Author Topic: I'm a little scared...  (Read 3157 times)

Offline Bubbalove

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I'm a little scared...
« on: March 08, 2008, 03:06:52 pm »
OK, so I have a potential situation that I need some advice on...
My neighbors just got a new dog. We are friendly with them (single mom and 2 kids ages 5 and 3) but I have a concern.  The dog they got is a 10 week young pomeranian and mini yorkie mix.'s about 5 lbs. now and will "grow" to a max of about 10-12 lbs. 
Here's my obvious concern...KANA . :o
I am terrified that this little, tiny, miniature, sort-of a dog will be let out either accidentally or intentionally (by the kids who may not know any better) and it will wander into my yard when Kana is outside!!!!!  THIS DOG WILL BE DEAD SO FAST, IT WON'T BE FUNNY!!!!!  Kana will NOT know what it is, will assume it is a rat or something and will most definitely kill it!  My fence is of literally no protection because the tiny thing will be able to easily walk through the slats or go under the fence. 
I have brought up my concern with the neighbor and she kinda had a chuckle about it, but as the weather gets nicer and the little dog becomes more comfortable and curious around their house/property...this may become a read problem. I have told both of the kids that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should "little bear" (the tiny thing's name) EVER BE INTRODUCED TO KANA.  I also don't want them to be fearful of Kana, though. 
Any suggestions?????? Can I have them sign a waiver releasing us of any responsibility if "little bear" comes into our yard or does that make us sound like we have knowledge that our dog is "dangerous"???
 :-\ :-\ :-\
Kana - 4 y/o Japanese Akita
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Offline 2Criminals

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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 03:12:31 pm »
Good fences make good neighbours? I would consider putting up lattice fencing on the bottom of your fence to prevent the little one from getting through. Ultimately you are responsible for your dog, and your neighbour responsible for hers but I would take a proactive approach. Should something negative happen you know that Kana is going to be persecuted for any actions that occur. Perhaps your neighbour would be willing to split the cost of the fencing?

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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2008, 03:23:13 pm »
Can you introduce Kana in a controlled setting??  On Leash with a firm grip on both dogs??  I think that if Kana meets this dog this way and learns with your guidance that Little Bear is not a snack, he should be able to recognise that should he meet him without mum around that he is not to make the little dog become "fast food".  Just a thought.  I also think that the extra precaution of nailing up some good strong Lattice on both sides of the fence is an excellent idea, but I do think that it is impossible to prevent any meetings of the two dogs, so socializing them is a good idea.   :)

Good luck!  And congrats to your neighbors on their new "little" addition!  ;) :D
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Offline Slave2dane

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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2008, 04:12:49 pm »
Hi there,

I have a dog with the same potential problem yours might have.  My GSD Pharoah (posted under GSD photos)will kill most things that are smaller than her.  Opussoms, raccoons, birds, rats, rabbits, she has a very strong preditor instinct.  We have tried to break her of that habit but it hasn't worked in the 10 years she has been on this earth. 
I dog sit a small chiuawa (can't spell!!) and once she accidently ran into Pharoah's chain length and Pharoah tried to kill her.  As soon as I yelled she let her go.  But the potential was there.  Just took one second of not watching the little puppers and the outcome could have been a lot worse.  Not all dogs can be taught to deal with something smaller than them if there kill instinct is strong, even though a lot of people say you can.  Every dog in the world hasn't been tested against it.  She also hated Brutis when he was a puppy, she growled at him, raised up her hair but never put him in her mouth like she did to that small dog.  Small as in maybe 3lbs.
I would do the lattice thing to keep the small dog out.  Lattice isn't that expensive and if your neighbour chuckled about your dog attacking her small dog, I'm sure she won't pay for it either. But deffinatly your dog will look like the bad guy if anything does happen.  It all depends on if it happens and if she wants to push the issue.  In Canada I've heard of people suing another person if there dog enflicted wounds that required vet care to another animal.  I guess the courts see that you are responsible for the actions of your animal, that could get very costly.  I can't believe she chuckled about it.  Even if she is a great neighbour and a good person, that isn't responsible dog ownership.  You were trying to be a responsible dog owner stating the fact that something could happen and she blew it off.
I guess thats the simplist thing to do.  I have tried to introduce Pharoah to other small dogs including puppies, let her smell them and the whole deal, but when your not there you can't predict what Kana will do.  I'd hate for Kana to look like the bad one in this situation.  Hope I helped a bit
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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2008, 05:30:29 pm »
i doubt a waiver will work either.  they will need to be responsible for their dog.  talk to them again and make them understand the gravity of this situation.   i'm not a big fan of irresponsible dog owners. 
Animal control can be called if the neighbors still let the dog out and it roams into your yard. trick is you have to capture the dog for its visit to the pound.  the owners will be fined each time they have to go bail out the dog.  i think after the 3rd offense the dog is taken from the people.  keep that in mind.
try talking to the people again and maybe they won't let the little kids raise and train the dog.

Offline Newly Newfed

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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 07:03:44 pm »
I am very against the idea of a waiver.  maybe I worry too much, but, to me that is just opening the door to a whole mess of potential problems.  The neighbor may take offense to it which can then affect your relationship with her, it can be used against you if Kana does happen to injure the pup.  And less likely scenario would be if the other neighbors get wind of the waiver and have them think you are admitting you have a dangerous dog. 

I agree with having Kana meet the pup in a controlled manner that is NOT anywhere in Kana's territory.  Maybe at a park or during a walk around the block.  If they get along for that, then the walk back to your houses and along the fence line may give her the idea that it's ok that the pup is there, that it's not a threat to her territory and they may end up being friends.  If the first time goes well, then I would definitely go for some more walks so they can become friends on neutral ground.  If everything goes well, I would then try having the pup visit Kana in your yard.  With her on a leash, of course and starting with short visits. 

Good luck with this.

Don't forget also, that dogs are very in tune to our feelings and moods.  If she senses you are apprehensive, she will think there is a reason for it and react accordingly.

*Modified because I'm a dork and don't finish my sentences.  LOL!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2008, 08:50:26 pm by Newly Newfed »
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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2008, 01:18:34 am »
I think if you improve your fence, you should be all set. That way, you've secured your yard AND you expressed your concerns to the neighbor (who chuckled). If something happens on your property within your secure fence, it's not your responsibility . That said, it would certainly make things awkward with the neighbor, but unfortunately I don't think there is much else to do. In fact, as I sit here thinking about it, the BEST reason to secure your fence is for YOUR dog. God forbid something happens, it would be just unspeakably horrible if animal services confiscated your pup after some unfortunate event. Like someone said, though, maybe he'll recognize it as a puppy if you can introduce them in a controlled manner. Good luck!
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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2008, 08:34:40 am »
Kristen, I was not trying to offend you by any means. I know nothing about the breed and I certainly didn't call all the breed agressive. I said "from my personal experience at the dog parks" where I go all the time. Obviously most of the Akitas that are there are regulars as well, that's why I know whether to go in or not.
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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2008, 10:38:13 am »
I would just like to add that a waiver does not really guarantee anything. They could sign it, but it doesn't mean that they can't sue you if something happened.

Offline Binky

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Re: I'm a little scared...
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2008, 10:49:29 am »
Chicken wire with lattice over it would work well- small dogs can poke their heads through amazingly small openings!  Also, I agree with everyone that a waiver could cause more problems than it would do good.  Good luck!
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