

Offline DoberBaby17

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2006, 02:39:53 am »
My brothers lab used to spill his water all the time. He bought a food storage bin that has the bowls attached. Its a big snap top doggie bone, and you just set the bowls on top and turn them to lock into place. The dog would have to flip the whole tub to spill the water!! Not sure how air-tight the bin is for food, but you can store toys and other goodies in there too. I hate stepping in water when I'm walking around the house in my socks!!

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Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2006, 02:55:59 am »
Well Harley isn't a Newf but he is a flat coated retriever which has newf back in the ancensorty (sp) and he definately has the water gene.  We have a lake in our kitchen most days - with winter coming I hate having wet socks - yuck - we have his bowl on a big throw rug but he just dunks his face and jowls and walks away!!

Also, we had a Norweign Elkhound years ago her name was Margo she weighed close to 50 pounds - well we were walking and she just laid down arms and legs outstretched and wouldn't move - if I pulled I would just drag her.  Well I am originally from Long Island and may not be the most trusting soul in the world and we moved to Elmira NY quite a small town with lovely people!!  Anyway, you couldn't believe how many people stopped to offer a hand or a ride home but being distrustful I carried the 50 pounder down the main stretch thru town and all the way home!!



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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2006, 04:05:24 am »
Well Harley isn't a Newf but he is a flat coated retriever which has newf back in the ancensorty (sp) and he definately has the water gene.  We have a lake in our kitchen most days - with winter coming I hate having wet socks - yuck - we have his bowl on a big throw rug but he just dunks his face and jowls and walks away!!

Also, we had a Norweign Elkhound years ago her name was Margo she weighed close to 50 pounds - well we were walking and she just laid down arms and legs outstretched and wouldn't move - if I pulled I would just drag her.  Well I am originally from Long Island and may not be the most trusting soul in the world and we moved to Elmira NY quite a small town with lovely people!!  Anyway, you couldn't believe how many people stopped to offer a hand or a ride home but being distrustful I carried the 50 pounder down the main stretch thru town and all the way home!!


Oh my gosh! My Norwegian (maybe) Elk Hound does this when she doesn't want to go outside for potty breaks, like if its "cold" or stormy, or she just doesn't want to (all day!!) Its starting to drive my family insane, we laugh about it, but its a chore to get her out sometimes...


Offline Newf Lover

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2006, 07:01:03 am »
First off, good for you for taking in a Newf in need rather than getting a puppy, there are so many great Newfs out there that need homes.  As for getting a stubborn Newf off the ground, (I never heard what you named him????) sometimes it just takes some firmness.  Drake likes to put on the brakes if he thinks we're not taking him where he wants to go.  I grab him by the collar and be very firm with him, a "NO!"  helps as well.  You gotta get  his attention and let him know that behaviour is not acceptable.  He's an intelligent Newf, he'll understand.  Grabbing the collar, not yanking or choking, and a firm voice is usually all we need to do to get Drake to hop to.  As soon as he corrects his behaviour, we praise him and give him a little jerky!  ;)  Good luck with your Newf!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 07:02:11 am by Newf Lover »
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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2006, 07:13:21 am »
Hey! welcome!!! I just read about your Newf. he is hilarious!!! What a fun boy. hehe!

I'm Nicole, and I'm guardian of Cabeza, a Newf/Chow mix, and soon to be Dewey, a Saint.

I just wanted to respond to your harness question. From what I understand about harnesses, they can actually induce your dog to pull you, because their chest is where they do the work of pulling. Now, I realize that his problem isn't pulling...haha ..quite the opposite. But, if he does decide to get up and walk, his big butt might pull you hard! Just a suggestion.

Offline ptkennel

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2006, 10:55:10 am »
Hows it goin?  I have a newf also, she is almost 8 months old.. We bought stainless steel buckets with hooks on them to hang in her kennel, works great for newfies, she was also one  to step in her dish, but not since  we got the buckets.  You can get them in an assortment of sizes.  They are great.  We leave the door open in her kennel and she can drink whenever.  Also the mess, form the offspray stays somewhat in the kennel (where a blanket or towel mops it up nicely)Hope this helps
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Offline mynameislola

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2006, 05:01:45 pm »
Our newfie, Cody, is almost 2 and has finally learned to walk when necessary.  Before he learned that, I would carry an extra leash along and get it under his tummy and lift with it to get him up.  After a few times I just had to show him the extra leash to get him up.  Now I can wave the end of his usual leash at him and he moves.

His outdoor water bucket sits in a old tire.  He can't tip it or lift it.

Yours sounds like a cutie.
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Offline sarnewfie

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Re: Newly adopted 1 1/2 year old newfie boy
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2006, 02:13:40 am »
i would only start out with short walks, very short, does he like the car? if so drive him to the spot, it might be more interesting and less scary, remember, he may not have been exposed to any of the sights of the city, kept locked in his yard.
i recommend Synorgen, made by wysong.
i also would get him down in weight to where you can EASILY feel his ribs without pressing to feel, most vets want to see them 10 pounds heavier than what i do.
i also would do the excersise to his tolerance till you  can build up the muscle.
it is sad to hear he was not cared for.
thank you for taking him in!
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