Author Topic: Knee Arthritis(sp) in a 8mth  (Read 1944 times)

Offline Britz

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Knee Arthritis(sp) in a 8mth
« on: December 03, 2007, 09:07:03 pm »
Well I had  a thread in  the  Rotti  thread  about  Hip Dysplasia, and that  Zeus was showing  signs.. Well  yesterday   I  faught the  lovely  blizzard and drove an  hour and half to take  zeus to his appt. Well  we  found out the  he  probley  doesn't  have  hip dysplasia  but   His left leg that  has  caused  problems  when  he was a pup. ( it has a funny  toe aswell)   the  vet is   concerned with the  toe  sence the  foot  goes out side ways  and also his  knee is still   messed up.  SO   the vet  who looked at it in the first  place when He was  younger said  it  was  just a sprain and that  was that  well this  vet  who is new to the clinic says that is surely  not  what it is anymore, and  that he has a feeling it is  arthritis in the knee that  probley  came  from the  supposably  sprain  that  the  last  vet  didn't treat  right. He  is going to try to look in to  zeus's  BAckground  and call the SPCA  and  Find out  if the  pups  went through any  cruelty or abuse. Any way on the 13th   zeus will be going in  for  xrays.  He will  be  getting  his knees and  hips  xrayed that  way  we will know  forsurely if it is arthritis and also at the  same time minuse out  hip dysplasia. ThE vet  told  me  if it is Arthritis it is a simple  surgery to fix this and that after the surgery  he would be a hundred purcent  better.  He gave me some antibiotics  for him  to see if they help  for the time being.  Im so  nervouse and sad  for my  pup,  he is  just so young. Not even a year old, the vet even  felt  awfull, sence  zeus is still just so young . 