Author Topic: Some possible answers to Sierra's skin issues  (Read 2233 times)

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Some possible answers to Sierra's skin issues
« on: November 27, 2007, 08:55:47 pm »
I just got back from the vet about Sierra's skin problems.  The vet did yet another skin scraping.  It came out clean and she has ruled out mange, thank goodness.  She asked if we are still having a problem with fleas and although we treated the house and that has had a significant impact on the fleas, there are still a few hanging on.  Until I saw them on the cat, I actually thought they were all gone.  She thinks Sierra has an allergy to flea saliva.  She explained that even one flea bite can cause a dog with this allergy to drop coat and itch like crazy.  She said the itching can last 3-4 weeks after the bite and makes the poor dog miserable. 

So the fight with the last remaining fleas is resumed, and she gave Sierra a shot for the allergy that should help reduce the itching.  She said to call if she doesn't stop itching by the weekend.  So I guess we wait til then and treat the house in the meantime.

Poor kitties are not going to be happy to learn they are getting dipped again...  LOL!  They see the bucket and start with these pitiful mews that break my heart.
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Re: Some possible answers to Sierra's skin issues
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 09:01:36 pm »
Well, the good news is that now you know what is causing all of this.  Poor kitties though, but I'm sure everyone will be much happier once this is all over and dealt with.  Hope Sierra's feeling much better very soon.  ;) :)
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Re: Some possible answers to Sierra's skin issues
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2007, 02:09:10 pm »
Hi!  Just wondering how Sierra's coat has been doing....I'm wondering if Winston had the same thing; although, I've never seen a flea on him ??? Regardless, his coat is filling in again and I'm wondering if has something to do with the recent snow (e.g., frost/snow killing fleas, or wiping out something allergic outside).  Just curious to know if you're experiencing the same thing, as well!!!