Author Topic: Amazing "Katrina" Rescue Story - dogs still need help  (Read 1616 times)

Offline Scootergirl

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Amazing "Katrina" Rescue Story - dogs still need help
« on: February 28, 2008, 12:25:42 am »
This is a NEW Hurricane Katrina Rescue story. There are still many dogs and cats, displaced by the hurricane 3 years ago, wandering the streets of New Orleans trying to survive. Once domestic and loved pets, these dogs have become nearly feral, afraid of strangers, and live as scavengers.

This is the story from Alissa, the rescuer:

I received an email about a mother dog hanging around an abandoned grocery store (Com-Pak) in New Orleans East on Tuesday.  I went to check on her immediately after work that day.  She was just sitting in front of the store, obviously nursing.  I couldn't believe it.  The grocery store is on Hayne. 

I brought her wet food every day to gain her trust.  On Wednesday I searched the outside of the building for the puppies, but I did not find them.  Every time the mother would get scared she would run across Hayne to cross the levee to reach Lake Pontchartrain. 

Saturday morning when I went to feed her, the national guard was sitting in front of the building.  I explained that I wanted to go inside looking for the puppies and rescue the mother.  They said I had permission and would stay outside in case I needed assistance.On the side of the building I found a break in the outer wall, I'm sure it was used to loot the building after Katrina. I managed to squeeze between the studs in the wall to go inside. 

I was very amazed to find SEVEN puppies inside the building.  The mother had them on insulation for warmth, so the puppies were completely covered in insulation.  They were curled up next to a dead chicken.  I assume the mother brought her puppies some food.  YUCK! 

The grocery store had flooded during Katrina and it has also burnt at some point after Katrina.  There was no roof in parts of the store.  The building smelled moldy and burned.  The shelves were empty where the store has been raided since being abandoned.

I put the puppies in a large plastic dog kennel up against the dog trap in order to bait the mother into the dog trap.  The mother barked at the dog kennel for an hour but would not go in.  The national guard told me that when they first pulled up in the parking lot the mother was eating food out of a McDonald's bag.  I rushed to the McDonald's.  I put a chicken sandwich and double cheeseburger in the dog trap. I went back five minutes later to add the rest of my fries I didn't eat and the mother was in the trap.  She must have a thing for McDonald's. 

The mother and seven puppies are now safe in my house.  They are so cute.  There are five boys and two girls. The puppies are four-five weeks old. The mother is so gentle with her babies. She doesn't budge when the puppies crawl all over her.  If you look at the photos, you can see the mother's ribs.  She is nothing but bones.  The mother is very skiddish. She has obviously been very abused.  She is slowly warming up to me.

You can view photos of the mom & pups at:

Alissa's contact info:
 People can give donations one of three ways:
Donate directly to my vet: Dr. Garcia at Bayou Animal Clinic in Slidell at 985-643-6300.  The mother dog is listed under Suga Momma.
Monetary donations mailed to Alissa Johnson, 4643 Good DR, New Orleans, LA 70127

Donate supplies for their care.  (Some of the supplies can be ordered from m and shipped to me. KV vet has no shipping costs.

I greatly appreciate any and all donations, no matter how small.  If anyone has any other dog food besides Pedigree, I can always use it. I give food donations to residents of New Orleans East that cannot afford dog food and I also feed strays & feral dog packs.
The puppies will be up for adoption at 8 weeks, if anyone is interested.  This will be in roughly 3 weeks.  It will be much longer for the mother to be rehabilitated, but she will be up for adoption also. 
Supplies that are needed:
-Paper Towels, LOTS
-Fantastic cleaner (to clean crate)
-Puppy toys
-Metal bowls or buckets to attach to cage, Momma dog has broken the plastic ones off the cage & I don't want the puppies swimming in bowls that are on the ground.
-Puppy replacement milk for momma
-Collars for 7 puppies
-Flea preventative for 7 puppies and mom (Frontline, Advantage, or Advantix)
-Bordetella & Lepto shots (I already have DHPP. Will need enough for 15 shots of each type) I order my shots from m . Someone can order the shots, pay for them, and have them delivered to my house. 
-Syringes (45)
-Old towels or sheets
-Pedigree puppy dry and can food
-Simple Solution Oxy Solution Pet Stain & Odor Destroyer (put in washer to get puppy smell & poo out of towels)
-Small space heater (I'm having to bath the puppies & momma dog daily.  I don't want the puppies catching a cold.)
-Disposable pet bath wipes (I'm having to sponge bath momma dog daily since everything is making her sick.  She's not used to dog food & is not used to going outside yet.)
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain