Author Topic: I need some advice  (Read 7016 times)

Offline brigid67

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Re: I need some advice
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2005, 10:12:00 pm »
Well, 1st of congrats on the wedding and the new marriage to be....

2ndly - I saw do what you love no matter what it is...  even if the money doesn't seem there at 1st if you love it then that is what you are meant to do.  You can also consider hiring a life coach....  They are there to help you decide on goals etc  and also remove any blocks you might have that keep you from reaching those goals.  Most sessions ca be done via phone and/or email...  I know a few people who have them and swear by them....



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Re: I need some advice
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2005, 08:41:10 am »
I was 36, had been a floor nurse for 16 years and it was ruining my back and my knees. I had a 4 year old daughter so lotsa years of working yet to go, and I hurt all of the time. I was snappy, and hated my job, and did'nt like the person that I was becoming, bitter and always angry. So I quit, and chucked my nursing education. I am now a receptionist/cashier for a small licensing vender and law office. I couldn't be happier. I make better money, which is a frightening comment on society's value system, than I was as a nurse and am not trashing my body. You seem to have a good support system, so you do what you need to do to be happy....Do you think that when your 80 you'll want to talk about the job you hated, or the decision you made to find something that you love, and can do for the next 10 years???? I decided, and I'll never regret it.

Offline Nina

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Re: I need some advice
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2005, 08:53:50 am »
I was 36, had been a floor nurse for 16 years and it was ruining my back and my knees. I had a 4 year old daughter so lotsa years of working yet to go, and I hurt all of the time. I was snappy, and hated my job, and did'nt like the person that I was becoming, bitter and always angry. So I quit, and chucked my nursing education. I am now a receptionist/cashier for a small licensing vender and law office. I couldn't be happier. I make better money, which is a frightening comment on society's value system, than I was as a nurse and am not trashing my body. You seem to have a good support system, so you do what you need to do to be happy....Do you think that when your 80 you'll want to talk about the job you hated, or the decision you made to find something that you love, and can do for the next 10 years???? I decided, and I'll never regret it.
That is soo true, I am at work now and just not very happy at all, thank goodness it is friday and I have the weekend off. And on sept 7 I am flying home, and will be there until sept 30. Then I only have 4 wks of working here and I am DONE!!! And that thought makes me sooo happy.
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline billybooker

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Re: I need some advice
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2005, 11:40:59 am »
I know how you feel, I know what I don't want to do, but wasn't sure what I wanted to do. All I know is that I want to work with or for animals-preferably helping them. I would suggest that when your done work, take a bit of time (a few weeks or months) and do some volunteering at places that you think you may want to work at involving animals. There are so many animal careers nowadays. More than just vet and groomer. There is resuce work, animal behaviour (psychology), training, selling supplies (store), biologist, doggie daycare, wildlife rehab, vet tech, humane educator, etc.
I would stay away from toxicology if you don't want a job that will hurt and kill animals. They conduct lethal 50 tests where they poison animals and when 50% of them die, the test is complete. Some biology and lab work is not fun for someone who really loves animals. Figure out what you love to do most and make it work for you-make your own business if nothing else fits. If its not something your ready to do now, try to get a job to get some experience in your chosen career path. There are many business willing to hire and train people with an interest and passion for animals, especially if you have volunteered there in the past.
Good Luck.
Jennifer W


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Re: I need some advice
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2005, 02:40:51 pm »
Hmmmm, I just replied to this but it never showed up... 

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I went through this same thing 2 yrs ago.  I'm 26, and I've been a stay at home mom for 5 yrs.  I desperately wanted to do something before I went insane!  I sat down and asked myself what in the heck and I going to do with my life?! 

Before I became a mom I did a whole bunch of odd jobs, which I despised!  Some of them being Telemarketer, Office Assistant, and what I thought would be my dream job a Dog Groomer/Vet Assistant, which turned out to be a nightmare, because the pay was awful and the Vet was a very horrible person!

I don't want anyone thinking I don't like being a mom, because I do I enjoy it very much, but there's not much of a social life there when you stay at home 24/7 with only your child to talk to.  I wanted to do something for myself so I thought about what I enjoyed doing, all my interests and what I felt I would be good at.  I now have 2 home business which I enjoy very much.  I can work my own hours, don't need to take my daughter to daycare everyday, and I get to talk to new people everyday!  Everyone has the right to do what they enjoy doing and make money at the same time.  One of my favorite quotes is, "Find something you love to do and you'll never have to work a day in your life!"

Good luck on finding the perfect career, it's out there you just have to search a little! ;D


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Re: I need some advice
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2005, 02:55:09 pm »
I know how you feel...I got laid off when I was 25 a month before I got married.  I was lucky my hubby had a good job (engineer) and to be honest, I never went back to work.  I watch my sisters kids from time to time but that is it.

I have a 7 yr old which for the first time, i was able to spend the summer with my son (YAY)

I get to take my time socializing my dog etc...i time I will look into training with dogs for some career path