Author Topic: Today I went to the mingle with the mutts  (Read 958 times)

Offline zchic

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Today I went to the mingle with the mutts
« on: July 15, 2007, 04:18:35 am »
The franklin Co. Ohio animal shelter has a mingle with the mutts 2 times a month. I went today to volunteer at the Harlequin Haven Dane rescue booth. They don't bring any danes their for adoption, but the other volunteer had her 2 boy danes that she adopted with her. There were soooo many dogs there. the shelter is jammed packed I think the sign said they have like 300+ dogs there, plus there were many groups there. I saw Saints, dobbies, basset hounds, mutts, labs....and on and on. HH gave me a shirt with their logo on it. :) My son was with me, he is 5 and was not happy standing there for 2 hours... I forgot chairs, and his nintendo DS. Anyway I plan on going next time, and maybe if "Gwen" comes to live with me she will go. Thorn doesn't do well in crowds.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 05:44:13 am by zchic »
Mom to:
Thorn- 8 year old fawn male dane
Morgayne- Wolfhound pup
Gracie- Merelequin (deaf) dane pup

1996-2007 best friend, I miss you girl.