Author Topic: peeing in the house after surgery  (Read 7796 times)

Offline brigid67

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Re: peeing in the house after surgery
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2005, 02:47:03 am »
Your Newf may still be having post anesthesia issues...  It takes awhile for  it to work out the system..  I had my male cat neutered - he was a sweet mellow layed back cat...  After he was neutered he was like a ferrel cat - just crazy took a couple of weeks before he would come into the house and let me get near him...  then he was back to the same cat just a bit lazier.

I talked with my vet about spaying Willow...there has been a lot of stuff noted about spaying and bladder issues.  Apparently the younger they are spayed the more common urinary incont. can be.  It has to do with the hormones needed and spaying them early removes those hormones - I guess....  Anyway, she recomends waiting till at least 9 months but definatelly not any earlier.  I had a Samoyed who had that problem and now i think it may have been do to her having been spayed earlier then needed