Author Topic: how sick, must see for aquarium keepers here  (Read 1958 times)

Offline schelmischekitty

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how sick, must see for aquarium keepers here
« on: March 15, 2007, 01:04:38 pm »
tattooed fish are being sold now from singapore.  they use a laser to tattoo (sp?) things on the sides of fish, apparently you can even get them custom done.  also, as a side note, the little clear fish with blue purple, pink, and green streaks in them are injected with dye, as are some parrot fish.  the dye causes them to sometimes be really sick, and die earlier than non-injected fish.
steffanie in atlanta

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Re: how sick, must see for aquarium keepers here
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2007, 02:32:13 am »
Awww, that's so sad.  I have seen the streaky neon fish, but I didn't know that's how they got like that!  :o

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: how sick, must see for aquarium keepers here
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 02:36:25 am »
i felt sick when i saw a picture of one tattooed that has "i 'heart' you" on both sides.  people are so selfish, they don't think about what those poor fish are feeling.  one guy that got interviewed (not sure if it was this article) said "fish have no feelings."  how can you be so cold.  i know the neon green, pink, and blue parrot fish are also dyed.  i know they haven't started with the tattooed fish here yet, so i figured i'd get the word out before they started getting even more popular.  people can be so cruel, but ignorance is the worst type of cruelty sometimes.
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Offline ZooCrew

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Re: how sick, must see for aquarium keepers here
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2007, 01:07:55 pm »
that is just wrong.  I heard about this awhile ago and it makes no sense to me.
there are freshwater fish that already have polka dots on them and there are some that come in neon colors that don't need to be tattooed or dyed.
And there are many many other fish that are being dyed besides parrots.
And there are other means of injecting fish which some think is more "humane".  For instance, I think they're called glowlight danios or something like that.  Danios that come in neon bright pinks greens and oranges.  They get that way after being injected with sea anenome DNA (supposedly)
You have to wonder how many of the fish die while going thru the procedures to do these kinds of things.  They are so sensitive the way it is that of those that survive, I'm sure a percentage of those also get infections and die from stress.
It really is a sad, sad practice.

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: how sick, must see for aquarium keepers here
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2007, 02:35:24 am »
When i was first getting into the fish a few years back, i really loved parrot fish (i still think they are very cute). and we got a blood parrot,a nd i loved him to peices. then the pet store that i worked at had got, by accident, this ugly purple heart shaped parrot... he was there for quite a while, and nobody bought him, so i did a trade at work, a bunch of baby guppies (which we were just breeding to feed to our fish eaters, mean, i know... but this way they had a life...) and we took the parrot home... When we got home, in a whole new aquarium with more fish, more room and alot better foods, his color started to change. he got alot bigger, alot uglier, and he wasnt purple at all. infact he was a beautifull copper orange color. Now, why ANYONE would chage the color of this fish was beyond me. i was sooo happy to see his true color come...  but, sadly i rehomed him. and i havent any clue what he looks like now. im sure hes gorgeous. he now lives with a tattoo artist who's hobby is aquariums lol. i gave him and my 8inch shark and 6inch PimCat to him, in trade for half priced tattoo! LOL
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