Author Topic: Advice please!  (Read 5780 times)

Offline fullsizetrucks

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Advice please!
« on: February 13, 2007, 08:29:33 pm »
Alright, here is the situation....I am what you would call a push over.  I have the big bark of the alpha in the house, but when it comes to problem behavior I have no idea how to stop it.  The latest straw was this is cold and muddy outside, so I let the puppers stay in the house while we ran out for some errands.  They had been in most of the day, and there were no messes or anything, so I was feeling confident.  I came home this evening to find one of my down pillows shredded all over the living room, dining room and most of the way up the stairs.  Every treat in the house that could have been reached was gone, and now I can't punish because no one will know what they are getting in trouble for.  What do I do?  I know that there are tons of people who leave their dogs in the house when they go out....why can't I be one of those people?  I don't want to kennel just to keep them in the house, but when it is muddy and nasty like this, the 30-45 mins that it takes just to towel all of the mud off of everyone is a pain in the rear!  How do I stop the chewing?  I hate to say it, but I think that Harley is the instigator, and the boys follow her lead.  I want them to have free reign of the house, but now I feel like I have to have her in my sights at all times.  HELP!!!
Big dogs make a house a home.
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Harassed mother of one 2 legged kid, and three 4 legged spoiled brats!

Offline macybean

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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 08:46:48 pm »
I used to come home to crazy messes like that. Sadie is crate trained, but I would try to leave her out. Riley barked like a madman in the crate (all day everyday according to neighbors who only told me when I asked). I decided to baby gate them in the kitchen at my old place, which worked well. Now, I baby gate them in my bedroom. They will occasionally de-fluff one of Sadie's "babies", but only when they are already falling apart (I don't think Sadie would ever dream of actually tearing a stuffed animal apart; she's looked very anxiously while other dogs have torn at her babies, then taken them when all is clear and cleaned them up/licked them silly).

I don't give them roam of the house yet, except for short periods of time. Actually, Saturday morning, Sadie left the bedroom-we were sleeping and I leave it open for the cats to come and go-and chewed up my iPod earphones that were on the entertainment armoire (on a shelf at her height, as is the ipod... so it's a good thing she didn't grab that, though it's hooked in one of those ihome things). She only broke one ear bud, so maybe she broke it and thought "uh-oh" and dropped it... I can hope, can't I? LOL Anyway, we have the occasional mishap still, so in order to avoid shredded books or DVD's (about the only other thing at their height), I keep them in the bedroom. They can jump or knock down the baby gate, but they don't. Heck, Riley could probably step right over it, since it's one of the little ones.

I guess that's not really an answer... just empathy. I wish I could just leave them out, too!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2007, 08:50:14 pm by macybean »

Offline fullsizetrucks

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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2007, 09:10:41 pm »
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone!  I think that I will be investing in a baby gate tomorrow and giving that a try.  I just have to choose a place to block them into.  The thing with providing them with their own stuffies/chewies for their alone time, is that it causes arguments.  I don't want a Yukon/Dodge battle over a toy while I am gone!  I could come back to a lot worse than a shredded pillow!

You know the funny part....after I had it all cleaned up, I was peeved that I didn't think to take pictures!!! 
Big dogs make a house a home.
Be nice, you are God to your Dog.

Harassed mother of one 2 legged kid, and three 4 legged spoiled brats!


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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2007, 07:59:31 am »
Oh Paige you are so NOT alone! I totally understand what you are going through.. I have a "pillow eater" and her name is ELLIE! If I forget to close my bedroom door each time I leave, A massacre of the stuffing kind takes place...

Baby gating works really well... if they cant get to the trouble, they cant get in trouble...lolĀ  ;D

« Last Edit: February 14, 2007, 08:00:33 am by EllieAndBlu »

Offline bluskygirl

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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2007, 10:32:05 am »
Do you think it's the dog, on an individual basis?  I often wonder because as a kid we had two Golden's and a Sheppard/Collie mix (and literally about 8-9 other dogs at varying times) who ALWAYS stayed in the house, but never did anything in the house. They were "perfect".  But with my other dog Pepper, I only left her out at night while I slept, and the little bugger once or twice a week would find something to tear up.  Usually paper, magazines, etc. I never could figure out how to get past that, and felt like I should be able to since historically I had several dogs who were trustworthy at home.

Bella is in her crate during the day, but I'm considering moving her up to the "gated kitchen arena", because I took her to my sisters house over the weekend and I put her in Laura's kitchen (Cant' fit the dog AND the crate in my car  ::)). To my surprise, she was an angel. This made me wonder if it's the individual dog's personality, and maybe you just have to manage it... meaning there's no way to train a dog to behave while you're gone? I don't really know if it's a trainable thing, and I wonder about that.
Bella- Smooth Coat Saint
Piston- grouchy kitty
Jupiter- Scaredy Cat

Offline arkydo

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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2007, 10:54:32 am »
We have to crate Chav also, because he's a pound puppy he get seperation anxiety and he destroys every thing we even have to move anything away from th crate he cant have a blanket or anything cuz he shreds it all.
It sucks cuz i hate leaving a dog in a cage while we go out especially when the younger one Arkyd has never destroyed anything while we were out he just see our absence as his time to be on the couch.
I don't know how to stop it because it happens when you're not there and dogs live in the moment so shouting at them for something they did and hour ago is only gonna scare em.

Offline fullsizetrucks

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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2007, 08:42:58 pm »
Well, I am at a loss right now because I just measured the space going into my kitchen, and there is no way that they make baby gates that long.  I was thinking of the spare room, but there is really not alot of space in there for all three.  I was thinking of using 3 gates, one at bottom of the stairs, one between the kitchen and dining room, and one between the dining room and living room, but all of the doorways are extra wide.  Heck, they aren't even "doorways".  The thing is that I only worry when it is cold and wet outside.  We have the big backyard that they love to run and play in, I was just trying to save me the mud, and provide them with some comfort, especially with spring coming.  But heck, 3 kennels that size would engulf my dining room, not to mention that is a guaranteed 8 hours locked up. 

I completely agree with not wanting resent the dogs in the future.  And I know now for sure that the "play" is instigated by Harley.  Next to nothing got chewed prior to her coming home.  Now it is a little something every other day.  Never anything major, just some small thing we notice, until the pillow of course!! ;)  I blame myself, because I should have known that the 3 Stooges would reek havoc!! ::)

Well, thanks again everyone for letting me know I'm not alone, and that I am not failing somewhere as a dog mom.  And if anyone has any ideas for the oversized "doorways", it would be GREAT to block them into the dining room!!!
Big dogs make a house a home.
Be nice, you are God to your Dog.

Harassed mother of one 2 legged kid, and three 4 legged spoiled brats!

Offline fullsizetrucks

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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2007, 08:51:50 pm »
Yea, but he is at sea for the next 3 1/2 months!!! 

I thought of something like that too, but was concerned about the stability of the center.  One well placed paw from our polka dotted pony, and house roaming could be re-established!
Big dogs make a house a home.
Be nice, you are God to your Dog.

Harassed mother of one 2 legged kid, and three 4 legged spoiled brats!


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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2007, 09:24:57 pm »
Oh Boy I can sooooooooooooo ooooo relate right now. I feel the same way right now.Yes,it is with Rosie. We have been tring to give her more time out of the crate. I want to get so we don't crate her at all(cross fingers--knock wood). The first day was problem....sec ond day...ate Lexis boot..the whole toe right off. There was no fixing that one. It was an ugg style boot. There was foam and fluff ALL over the place. 

When I leave I have to make sure all the stuff is picked up and ALL the doors are closed because if Rosie ever got locked in a room she would destroy the carpet or door to get out ( this we have experienced  :-\) Live and learn

Rosie is our Houdine... no baby gate that I have found yet can hold her ::)

I have seen baby gates that you can buy extensions for.... we have one called was at sears. Made of has a gate that opens within the gate too. Rosie figured out how to open that though ::)

I find if she has lots of chewy toys she does much better. I understand your concern with the other 2 as well.

I wish you luck, sorry I don't have any great suggestions... I will definatly be checking back on this post..for


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« Last Edit: February 14, 2007, 09:31:31 pm by Icerotti »

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Advice please!
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2007, 08:55:46 am »
Must be the name Harley - our Harley would sneak up to my daughters room and shake her beanie babies until the seams would break and there would be beans EVERYWHERE he isn't allowed upstairs anymore  :P.

We crate trained Harley and at about 2 years old let him out - he seems to be behaving (if you call sleeping on my couch behaving!)

We did have one of the large gates that you could add onto at our other house for our kids, it worked well but was expensive.

Best of luck

Randy & Harley