Author Topic: Ripley update...heart murmer?!  (Read 2524 times)

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Ripley update...heart murmer?!
« on: June 06, 2008, 09:29:11 am »
I just dropped Ripley off at the local humane society for his neuter and shots.  The vet on duty said that he has a mild heart murmer on his right side, which is "unusual".  She wouldn't be specific about why it was unusual, but said that "several things could cause it".  After careful consideration of the options and factors involved, I consented to the surgery.  The vet said that the anesthesia risk isn't "that much greater" but that she wanted me to be aware that heart murmers can complicate surgeries. 
I feel so conflicted right now.  I hope I did the right thing. 
I also don't know the first thing about heart murmers!!!  She said on a scale of 1 to 6, his is a 1, but that I need to get a complete work-up done by my regular vet, which I plan to do once he comes through the surgery.  I had no idea that he would come with this complication, but we're committed to getting him the treatment he needs.  How we're going to pay for it...that's an entirely different story!! =)  Anyway, think good thoughts for us (especially Ripley) today...he should be ready for pick up at 4pm.

By the way, she said he's about 10 months old and is probably a border collie/aussie mix.  He weighs 60 lbs! 

Jenn in CA
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Offline People Whisperer

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Re: Ripley update...heart murmer?!
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2008, 09:36:01 am »
I have no idea what heart murmer is but I hope that the surgery goes well and Ripley will get back to himself in no time  :-*

Modified: According to this link mild heart murmur are common in young children :-\
« Last Edit: June 06, 2008, 09:40:57 am by People Whisperer »
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Re: Ripley update...heart murmer?!
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2008, 10:36:03 am »
A Heart murmer is when one of the valves to the heart does not close 100% as it pumps the blood through, thus letting a little backflow back into that particular heart chamber. It is usually not that serious in a young dog especially if rated at a 1, but it will probably worsen as the dog gets older. The valve just gets weaker allowing more blood to backflow. Our Chihuahua has had one all his life. He is now 13yrs old and I believe his is a 4-5. Your Vet will want to monitor this condition just by listening to it and if it gets worse will probably take and xray or ultra sound to see if the heart is getting enlarged. Then some meds  will probably be in order to help get extra fluids off the heart.

I don't know if the Humane Society vet said it was unusual because it was on the right side, or if because of the breed/mix. It is common in many breeds, particularly the small breeds ie: Chihuahuas and I think the giant breeds. Your vet will be able to tell you, but I think Ripley should be okay for many years to come without any major medical intervention. A least as far as heart murmers. Who can tell what an energetic pup can get himself into.


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Re: Ripley update...heart murmer?!
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2008, 11:19:19 am »
Sending positive and healing thoughts to Ripley.  :)

Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Ripley update...heart murmer?!
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2008, 01:24:47 pm »
Thanks, everyone!  I'm sure he'll be ok, but it just came as a bit of a surprise.  I haven't heard from the vet yet, so I'm assuming that he's gotten through his surgery ok.  I have no idea how long something like that takes!!  Anyway, I've been looking into heart murmur online trying to educate myself.  Wow...lots of dogs have this!  Anyway, I'm keeping my healthy thoughts flowing and know that he landed in my home for a reason and that whoever had him before obviously didn't appreciate this wonderful fellow!! 
Here's another photo of Ripley...this one has him doing his best Elvis impression!!
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Offline CalistogaPyr

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Re: Ripley update...heart murmer?!
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2008, 03:33:55 pm »
Good news!  Ripley made it through surgery!!  I called and checked on him, as I can't pick him up until 4pm.  They said he's fine and "such a sweetheart"!  Yeah!  A big sigh of relief for me.  Now the challenge will be keeping him out of the creek for 2 WEEKS!!  Torture!! =)  THanks, again, to everyone for the positive's been a great help.  Now to educate myself on heart murmur...but not too much!! 
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Re: Ripley update...heart murmer?!
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2008, 03:45:49 pm »
Great news! I'll bet you've been watching the clock and counting the minutes.

Ripley couldn't have found a better Forever Family. It's so wonderful how these special friends come into our lives. Seems to have been meant to be.  :-*

Hugs to Ripley!

Offline Moni

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Re: Ripley update...heart murmer?!
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2008, 08:43:23 am »
Kida had a heart murmur when she was a puppy.  She outgrew it by around 18 months, she is now 6yrs old.  The vets say that it might come back when she gets older and to make sure that she regulates her exercise and to not let her overexert herself. 

Mojo OTOH just was just diagnosed with one at 12yrs.  He has to go in for chest xrays on Tuesday to see if its effecting anything else.  Luckily if it is, there are medications that can help.

We'll keep our fingers crossed for Ripley.  Best of luck.
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