Author Topic: Questions about my pups behavior???  (Read 1132 times)

Offline 2dogmom

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Questions about my pups behavior???
« on: November 08, 2006, 02:13:33 pm »
So, Nova, my 11 week old pit mix pup has been doing some things that I have questions about.

First, she has destroyed 3 pairs of my jeans, two of them brand new. She gets ahold of them, and within 5 minutes she eats the ENTIRE crotch out of them. I know, its disgusting!! Not to mention its costing me. I may as well let her eat cash!! I know, I know, I should just keep them out of her reach.

Second, she is doing GREAT with the potty training. She still poops when Im at work, but I understand because I know shes not old enough to hold it for that long yet. My question is should I still leave food out for her during the day? Gus eventually trained himself not to eat until Im home b/c he knows that he cant potty otherwise. I know that you're suppose to leave food out all the time until they're one year old. At least thats what I have been told.

Thirdly, and this goes for both my dogs. When we are outside, neither of them are on leashes. They do great until another person comes walking up. I live in an apartment so other people are pretty common. Both of them run as fast as they can to the person and bark at them. Now, neither of them would ever bite anyone, and most people dont care, but there is the occasional person that screams bloody murder and acts like they are going to die. SO...what should I do? I I say nonononono.... but that really doesnt work. They listen to me in every other case but this one. HELP!! Im afraid someone is going to either report me or kick one of them (Id have to hurt someone) or something. I know the simple solution is to leash them but I really dont want to do that and am exploring every other optio first.

Thanks guys, youre the greatest!