Author Topic: Results are in-immunoblastic lymphoma, any advice/info please????  (Read 4069 times)

Offline TwoNewfies

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Hi Everyone. I am posting this on behalf of my friend, Michelle, who is also on this site, known as Mitchie. Michelle has 2 big paws, Daisy (6 yr old Rottie) and Phoebe (1 yr old yellow lab).

Michelle posted last week that she had found a swollen lymph node on Daisy's back leg.  Daisy had it removed and biopsied last week. Today Michelle learned that Daisy has Immunoblastic lymphoma.
Her vet said Daisy  now needs to be seen by an oncologist to determine next course of action re:treatment. Daisy and Michelle have an appt tommorrow to see a well renowned vet in the Detroit area, who specializes in holisitc medicine as well as oncology.  The vet said that Daisy's has an aggresive form of this disease :'(

Does anyone have any experience with this diagnosis? any info/insights/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Whatever feedback you have I will pass on to Michelle. My heart goes out to her. Daisy is her life and I know she's hurting right now.

Thanks for listening!

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Offline jabear

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Re: Results are in-immunoblastic lymphoma, any advice/info please????
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2005, 03:12:25 pm »
Oh goodness. I hope that the treatment can help her to heal soon. I am so sorry for Mitchie. Please send her our best wishes and drooly kisses.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: Results are in-immunoblastic lymphoma, any advice/info please????
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2005, 03:14:38 pm »
I am so sorry to hear this. I have had experience with rottis and cancer but not with that type. Act as fast as you can, even waiting a day can make a big difference.
Best of luck.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2005, 03:20:08 pm by Icerotti »

Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: Results are in-immunoblastic lymphoma, any advice/info please????
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2005, 04:49:57 pm »
I am so very sorry to hear about Daisy. I will keep all fingers and paws crossed and keep her and the family in my prayers.

Here are some facts about lymphoma.

Like Ice said, it is very important to act fast. lymphoma is a cancer in the lymph vessels and nodes and since that is a part of the immune system it tends to be very fast progressing.

I totally hate to type this, but the they have done studies that show that if lymphoma is untreated the average life expectancy is about 2 months from the time of diagnosis.

BUT there are treatments chemotherapy is the most used on and have a good prognosis. They have done studies about why dogs get lymphoma but as of yet they really dont know and I wont be typing a horrid long post about what they think it might come from.

Daisy has had a biopsy, there are other tests that the oncologist might do. Bone marrow aspirate and/or a spleen or liver aspirate. They use these tests to stage the disease. Lymphoma is classified by stage.

Stage 1. only one lymph node involved
stage 2. several lymph nodes in the same general area involved
stage 3. all peripheral lymph nodes involved
stage 4. all peripheral lymph nodes, plus spleen, liver and/or problem in the chest
stage 5. everything in stage 4 plus bone marrow

they have today pretty much come to the conclusion that chemotherapy is all the first 4 stages are responding equally well. Exception is stage 5, that stage tends to have a poor respons to chemotherapy.

Lymphoma is a rapidly growing malignancy that can grow anywhere, where there is lymph tussue. That is more or less every organ in the body.

chemotherapy in dogs are not as bad as it is in people. Most dogs do not experience nausea or infections, they could but most likely not. whiskers are usually lost, loosing the fur is not a common problem in dogs.

I read a study some time ago that stated that there is about 75% chance of achieving remission regarless or what chemotherapy protocol had been used.

Sooooooo even though it looks bad for dogs that do not get any treatment, the prognosis for dogs that do get chemotherapy isnt all that bad.

I could go on about different chemotherapy protocols they use, and what the difference seem to be in how long it takes before the tumor becomes resistant. But this is already a way too long and sad post.

If there is anything at all you wonder over, just ask. I might not at all be able to answer it, but maybe someone here will

Again I will keep sweet Daisy in my prayers and stay strong.


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Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: Results are in-immunoblastic lymphoma, any advice/info please????
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2005, 05:45:27 pm »
Thinking of you Michelle, and Daisy.

If you can contact me, I can put give you some Rottie and health mailing lists that might be helpful to you.
Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline TwoNewfies

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Re: Results are in-immunoblastic lymphoma, any advice/info please????
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2005, 06:22:19 pm »
Thank you thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts :) 

Marit--WOW! You are so knowledgable, I really appreciate your comments.  I did know that is important to act right away with this diagnosis, and Michelle has done that. Whew! I'm sure she will learn more tommorrow and I'll share it with you all.  Hopefully, it  was caught early enough.
I'm sure Michelle will be back online soon and will share more as she moves forward in the treatment process.  I did forward her all of your responses and she said a BIG THANK YOU to you all.

Red--She will contact you to give you her address. She would like any health info you can share on Rotties. Thanks so much!!!!

We'll keep you posted on what happens tommorrow :)
Keep all your fingers and paws crossed!

All dogs are pets.  Newfoundlands are family!