Author Topic: Update on me......  (Read 1484 times)

Offline Blair

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Update on me......
« on: March 23, 2008, 04:23:40 pm »
Everything is going good for me and the girls, including little miss Gucci. We are planing on getting our own apartment soon, cant wait on that cause I have never lived on my own before!!! My wonderful ex husband is still at it, making my life miserable!!! Apparently he is getting remarried soon and he hasnt known this girl for very long!!! He has Skyla for springbreak and she came home saying she is going to have a stepbrother soon and has a new Grandmother!! I dont care what he does with his life but when it involves my daughter I do!!! He has had so many girls in and out of Skla's life since our divorce, back in Sept. and Skyla gets attached to them cause they spend more time with her then he does when he has her. So grrrrrr on him but enough on him!! I have been talking to this wonderful guy since my divorce was finalized. We are really good friends and talk prety much every day and try to see each other atleast once a week or more. Its so nice to have him around, he is amazing!!! I also have a job at a Mommy's day out program, I work with 2 yr olds and LOVE it!! I never imagined I would love working with 2yr olds like I do. Things are going pretty good for me and the girls considering everything. I am hoping one day I will have a big paws again but I am no hurry cause I want to make sure I have enough money to take care of one. So for now Gucci is my wanna be big paws LOL She is doing great, same as ever! I miss everyone on here!!! I miss my boys A LOT!!!!!!! :'( I was looking at pictures of them yesterday and started crying. I have pictures of them both on my computer desk, I will always love them, they were my 2 perfect boys!!! Well thats pretty much everything, just wante to pop in and say hi :)