Author Topic: Very worried.. could use prayers.  (Read 2050 times)

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Very worried.. could use prayers.
« on: May 03, 2007, 07:53:14 pm »
About 18 months ago, my parents gained custody of a 4 year old abused and neglected child. They are his mother's aunt and uncle (meaning his mother is my cousin). She abandoned Dev in NY while fleeing police, and my parents stepped in to fight for him to be returned to the family, and then took him in.

Since they have had him, Dev has turned into a phenominally intelligent, outgoing, social and loving little boy. When he first came he was very sickly, not even potty trained, skittish (he had been abused pretty much every way possible) and had had absolutely no chance to learn anything normal 4 year olds know. For instance, he didn't know any colors, shapes and had a poor vocabulary (that wasn't curse words)

Now he is a tall, beautiful child, who has a great spirit. he is so darn smart, and is doing really well in school. He loves animals, particularly fish, and has expressed interest in being a marine biologist. He is active in sunday school and the church, plays sports, has friends and pets and loves life.

In the 18 months that they have had him, they NEVER spoke bad about his mother. I remember he was terrified of policemen (his mother having taught him that they take people away and lock them up forever) well my husband (at the time) was a police officer, so this had to change. We took him to HQ, where he met some very kind and generous police officers and got to sit in a cruiser and turn the sirens on and off. At first he was terrified, and the first thing he said to the police officer kneeling in front of him holding out his hand to get a high-five was "Are you the ones that took my mommy?" the officer instantly teared up and said no, that he only takes away bad people. Well, anyone who has kids knows that the next question would be: "Was my mommy a bad person?" I told him that no, his mommy was NOT a bad person, but sometimes good people make bad mistakes.

However, over a year passed with no contact (No letter, phone call, card, present etc) from his mother. Dev slowly stopped calling his mother "mom", reffering to her by her first name. He calls my parents mom and dad. My parents let him make this choice, and didn't encourage him either way.

His mother was eventually found, arrested and charged, and released. She was sentenced to 5 years in jail but was released in 4 months. She took off again and disapeared for several months, finally reapearing at her mothers house and agreeing to go into rehab.

She will be getting out of Rehab at the end of the month, and has told my parents she wants her son back. My parents are very torn, because of the condition they found him in, and the fact that Dev has said over and over again "Can I stay here forever?" and "I dont want to ever go back to Nanna's house" (Where he lived with his mom)

My parents have legal custody of him, but his mother still has her maternal rights, as she refused to sign away those rights when she was arrested.

To gain full legal guardenship will require a court battle with his mother, which my parents are not sure is right. They are struggling with the decision, because she is his mother, but has proven unfit.

This has been weighing heavily on my family's mind for several weeks now. As her release date gets closer, we can only hope she does what is best for her child, which IMHO is to sign her rights away, and walk away. She has still, not once, contacted her son.

Please, I'd like to if its not too much to ask, ask for well wishes and prayers for my parents in making this decision, and for the correct decision to be made by all involved. They just want whats best for Dev.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2007, 02:02:34 pm by whiskeyandsake »

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Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Very worried.. could use prayers.
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 08:16:14 pm »
Oh my goodness, what an awful dilemma for your parents.  It sounds like your parents have put Devon's needs and happiness ahead of their own all along, and isn't that the true meaning of love? I will pray for wisdom & strength  for them and for the best possible outcome for Devon. Though I have to say that IMHO it sounds like he has an awesome home and wonderful parents with your family now.  Kids are so smart and the fact that he wants to stay with your parents tells me where he is happiest.  You will all be in my prayers.

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

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Offline Fumble

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Re: Very worried.. could use prayers.
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 11:32:40 pm »
This is Stacy, Fumbles Auntie :)

I just wanted to commend your parents on what they have done! As a person who works with behavioral children, primarily due to family trauma such as devons, it takes parents like yours to really make a difference!! They are the true angels of the world!!
I am praying that he will remain where he wants to be. His mother does not seem like a consistant person and might not follow through with her promises. But if she does, and if it goes to that next step, Im sure the court system will look at the progress dev has made ( and in trauma cases that have been removed, he is an ALL STAR! with all that you mentioned, a lot of other children are affected with a lot of behavioral problems) and the Court should see that!!
You are in my prayers and I wish you and your family the best of luck. Pleaes keep me posted!! I have tender spots for familys that make a change!! :)
"My newfoundlands live my life as passionately as i live theirs"
"I slip the hater of what i've become.  they slip the halter of what they've been, and we live together, passionately, changed"
-Both from "in the company of newfies"


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Re: Very worried.. could use prayers.
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2007, 01:01:34 am »
Thanks so much for the kinds words everyone. Stacy- he does have behavioral problems, but my parents have him in with an excellent therapist and also, he is in an incredibly tight knit chuch community, and he has become VERY stable that way. When he first came to us, he broke our hearts, he would sometimes just blurt things out that shocked us.

*****warning, what im about to write is VERY shocking/heartbreaking, so dont read further if you dont want to*******

To illustrate. First week that we had him, my mom was watching him play with a litter of puppies that we had (She was being very careful because she wasn't sure how he would handle them) My husband and I were in the other room with my dad. Mom said Devin picked one of the pups up and began to lightly (like play) spank the puppy. Immediatly, mom sat down next to him to take the puppy away and explain why we dont spank animals. When she asked him why he was spanking her, he started crying and said "Puppies been bad, puppy needs to be punished" then immediatly followed it with "STOP CRYING AND TAKE IT LIKE A MAN!"

A few months later I had him in the womans bathroom at the mall, and he was in the stall going to the bathroom, while I stood infront. he was chatting happily with the woman in the stall next to him, who was talking back (you know how 4 year olds are) "hi my name is devin, whats your name, how old are you, etc etc" she was being very nice and talking back, and when they came out she introduced Devin to her mother who was standing there. Devin said, very cute "Your too old to have a mother!" we all laughed, Devin washed his hands and then asked the woman if she had a daddy. The woman said yes, her daddy is out in the mall. Devin then said, very mater of factly: "Well I have a mother, and her name is ....*.... and I have a father and his name is ....*.... and on day my daddy cut my mommies finger off with a knife." (Names left out on purpose.)

There are countless more stories, but these are the worst to me. He also has permenant scars on his back from belt buckles.

I want them to fight, but I remind myself that it is not my place to push them to take up this battle. They want what's best for Devin, and it's very hard for them to grasp the idea of taking him away from his mother if she is willing, but also, they don't trust her, and never will again. At this time, as far as they are concerned, Dev is THEIR son. I hope that they understand soon that even if she SAYS she wants him back, she isn't a willing mother, and never has been.

*sighs* oh this just gets me so upset writting about it.  :'(  :'(  :'(
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 01:02:28 am by whiskeyandsake »

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Re: Very worried.. could use prayers.
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2007, 07:50:41 am »
Thank you everyone, again for the kind words

Holly, thanks so much for sharing your experiences and advice, im going to forward your reply to my parents

Shawn and her
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