Author Topic: Does your Pyr let anyone approach and pet them?????  (Read 1971 times)

Offline MollyGirl

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Does your Pyr let anyone approach and pet them?????
« on: August 25, 2008, 07:13:20 am »
We just came back from a weekend of camping with Phoebe.  I noticed that she is very picky about who she allows to approach and pet her.  She loves the kids and other dogs but she seems to be more cautious when it comes to adults mostly men and teenage boys.  She will back away and bark not a aggressive bark she doesnt bare her teeth.  There are some women she will do this with like my husbands sister who was with us she was very leary of her all weekend I dont get it!  I know not to nurture it so I ignore it other than a simple NO BARK! or I just keep walking.  I try and tell the people the no touch, no look, no talk..but that never seems to be followed by the humans.  Phoebe hates to be looked in the eyes and approached she feels threatened is all I can conclude.  Any suggestions I know socialization is huge and this was her first weekend in the camping environment and I need to take her on more trips to the pet store and parks. Sorry so long.
Phoebe 1-1/2 Yr.Great Pyrenees
MollyGirl No longer with us Pyr/Springer mix

Offline pyr4me

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Re: Does your Pyr let anyone approach and pet them?????
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 09:44:40 am »
Hmmm...I would agree with you, it sounds like she feels threatened by the way people are greeting her, particularly being looked straight in the eye--that's a doggie language no-no! I would definitely say that extra focus on socialization is a good idea.  Lots of treats from people as they walk up to her, so she knows that when people approach it's a good thing.

Jenny is the opposite--she goes up to everyone and loves everyone coming up to her--this is one reason that I think she would make a good therapy dog. Jenny associates people approaching her with pets--they can't resist her fur!

Tipper (8 1/2 yrs) Golden Retriever/Sheltie mix
Jenny (4 yrs) Great Pyrenees
Gabriel (14 yrs) Sealpoint Himalayan cat
Melanie (11 yrs) Domestic medium hair cat

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."
~Robert Lewis Steven

Offline PandoraPyr

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Re: Does your Pyr let anyone approach and pet them?????
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 05:40:22 am »
My moses love people, however, he really can't stand strong perfumes and any cologne that smell like alcohol. Honestly there may be a link to people she does not like, that you can't smell or hear or see. On the other hand, keep her constantly social, the more you remove your dog from the situation the worse over time it will become. Allow people she seems shy of to give her treats, keep them with you. In the dog world you know that the no talk to touch rule goes out the window when you have a big cutie like a pyr. Just bee progressive with her. She will come around

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Does your Pyr let anyone approach and pet them?????
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 06:21:17 am »
Jake doesn't wait for anyone to approach him, he is straining at the leash to get to everyone.  Kids running up to him don't startle him, he loves it.  He has almost "leaned" people over.  He thinks everyone loves and wants to pet him.  Obviously he has looked in the mirror.  It sounds like your phoebe just needs to get out and about with lots of different people more.  You are on the right track.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats