Author Topic: Rescuing a brother for Toby *Bear's Story*  (Read 1078 times)

Offline Tobias our Big Boy

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Rescuing a brother for Toby *Bear's Story*
« on: August 23, 2008, 09:04:03 pm »
Tomorrow morning (Sunday)we are expecting to pick up an abandoned male Pyrenees named Bear. Now Bear is apparently 2 1/2 yrs old, no bigger than Toby, and is half his weight at about 50 lbs. This is Bear's story:
His owners came out here to visit their mother. He came along with a little dog, too. The couple up and left one day taking their little dog and leaving Bear behind. Apparently the woman's mother was left to care for Bear. She did not want to. So instead, she left him out in her backyward for a week (in Texas heat) without food or water, apparently waiting for him to die. The neighbor spotted him and asked the woman if she wanted him. She stated "No! I am not about to take care of someone else's damn dog!" She asked if she can have him. To which the woman replied, "Yes, but if you are not serious and do not take him I am going to take him out and shoot him." The woman took Bear in. She knew nothing of the Pyrenees. She said his fur was matted and would not wash out and supposedly took him to a groomer who shaved him down to the skin...even his head and down to his toes was shaved. She put him on Craig's list and a lady named Tammy spotted the add. She had no idea what a Pyrenees was and thought it to be a small dog. She lives in a two bedroom apartment with 4 people. Well, the woman shows up at Tammy's place with Bear. Needless to say Tammy was at a loss of words to see and huge hairless dog come through her door. Tammy said that Bear looked like the woman shaved him herself because it looked like a serious hack-job. The woman told Tammy that she needs to give him vaccinations from a farm store every two weeks. And that right before she brought him over she had just fed him a "roast". She said that her and her husband do not want him because they want to get a different breed. So Tammy tried for a few nights and realized it was too hard. Well, she told my neighbor who told me about Bear. A week of missed phone calls and crap, we finally got into contact with Tammy and come to find out she had the woman pick Bear back up to hold onto him til she moved into a bigger place by the end of the month. Well, she is not getting that place byut does not want Bear with this woman. Cause when she picked Bear back up, he was crying and yelping trying to pull away and get back to Tammy and her kids. So here we are...waiting for Tammy to receive Bear once more tomorrow for us to go pick up and bring home. This is one crazy story and a rough time Bear has gone through. And this woman that currently has Bear stated she cannot afford to feed him, but they are getting another dog to exceed their allowed amount. So they keep him out back for majority of the day...with no fur or room to walk around.

We are anxious to get him here and introduce him and Toby through the fence. Toby is going to be in our neighbors yard and Bear in ours. And after a few hours we are going to introduce them on the leash. First act of aggression will cause them to be turned around to calm the confrontation. But, because Bear is 50lbs, apparently very playful like a puppy with other dogs, we are not too worried about them fighting and Toby being allowed to be the alpha male. But, it is always a trial when introducing any new pet into the house.

Wish us luck and we will introduce you to Bear when he gets home finally.

Toby's family
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 08:32:57 am by Tobias our Big Boy »
Tobias (Toby) 1yr 3/4 Pyrenees/ 1/4 Anatolian
2 little boys 3 1/2 yr and 1 1/2 yr