Author Topic: I've been promoted.  (Read 2351 times)

Offline dober_gurl

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I've been promoted.
« on: August 12, 2008, 10:17:21 am »
Normally this would have been the most exciting news ever but now I'm not so sure.

I've finally been promoted to manager. See on Sunday my head manager was opening box and I was opening concessions(oh and for those that don't know I work at the movie theatre) So before we actually opened I walked up to him and basically was like umm what's going on with the promotions? Why hasn't it happened? He basically told me there was no chance I'd become one, because my work ethic went down when he first told me I might be getting it so the damage was already done there. Then he told me that it would be a waste to bring me up because he didn't expect me to do well and to quit after it gets too much for me. Finally he said I'd have to do something that really got to his attention for him to want to promote me.

Basically as he was telling me this I finally decided to just quit. I didn't say anything to him because I wanted to make sure I got another job first. So I went back into concessions and just worked. I did everything your supposed to, handled my customers well, and was quite pleased my entire work day. I decided to try and prove this man wrong basically and show him that I CAN and AM a really good worker.

Yesterday I was suppose to go on a picnic with my bf, who also works as a manager at the movies, he was suppose to show up at 2:30-3pm after he saw an early show with his dad. 3:40pm rolls around and I finally send him a text asking him where he is. He calls about 5 min later and says Soo the boss is promoting someone. I kind of go oh? He's like do you want to know who? I say Ok... He's like well you are. *bites lip* Really? He says yea do you want it? I say ok yea I do. So we talked about it and apparently the boss really does like me, he's just worried about some things. He also thinks I would be a wonderful manager. Yea I don't know either...

Anyways so I am excited about it and I really do love the movie theatres, just some things have been frustrating lately. I still want to prove that man wrong and show that I'll be great and that's totally what I'm aiming for. So lets see how this goes and hope and pray that it was worth it for me to be promoted.

Now on the bright side of this whole thing. I get to wear a cute suit! :D No more ugly bow-tie and baseball hat. Just an adorable jacket or vest suit. I'll post pics of what I'll look like!
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Re: I've been promoted.
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2008, 10:26:28 am »
It sounds like really great news, but, uh, it also sounds like the boss is a tool, if you'll pardon the term. That sounds like very, very poor management for him to have made those comments to you. What was it, some kind of "test" that you passed by not quitting? Ah well, you like your job and you wanted the promotion, so I say ROCK that vest and do your thang, girl! ;D
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Re: I've been promoted.
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 12:23:44 pm »
Congrats!  That sounds awesome, I've always wanted to be that person who sat up in the room and played the movies.  You get to be their boss!  YAY!  I say prove that guy wrong, and be the best darn manager you can be!  buy some cute little pumps to go with your rockin suit as a little congratulatory gift to yourself too!   :D :D
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Re: I've been promoted.
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2008, 01:21:56 pm »
I agree with Alex...The best revenge is sucess :)  You rock that suit girl!