Author Topic: New Dog Movie Coming Out Soon (OT?)  (Read 5429 times)

Offline Moni

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New Dog Movie Coming Out Soon (OT?)
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:16:32 am »
Well, it'll be coming out probably next year.  The title of it is Dog Jack.  What's so special about this one and why am I telling you about it?   Dog Jack is being played by a dog from another list I'm on and we've been getting behind the scenes pictures for a couple of months.  :o)  The filming is ending this month and then it goes into all the finishing touches and whatnot.

Again, why is this so amazing?  Because the wonderful dog playing Dog Jack is a pit bull, named Piglet.  Its even more amazing because Piglet is DEAF!!!  :o)))))   Yes that's right, Piglet is a DEAF PITBULL  and she's one of the main stars in this movie!!

Piglet is proof that DEAF dogs and PITBULLS can and are outstanding dogs too.   :o)

Here are a couple of links to tell you about the movie and where you can see some pictures of this amazing dog.
BPO does not have my permission to use my photos.

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: New Dog Movie Coming Out Soon (OT?)
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2005, 08:31:04 pm »
Wow, this looks like a really good movie.  I can't wait until it comes out.  It should shine a different light on pit bulls and let people see them for what they are........... .great and loyal dogs, of that I will be thankful.  The only downside, is that it will probably increase the sale and breeding of pit bulls, which may end up doing more damage than has already been done.  I can only hope that won't happen, but if it's a blockbuster movie, it is inevitable.

Offline Tulsas' Dad

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Re: New Dog Movie Coming Out Soon (OT?)
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2005, 11:27:21 pm »
Again! Can't stress this subject enough! Training, Socialization,.
It ain't the breed people!
It's the responsibility of the Master to make the dog.
Pits are wonderful animals.
A new quote from Forrest Gump: Stupid people make Stupid Dogs!
I get tense when I see a new Pit in the dog park. I relax when I see that their master is intent on making their dog acceptable to the rest.
Dogs are dogs, people are folks.
I'd rather deal with the dogs than their folks.
More Truth, Trust, and a lot less B.S.
Don't tell my how hard you've worked with your dog.
Turn 'em loose and show me  how well they play together.
I "KNOW" my dog, I 'know' how she will react to others advances.
The first 5 minutes in the dog park are spent figuring out what is going on. My dog at my  feet, observing, figuring out who she can dominate, who she can 'play' with , and who will play back.
Breed or size doesn't matter.
She likes to play!
And she knows to adjust her play to the dog she's playing with!
Wally, a Scottish Terrier, sent Tulsa home on several occasions with major puncture wounds in her throat, Tulsa tolerated this treatment, lying on her back, and pushing Wally away on occasion. But she invited the invasion. The wounds weren't life threatening, and the playtime was fulfilling for her and Wally.
Redundantly Yours,
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its enemies, is Lunch.--Michael Friedman