Author Topic: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)  (Read 6783 times)

Offline brooklily

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I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« on: April 02, 2008, 03:11:15 pm »
I saw this on craigslist boston. This person seems to be in genuine need.   I believe it was posted march 28th.Im not sure how to get in touch with people on craigslist,as I am a computer mess. Maybe some B.P.O. knowledge or advice as to what route they could take. My heart is breaking thinking of another pit P.T.S.  I guess when they posted it people didnt believe it or for some reason it was flagged. This person sounds desperate.

                       TRYING TO RE-POST, BECAUSE THIS WAS FLAGGED. God knows why! I am not RE-HOMING, I am looking for PROFESSIONAL HELP for my mentally disturbed dog. If you have a problem with that, e-mail me directly, or you or are otherwise contributing to the denial to get an aggressive dog re-habilitated. What person would do that?
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______

I have posted about my aggressive Pit Bull before. She is dog aggressive, and aggressive to people in uniforms. If anyone remembers, she bit the mail lady two months ago.

We've since been to training, and it is my opinion that she is worse. I tried to contact SEVERAL behavioralists in the area, and cannot afford any. I am very low-income, to the point where I often buy food for the dogs before I pay bills.

I have thought about giving her up to a shelter, but the truth is I got her from probably the most reputable no-kill shelter in the area. They adopted her to me knowing she aggressive, but at the time I was better off financially, and looked into her sad brown eyes and thought "This is nothing stability, love and training can't cure". Well, one doggie college, two trainers, two years and all the love a person could give, and things are only looking worse. I recently found out by a series of strange events that she has been through a few shelters, and I feel that it would be unethical of me to not deal with this situation directly. This is not to say anything negative to shelters, but I don't want to bounce her around anymore.

I muzzle her at all times outside of the home. We do our best to avoid people and dogs (desensatizatio n wasn't working well), but when we see a uniformed person or a dog I have to hold onto her for dear life. So far this works, but I have nightmares about the day it doesn't. Would she kill someone's dog? Would she really severely harm a person? God, who knows? But I don't want to know.

I love this dog so much, I am crying as I write this. I am leaving state for a better job at the end of summer, and if I she's not more stable at that point, I know in my heart that it is probably safer for society to have her PTS.

If there is any qualified person out there, please, this is really the end of the line for us. I am willing to charge this to my credit card, and pay it off till I die. I can wash your car, clean your house. I don't know. Maybe I can purchase something you need as barter, but I really don't have cold cash right now, at all. I just, I am, perhaps stupidly, hoping there is something that can still be done. She is so loving indoors to all people (always hates dogs), there must be something. I've read so many books, I can't do this alone. I am willing to give it everything I have.

I AM NOT SAYING WHAT I AM DOING IS RIGHT OR WRONG, BUT THIS WHAT MANY NIGHTS OF PRAYER HAVE COME TO. Either offer us some suggestion/help, or move onto the next post. This is hard enough.

Thank you with my entire being, in advance 

Location: metrowest
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Offline Nina

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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2008, 03:50:35 pm »
I feel so bad for her  :'(
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2008, 04:01:23 pm »
i have talk with her about the situation, and she was saying that she didn't socialize the dog, that they have not done proper training with the dog, nor are they consistant. I do feel bad, although i see it as they cause the problems themselves. She lives near me, but she isn't there with the dog to supervise what is going on...i don't feel bad, they got what they asked for...(sorry for sounding negative, although it is the truth)

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2008, 04:57:12 pm »
with just keeping her inside, it really is a liability.  this isn't a grandma's little 5lb chihuahua who even at their most vicious moments everyone laughs because of their pitiful attempt to maul someone.  this is a powerful breed, with the size to back them up.  there are so many what if's.  what if she gets out the yard, what if she squeezes out the door when someone walks in.  i can what if all day, but the big thing would be *what if* she got out into society by accident.  even axle, who is 99.9% predictable, never runs off and never climbs the fence (he's too lazy and stupid)has accidentally escaped.  what dog hasn't gotten loose?  the point is, though, who would she go after?  a child perhaps in a boy/girl scout outfit?  or maybe a child who's walking their dog?  or maybe a child who's simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.  the possibilities are endless.  yes, it's obvious they love their dog.  but is it fair to the dog to make it live it's life in a cage (even just keeping them inside 24/7 would be caging it because it would never feel freedom), never to be trusted?  what about your responsibility as a pet owner to protect not only your pet, but also the people around your pet.  what if one day she / he can't stop the dog from going after someone and the dog turns on the owner out of anger?  dog aggression is one thing that can be avoided easily enough, but people aggression is a complete different thing.  the two of them together in a single dog just isn't safe for anyone no matter how you toss the coin.

sorry, it's been a long day.  anyways, i agree that they care for their pet, but possibly it would be best for the dog to go to a breed specific rescue who is willing to work with the animal, and the pet would have more financial availabilities .  it just seems if they've had it this long the problem would be resolved (or at least a little bit better if they were so committed to helping the dog) already or they would have realized that this may be a problem that could never be fixed and she just isn't an animal to be trusted.  and why on god's green earth would a shelter adopt her out KNOWING what kind of temperament she has....???  perhaps the people adopted her thinking she would be like that little mutt they had when they were a kid.  everyone knows the kind.  the one that sits there and lets anyone do anything.  perhaps they didn't realize what kind of commitment this would be and how hard it is to recondition a dog from a problem they've had for years.  dogs are like babies, they're made to be cute so that people feel sorry and relate to them through a past experience the person has gone through.  the cold truth of it is, though, that sometimes there just isn't enough help or love in the world to take away the pain and hate a soul has stored up inside.  sometimes it's better to just admit defeat and give an animal release from the torture of being penned up for the next 15+ years simply because of something that cannot be changed, to only then be too old and tired to be able to enjoy life as it was meant to be enjoyed.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 05:17:07 pm by schelmischekitty »
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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2008, 05:15:08 pm »
i just wanted to put that i'm not as cold hearted as i sound in what i said.  i'm all for pitbulls, and i completely agree with the statement "punish the owner not the breed," but this is an individual dog, not the breed.  i actually am helping a couple recondition their pitbull right now, which is dog aggressive and gets way too rough when he gets excited, so don't think i'm a breed nazi or anything please  :-\
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
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Offline Nina

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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2008, 05:42:01 pm »
It could also be that the dog didn't have the issue prior to being adopted but because lack of trianing and socializing it developed the issue. I really think that is what happend in this case.

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2008, 05:56:20 pm »
sadly, quoted from the ad.  i wish that were true, it would probably be easier to fix if it was a short lived problem.

"I have thought about giving her up to a shelter, but the truth is I got her from probably the most reputable no-kill shelter in the area. They adopted her to me knowing she aggressive, but at the time I was better off financially, and looked into her sad brown eyes and thought "This is nothing stability, love and training can't cure"."
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
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Offline brooklily

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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2008, 12:06:13 am »
This is such an awful situation.Than ks to everyone for thier ideas and views.I hope this dog can be helped. I believe in my heart the majority of animals can be helped.My love of a dog Savannah(mastiff/bully/and who knows) was considered unadoptable. It took alot of work to let the shelter allow her to be adopted . Thank god they did. With hard work and love love love , sometimes things can change. But the hard work is key i guess.

To Jaz and Titan, Did she speak to you because she sought you out looking for help or did you contact her? is she just lazy or misinformed or what? she seems like she cares so much in the post.I can be such a sucker for dogs in need. and by the way are we in the same area. Boston?

To schelmischekit ty, you dont sound like a breed nazi. I didnt even think of it, with what you wrote, and im kinda sensitive about it.

Here is a pic of my baby Savannah. She was considered " not an adoptable dog" Thats crap! She was the queen of love.( as I called her , exaggerating a bit lol)
She is not naughty, she is fun!
Brooklily 2 1/2    bulldog mix

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2008, 04:28:40 am »
from what the others are saying, my guess would be they got too much dog for themselves.  i agree, most dogs can be rehabed, but some can't.  i wish they'd let the dog go to a breed specific rescue, as it sounds like they want the problem fixed but have someone do it for them (due to the fact someone said they hadn't socialized them, done training, etc).  i do wonder, though, they said they went to doggy classes and had trainers and all but told jaz and titan's mom they hadn't done any formal training.  they contradict themselves...?
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Offline Nina

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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2008, 09:10:21 am »
I agree I think this dog is too much dog for them.

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Re: I think sincere, can anyone help. (long)
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2008, 09:56:25 am »
She has had this dog two years + whatever age the dog was when she adopted.  As an adult dog with an escalating agression problem I would think this dog is dangerous and euthanising might be the best option.  Its all well and good to try to rehab but if this dog ever gets loose she may make headlines with whoever and whatever she attacks. I hate to PTS any animal but my sentiments would be very different if she attacked or killed one of my dogs and heaven forbid a human even. This dog is a timebomb!! There are so many other dogs that need rescue without temperament problems.