Author Topic: Why Am I Such a Shmuck??? (NDR)  (Read 2294 times)


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Why Am I Such a Shmuck??? (NDR)
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:01:59 pm »
I think I've ruined every single surprise that Eric has ever planned for me, seriously. It's a good thing we don't know the sex of our little one as I'm sure I'd find a way to ruin that too!!! ::)

First let me explain one of the biggest surprises I've ruined, then I'll get to the latest. Eric and I have been together for over 12 years now. When he was thinking of proposing we were still a little bit into the "bar scene" with our friends. Well every year we'd go on a big Halloween pub crawl out here (Halloween is one of my favs), we love dressing up. There would be about 40 of us that would go, it was such a blast every year. Well, apparently Eric was planning to propose to me at one of the bars within the pub crawl, but he was planning it so that all of our friends would be there (standing in a circle around us) to witness it... So it was about a week before the pub crawl and we were watching TV or a movie (can't remember) anyhow someone on the show proposed to his girlfriend on Halloween at a party. I said "that would be silly, to propose on Halloween, wouldn't it?" Eric was like "why?" and I was like "I don't know, I just wouldn't want the witches' holiday to be the day I was proposed too...sort of bad luck". Ya - so I wrecked Eric's proposal, he didn't go through with it at the pub crawl as planned. GOSH, I'm bad!!! ::) :P

So yesterday Eric got home from work (and I spent all afternoon sorting and organizing baby clothes). At first I had them sorted by color but yesterday I decided to sort them by size (as that makes more sense). Anyhow as soon as he walked in the door I drug him upstairs to show him what I had done. He was smirking at me, I was like "what, what's going on?" and he said "oh nothing". Then he was hungry so I drug him downstairs to keep me company while I cooked dinner. He said "I'm just going to go check my email for a minute" and I was like "no, please keep me company, I missed you today"! Again, he couldn't stop smirking. I was like "what, what's going on Eric, I know something is up with you"?! And then he said "ok, ok, FINE"! and pulled something out of his pocket... I said "oh no, am I ruining a surprise"? He said "sort of, I was going to surprise you by leaving the box somewhere in the house where you'd stumble on it tomorrow"... I said "well still do it, I'll act like I don't know" and he said "no, I want you open it now, and as if you wouldn't get it out of me by the end of the night anyhow"!

So, I opened it up and he got me diamond earrings as a "I'm so proud of you for being such a trooper and can't wait to meet the baby we made together" present. How sweet is he? I can't believe I spoilt yet another surprise! GOSH, I'm bad!!! ::) :P But they're beautiful, I love them  :-*

If I remember correctly, Icerotti (Michelle) suggested diamond earrings as a "push present" a while back, how coincidental!!! :D ;) ;D
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 10:06:57 pm by k2campbell »


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Re: Why Am I Such a Shmuck??? (NDR)
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2007, 10:48:51 pm »
Awwwww that is so sweet.  That is so funny that you got the diamond
I bet by the end of the delivery you could guilt a matching necklace out of him....just kidding... ;)

Now get going on that baby I have tonight at


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Re: Why Am I Such a Shmuck??? (NDR)
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 10:51:37 pm »
How incredibly sweet!  Eric is a keeper for sure! 
Now its time to put your new earings on and get to delivering that baby!  ;D

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Re: Why Am I Such a Shmuck??? (NDR)
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 11:22:22 pm »
AWWWWWW!!!  Eric is such a sweetie!   :-*

At least you accidentally ruin surprises.  I badger people until they relent and tell me what is going on, which I'm told isn't as charming. ;)

ya i get that too...but it's not like im twisting their arm behind them or anything ::)
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Re: Why Am I Such a Shmuck??? (NDR)
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2007, 11:56:22 pm »
What a great guy. I end up acidently ruining most of my hubby's surprises too. It must be a girl thing. :)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 11:57:01 pm by zchic »
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