Author Topic: OMG! : ' (  (Read 3372 times)

Offline schelmischekitty

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OMG! : ' (
« on: August 28, 2007, 05:19:32 pm »
ok.  so all of you are well aware of my situation with my doctor.  well, hubby and i agreed i would see him ONE more time to see what happened and we'd go from there.  well, today was that one more time.  i went in at 9:05 for my 9:15 apt. and he wasn't even there.  not until 9:30 did he walk through the door and came in without any equipment or anything in the room that he needed.  i agreed to be open about talking to him more about getting induced, etc, as my hubby said i was just over reacting from all the hormone changes.  yeah.  that didn't happen, because my doctor didn't remember anything about it!!  i was supposed to get a pelvic exam today and set a firm date for the induction.  according to him, i'm ONLY 35 weeks?!?!  he didn't do a pelvic, he didn't do anything except check her heartbeat again.  the baby / i haven't been checked in almost a month now regardless of the fact i keep bringing up to him that i only feel her move about 1-3 times a day, IF THAT!  he doesn't realize i'm supposed to be 38 weeks along (though my US says i'm not due until the 21/24 of sept, but the radiologist said it could be up to 3 weeks off), nor does he remember anything about me!  even with my charts RIGHT in front of his face.  he was acting super loopy again today, and told me the same thing i've heard the past 3 times now.  "well, you'll be 36 weeks next week, so we'll do a pelvic and we'll see what's going on and i'll tell you when everything will be about ready to be over with"...  it's the exact same phrase EVERY week, and i'm always at the same week (35 weeks along for almost a month now ???).  i even told the doctor "but i'm supposed to be 38 weeks along this week!"  (yes, i kind of snapped, but COME ON!) to which he replied, well the further you get the smaller you'll measure, but you're 35 weeks along right now...  hubby went pale and then he turned purple.  literally.  he's irate.  i'm so over the both of them (hubby and doctor), i told hubby i wanted a new doctor, to which he replied he's going to call my dr and talk to him and then he'll call tricare.  i snapped again and told him i didn't want this loony bin to deliver maya, and definately not to do a partial on me and bluntly asked him, "what happens if because of his lack of memory he kills one of us!!"  hubby's attitude kind of changed then and the longer after my apt. it got, the madder he got.  my mom was waiting for a date so she could get vacation to come up here and help, but now that's out the window.  she flipped when i told her what all was going on. 

anybody near east point atl have a good ob/gyn recommendation that isn't too far away?!?!
steffanie in atlanta

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Offline Ali

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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2007, 05:24:04 pm »
What a nightmare!!!!! Holy cow!!!!! Good luck finding a new doc ASAP. Try to find a lady doc. I'm telling ya - a mechanic who's never driven a car.....
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Offline Sillygoose

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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2007, 05:25:59 pm »
OMG! Get rid of the witch doctor and try and get someone who knows what they are doing. What is wrong with this guy? Is he old? Or is he taking too much of his own prescribed drugs?  Good luck to you. I hope you find someone soon.

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2007, 05:35:33 pm »
i don't know WHAT his deal is!  he's 64 years old, and has been in practice since 1977.  he did all of his training at emory university (i'm not sure, is that a good college?) and specializes in infertility.  you'd think after all these years he'd know a little something?  maybe??  everybody gives him good references, so maybe it's just my bad luck?  he really makes me uncomfortable, and has from the get go, but then again he is my first civilian doctor except dr hoover who works with my WHOLE family at home.  but that was before i got married and had kids.  hubby is clueless when it comes to picking doctors, and he did this time because i needed to get in right THEN because of some stuff going on.
steffanie in atlanta

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Offline navarre1316

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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2007, 05:52:37 pm »
A friend of mines sister lives in Atl, I don't know where though I'll try to find out for you today.  Unfortunately I may not know anything until tomorrow, I have to work all day and I work in a restaurant so I can't use the phone!!!!  But I'll try.  I'd call tricare and tell them first of all don't recommend him cause he's a crack pot and see who else they have on their list.  Good luck
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Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2007, 06:11:40 pm »
he really does act like he's on something in the morning time.  he only acts like this in the mornings, but he never smells like alcohol / drugs at all.  i haven't thought to try the emory university to get a doctor, honestly i didn't know you could!  (remember, i new to the civilian stuff, i always just got told "go here and see this person" which always worked out great).  having to wait isn't a problem.  my next apt. is scheduled for next friday, hopefully i won't be at it and i'll be at a better doctor!  i told hubby from the get go that i wasn't comfortable with him because his willingness to do ANYTHING you asked for.  i'm going to the emory site now, and will also be looking at the medical arts website that i go to now and see if maybe there will be another doctor in that center.  that way it will be just as close, but with a MUCH better doctor.  younger, and more up to date!  i asked hubby about if he HAD to update his training, he said he didn't know but mom's b/f said he has to every so many years to keep his practice open.  i wonder if they actually check to see if he's doing that.
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2007, 06:27:48 am »
My lord, I can't believe this is happening seriously. How freaking scary! I've never had an experience anywhere like that and I've seen several OB's during my pg's at different practices. He needs to be reported, something needs to be done with him- nothing is making sense at all. It does concern me that you said you aren't feeling her but 3 times a day..have you done kick counts on her? If not, I would highly suggest that you do and make certain you get those movements. Are you set up at a hospital yet, or know which you will be delivering at in case you need to go into L&D for anything? It is just maddening to know he's not taking care of you two like he is supposed to.

So, either way..u/s measurments or what have should technically be term right now right? No matter how big she is or how far along you are, she should still be moving just as much. You've had 2 babies, is this unusual for you?

I really can't wait for your next update when you tell us about the wonderful Dr. you've found.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 06:28:57 am by mama2many »

Offline Duramax

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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2007, 06:33:29 am »
seriously you need to not go back to that wackjob, that's very disturbing, dont put your life and your baby's in his hands.
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Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2007, 06:40:53 am »
i have done kick counts on her, and i only feel her 3 times a day AT MOST.  and it isn't even kicking it's more of her knees poking out of my side and hurting like crazy or hick-up type feeling things.  hubby and i discussed in length the doctor after he got off tonight and he said he'll call tricare tomorrow and see what they say to do.  hopefully they'll stop referring him.  i thought something wasn't quite right when almost all the woman in our housing area (about 12) use him and most all of them have had hysterectomy's, or partials.  he apparently hands them out like candy.  i'm not set up at the hospital yet, i'm not sure when he plans to do it because if my apt at keesler AFB was right i should be about 38 weeks now, but he keeps swearing i'm 35, even though he's said that the past few apts?  i do know what hospital i'm to go to, though, it's actually connected to the medical arts building this dr is at.  oh, with aiden and tristan i felt them moving around non stop until about 3 days before i had them.  with her, though, you'll just see a knee poking out (literally like a triangle) or you'll see my tummy just kind of shiver with a rhythm to it (hick ups i suppose).
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2007, 06:58:40 am »
i have done kick counts on her, and i only feel her 3 times a day AT MOST.  and it isn't even kicking it's more of her knees poking out of my side and hurting like crazy or hick-up type feeling things.  hubby and i discussed in length the doctor after he got off tonight and he said he'll call tricare tomorrow and see what they say to do.  hopefully they'll stop referring him.  i thought something wasn't quite right when almost all the woman in our housing area (about 12) use him and most all of them have had hysterectomy's, or partials.  he apparently hands them out like candy.  i'm not set up at the hospital yet, i'm not sure when he plans to do it because if my apt at keesler AFB was right i should be about 38 weeks now, but he keeps swearing i'm 35, even though he's said that the past few apts?  i do know what hospital i'm to go to, though, it's actually connected to the medical arts building this dr is at.  oh, with aiden and tristan i felt them moving around non stop until about 3 days before i had them.  with her, though, you'll just see a knee poking out (literally like a triangle) or you'll see my tummy just kind of shiver with a rhythm to it (hick ups i suppose).

I would say you need to have some further testing done, just based on what you said about her movements,(if you're sure you are getting as little as you think, I know if you're moving around all day and busy you can miss them) if your Dr. wasn't such a complete moron, he would have done an NST on you by now and an ultrasound or something. Everything regarding these says if you don't get the 10 movements in 2 hrs, you need to be seen. Some say within 4 hrs..but I like to er on the side of caution where this is concerned. I've even gone into L&D for the baby moving TOO much, because it was constant like violent thrashes and it didn't seem right..that was with my 2nd..course as soon as I got there he stopped that haha. But at least I could go home and sleep knowing he was alright, after being hooked up to the monitors for awhile.

Keep us updated! I hope this nightmare ends for you soon.

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2007, 04:56:53 pm »
hubby is setting up for a  new doctor today.  even my doctor commented how she's always laying the same exact way whenever we come in (he amazingly remembers that part  ???), BUT her heartbeat is always consistent, too.  she doesn't have much room in there, at all (which i'm sure is norm with all babies) so maybe it's just too much of a PITA for her to turn?  or maybe she's comfy or something lol.
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
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Re: OMG! : ' (
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2007, 08:13:09 pm »
hubby is setting up for a  new doctor today.  even my doctor commented how she's always laying the same exact way whenever we come in (he amazingly remembers that part  ???), BUT her heartbeat is always consistent, too.  she doesn't have much room in there, at all (which i'm sure is norm with all babies) so maybe it's just too much of a PITA for her to turn?  or maybe she's comfy or something lol.

Good! I can't wait to hear some good news! It's good her heartbeat is consistent and I'm sure she's run out of space, but movement is something I always worry about. I know my Doc did NST's at the end of my pg because I went past my due date and didn't want to be induced of course. So, I would just come into the office and get hooked up so they could check on her and make sure all was still well, and he got the heart accelerations along with her movements that he needed.