Author Topic: Please read- Cards and Letters needed ASAP  (Read 1594 times)


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Please read- Cards and Letters needed ASAP
« on: December 11, 2007, 02:13:34 pm »
I am hoping that BPO will be able to contribute to the cards and letters that are being asked for ... This man sounds incredible.

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 4:59 PM
Subject: Cards and Letters Needed
As you all know, I was lucky enough to be part of a support team that was put in place to rescue any non-fighting dogs from Michael Vick's property.
What you also likely know (from many of my emails) is that one man is responsible for making Vick's prosecution happen.  Unfortunately, I can't reveal his full name, but I want to tell you a bit about him and ask you for a favor.
From the beginning, it was obvious that Jim was not only pushing for Vick's prosecution because Vick broke the law.  It was obvious that he was pushing because he loves dogs.
Some day, when I write a book, I would like to go into a lot of detail.  For purposes of this email, I will be brief.
When we first started working with the authorities, Jim cautioned us that there was a possibility that the pits might have to be euthanized.  He was almost cautious when we discussed this issue - possibly expecting us to react strongly and start screaming that the dogs must be allowed to live under any circumstances.
We told him that we did understand, and that not only did we understand, but we agreed that vicious animals should be humanely euthanized - both for their safety and for the safety of the public.  I am sure that he took us at our word, but I suspect that he had no idea that we really did know what he was about to deal with.  As an outsider to rescue, I suspect that he thought that what he was experiencing was something foreign to us.  As you all know, it is not.  We see abused, neglected, tortured animals all the time.
I suspect that it was because we didn't burst out in tears when we spoke about it that Jim thought we couldn't possibly understand the depth of man's cruelty.  I think he thought that animal rescuers certainly couldn't function if we knew what really happened to some animals.  We didn't say much because we knew that he would learn that we had to learn to deal with cruelty if we were going to make a difference.  Giving up is not an option for rescuers.  Going forward regardless of the atrocities inflicted on animals is the only way we can save lives.
As Jim worked his way through the investigation, he would sometimes make general statements about man's inhumanity toward dogs.  It was as if he was learning first hand for the first time - and I'm sure he was - that people do bad things to animals on a grand scale.  I am sure that as he worked with the ASPCA he learned that terrible things happen to many animals every day.  I know that ASPCA officials shared a lot of information with Jim about how they operate and what they see on a daily basis.  By the way, they were amazing during all of this.
I don't remember the point when I realized that Jim realized that we did indeed know what he was dealing with.  It was almost as if a lightbulb went off - call it a revelation.  As he began to get to know the dogs, and as he investigated the case, it became even more real to him.  I think that he developed a real admiration for how hard rescue work is.
We had several conversations during which I tried to explain to Jim how we managed to continue rescue work knowing what we know - and what he now knows.  I commiserated with him when things looked bad.  I tried to support him by being realistic and professional and always telling him the truth.  I told him that we as rescuers must think with our heads first and our hearts second.  If our hearts lead and our brains don't follow, we end up in trouble - and the animals end up in trouble.
At one point, it was clear that Jim understood rescue.
I want to tell you that Jim worked tirelessly for the well being of these animals.  He monitored their care and he got to know them as individuals.  He lobbied for their rescue.  For many months he tried to get them released to us.  I am quite sure that there are some people out there who are not happy with him - because he put the animals first and politics second.  It never stopped him from advocating for the rescue of all of the dogs - the pits and the non-fighting dogs.  I remember the day that he was finally able to tell us that only one of the pits was going to be euthanized.  He was elated that the rest of them had people on their side lobbying for their safety.  He was encouraged by the support and dedication of the wonderful people at the ASPCA.
What I am asking from you is to thank Jim.  I would really like you to write to Jim and thank him.  Send him pictures of your rescued animals.  Share your stories with him.  Tell him that you appreciate what he and the rest of his team did to help the Vick dogs.
There are some things that we don't know about the investigation because they are confidential and that's ok.  All we have to know is that one man convinced his superiors that this case was important - very important.  All we have to know is that he lobbied to save a bunch of dogs that needed help.  All we have to know is that because of him, his team, and the Department of Agriculture, Michael Vick will soon be sentenced.  All we have to know is that this is a precedent setting case.  All we have to know is that the strenuous investigation and prosecution of Michael Vick is serving as a warning to other dogfighters.  Due to the worldwide publicity for this case, it has encouraged local law enforcement agencies to take dogfighting seriously.  These dogs did not suffer in vain.  All we have to know is that because Jim cared, we have taken a giant step forward against dogfighters.  That is our consolation in this whole mess.
Jim is a very humble man.  He doesn't want to be in the limelight and he doesn't expect any recognition for what he has done.  I, however, think he deserves recognition - and our thanks - to him and his team.
I have set up a mailbox to receive cards and letters.  I will be collecting them until December 15, 2007, at which time they will be delivered to Jim (hopefully in a huge box).
If you would like to thank him, the address is below.
Please act quickly so we can present him with a huge box of mail just in time for Christmas.  Feel free to forward to friends, families, and co-workers.
c/o Patti Stinson
P.O. Box 550
Bealeton, VA  22712
Thank you all for your support.