Author Topic: Runner smacked my dog!  (Read 3906 times)

Offline willowtree

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Runner smacked my dog!
« on: May 02, 2008, 04:35:54 pm »
So I took Maddox to the dog park today.  I don't take him that much because there are a couple of dogs I would consider too aggressive and before he was just too much of a puppy to handle it well.  Still some aggressive dogs there today, but that is another story...

First, I should explain that our dog park is a large set of fields near on university.  The dogs usually stay in one small corner.  It isn't an official dog park, but on any given afternoon there are at least 10-15 dogs there at once.  The dog park is a large field that happens to also kind of be the cross-country team's course. 

So on our way in I had Maddox on his leash and we were walking to the dog play area.  He was sniffing around and I told him to come to me, just as practice for later while no dogs were around.  He is coming towards me when this guy comes running up from behind and SMACKS Maddox.  Hard.  In a very angry pissed off way.  Maddox was clearly coming towards me at a gentle trot, tongue hanging out, barely even looked at the guy and I know we were not in his running way as the guy took a step to the side of his gait to smack my dog in the eye.  He was running quite fast and I was in such shock that I didn't get to say anything and wanted to make sure Maddox was ok.  Maddox was whimpering and clearly knocked a little silly from the smack.

I'm so enraged.  I don't even know what to do.  I asked the people there if this had ever happened to them, and one girl who had just arrived said when she was walking in with her tiny dog the same runner screamed at her to get the f*** out of the way.  The path there is really wide (10+ feet) and her dog was on a short leash.  He just didn't want to break his  path, but he came running from behind her.

I realize this is the cross country team's practice path and this individual was clearly not a team member but could have been a coach, if not another adult from the community.  However, I still firmly believe it is not right to smack my dog, especially not as hard as he did, who was clearly not being aggressive or even jumping or running towards him.  How would you all handle it if this situation ever came up again?   ???  Like I said, I don't take Maddox to the park that often, but when I do, I want to be prepared.
Maddox-- My big black something mix puppy

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2008, 04:44:50 pm »
OMG!!! I would go there without Maddox on a daily basis and wait until you see him again. Stand in his path and ask if you can talk to him about the incident. See what his problem is and explain that he was no right to physically touch your dog or anyone else's without provocation.

If his beef is that he is with the cc team and the dogs are a distraction to their practice, then tell him you will gladly bring Maddox to the park before or after their practice, and you'll help spread the word to the other dog owners, if he will kindly refrain from physically abusing any dogs. Also, let him know that if he ever touches Maddox again, you will report him to the university, the police and animal control.

I would be p.o'd too, but I would have run after him - which would have ended up being a funny site as I probably would have only made it about 10 feet before passing out.
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Offline KiraNGunnersmom

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2008, 05:49:44 pm »
The latter of what Stella said,  not very mature or lady like, but soooo personally rewarding!!!!!

Seriously, you have amazing restraint or maybe im just a hot head.  I flipped out on a friend of ours for shoving Kira away from him because she was too close.
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Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2008, 05:55:15 pm »
I would be absolutely furious!!!  >:(  My suggestion?  Do as Jeanne suggested and come back (without poor Maddox) until you see the guy again, then just as he gets close, stick your foot out and trip the horses a$$ and watch him do a face plant into the track.  >:(  

Ok on second thought, maybe you should stick with Jeanne's suggestion all the way.  It is much more mature & it's less likely to get you sued.  But what an abusive jerk!!!!!  I guess I probably should just keep my thoughts to myself, since I've had a really lonnnnng week and I'm taking no prisoners.   ;)  :-\  :-[

Please give Maddox extra loves and kisses from all of us, poor guy!   :-* :-*

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Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2008, 07:08:51 pm »
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!  I take my suggestion back, I like GoldenPyr's better!!
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2008, 07:28:03 pm »
What a friggin' jerk...
Sounds like he's lookin for some trouble for some reason.
I would go back to the park everyday (w/ or w/o Maddox)also, but make sure you have a friend and wait for this guy and take a picture of him... better yet, have your friend video taping this jerk from a different location.  Catch him in the act, so to speak.  From what you say, he's making a habit out of it or enjoys it for some sick reason.
Big to love'em!!

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2008, 07:34:28 pm »
I would have been so pi**ed. The nerve...I hope karma gets him good  ;)

Offline willowtree

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2008, 07:50:28 pm »
I was so in shock and Maddox was whimpering so I didn't react to the guy right away, but I definitely like your all's suggestions.  It was one of those things where after the shock wore off I was so pissed and just wanted to smack the guy in the nose myself and wished I had chased him down.  Because really... WHO DOES THAT?! My boyfriend said next time he will definitely go with me and we should take along one of our trusty gulf clubs while confronting him... not that we would do anything to get our butts in jail but just so he'd know that we are serious.  The other idea one of my friends had was to go without Maddos, see if we could be nice to him long enough to catch his name (although he doesn't seem like the friendly  chatty kind of person) and then somehow report him somewhere or put up warning signs around campus with his name and picture.

School gets out next week so there will be less people around the park, but the team will still be practicing so I might make a few extra trips to the dog park to try to confront him.  Boyfriend in tow of course.

Every time I think about it I still get soooooo angry and it's been hours!  argh.  jerk.
Maddox-- My big black something mix puppy

Offline kealoha812

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2008, 07:54:22 pm »
I have a better idea... how about everyone meet up at the dog park for an unofficial Big Paws convention and line up every one of our BIG dogs while we stand next to them with a sign that says "I dare you!".. okay, maybe that is a litle middle school minded, but I am still in shock. I need some processing time before I can give any useful advice.
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
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Offline willowtree

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2008, 08:53:46 pm »
I have a better idea... how about everyone meet up at the dog park for an unofficial Big Paws convention and line up every one of our BIG dogs while we stand next to them with a sign that says "I dare you!".. okay, maybe that is a litle middle school minded, but I am still in shock. I need some processing time before I can give any useful advice.
LOL I really like that idea.  Just the picture of it made me smile.  I've seen two different great pyrenees there and a big ol' St. Bernard pup that would probably be great additions to the group :)
Maddox-- My big black something mix puppy


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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2008, 09:28:40 pm »
OMG i'd have gone all waterboy on him (adam sandler:P) if he had hit angel..

Offline Ali

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2008, 08:54:14 am »
I have a better idea... how about everyone meet up at the dog park for an unofficial Big Paws convention and line up every one of our BIG dogs while we stand next to them with a sign that says "I dare you!".. okay, maybe that is a litle middle school minded, but I am still in shock. I need some processing time before I can give any useful advice.

Pretty much what I was thinking as I read this thread. What's he look like and how soon can I get there. I can't believe it! I'd call the cops or at least animal control or whoever you'd report abuse to, and see what they suggest. ESPECIALLY if that guy is a regular. Damn. If there is justice in this world, the next dog he smacks will take his hand off, or maybe a nut. Jerk. JERK!
mom of 4 humans AND
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Offline kealoha812

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2008, 09:09:17 am »
"If there is justice in this world, the next dog he smacks will take his hand off, or maybe a nut."
HAHAHAHA I spit out my water on that one!
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
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Offline Newly Newfed

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Re: Runner smacked my dog!
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2008, 10:01:35 am »
OH HE** NO!  Who the bleep does he think he is smacking someone else's dog???  i would have used some VERY colorful language on that guy and I would report it to the school also just in case they can investigate.

I have a better idea... how about everyone meet up at the dog park for an unofficial Big Paws convention and line up every one of our BIG dogs while we stand next to them with a sign that says "I dare you!".. okay, maybe that is a litle middle school minded, but I am still in shock. I need some processing time before I can give any useful advice.

Middle school mentality, or not, I'm there with Sierra, her friends, Thunder the Great Dane and Josie the Mastiff!
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