Author Topic: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...  (Read 4468 times)


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Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« on: July 28, 2005, 10:54:29 pm »
The past few days I found loose stool in the cat boxes & a couple of accidents on my carpet...It took me a couple of days to find which cats it was & I narrowed it down to Miss Fritzi...Took her to the vet today & she was x-rayed...She has a mass of hair in her intestine...Ba d news!!!...I groom this cat on a fairly regular basis & all my cats are on hairball formula food & have been for years...Anyway, they sent her home with cat laxative & orders to keep her on moist food & keep her seperated from the rest of the cats so I can monitor her litter box & make sure she isn't vomiting which so far she hasn't...She has been eating well today but so far hasn't pooped...If she is not able to pass the obstruction it is going to entail a very costly surgery...Whic h, of course we will do, but the money situtation right now isn't as good as it has been...Do any of you know of anything I can do to help move things along?...If so or if not, PLEASE keep Miss Fritzi in your prayers...Ty.

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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2005, 11:49:17 pm »
Oh Gyp.... poor kitty, unfortunately there really isnt much more to do than what you are already doing.

in general for a cat that is constipated there are four things they say you are supposed to do.

1. Restore electrolyte and fluid balance
2. Remove all underlying causes
3. Give laxative or cathartics
4. Give enemas

But since you have been to the vet, I am sure he has already given you the treatments already. Now it is basically a waiting game. Be careful though, a constipation in cats can get real bad very fast. And lke you said, if this doest work there really is no alternatives to surgery. And even after that you will probably have to give treatment for a rather long time to prevent it from happening again.

Im sorry I could not be of any help Gyp...... Not that it is fun when dogs get sick,, but dogs actually are easier to treat than cats.

I will pray for her and keep all our fingers and paws crossed here.

Good Luck Gyp and Miss Fritizi

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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2005, 07:47:07 am »
I grew up with cats, and they never tried to pass hair; they would always eat grass to make themselves throw up if they had a hairball, so I can't offer any help. But I wanted to wish you good luck. Hopefully all will pass and she will be back on her feet in no time
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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2005, 09:39:49 am »
I can't give you any better advice to treat this than the vet already has, but to prevent it from happening again, you will have to brush her regularly (once a day or once every other day) so you can catch the extra hair before she digests it. I assume she must be a medium to long-haired cat? Also, you can put some vegetable oil in her food to make things slide through easier. It probably wouldn't hurt to use this with the laxative you are giving her right now.
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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2005, 09:42:27 am »
What about a good dose of cod liver oil--it usually works well.


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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2005, 10:49:57 am »
Ty all!...She is doing well today but I am still waiting for her to poop...She is acting like herself but the x-rays say differntly...H opefully we are able to get her going again without surgery...I am boarding her at my vet's this weekend when we go to get Pippin...I have never left any of my babies when they weren't well so this is hard...I already feel like crap because I obviously haven't been brushing her as much as I need to...She is my only long haired cat...I have had her since she was 10 weeks old & she is 8 & 1/2 now...She almost dies shortly after we got her because she was so full of parasites...Sh e spent 3 days in the hospital & I didn't think she would make it home but she did...The guy I got her from had cats everywhere & didn't take care of them beyond feeding & watering them...That's why I took her out of there...She was a very sick little girl...Anyway, out of all of my cats, she has always been the one with this problem or that...I just feel awful that I could have prevented this with more brushing!...I brush all my cats, clip nails, wash bottoms, etc...etc..& I did more of this with her in light of her problems & coat...Not enough though. :'( I just wish that when it is me who makes a mistake & lives & learns that it wasn't my babies who have to suffer...I wish it was me...I can assure you thoguh that no matter how we fix her tummy problem it will not happen again...& yes, she has a medium length coat...a Maine Coon mix of some sort...Anyway, I'll try some sort of oil to get things moving...If I could just get her to pass some of that hair today I would feel so much better & God knows she would too!...Ty again everyone so much! :)


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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2005, 04:23:14 pm »
Thanks Julie!...The best thing I found so far to brush her with is Samson's rake...The rake is a God send!'ll check out that link...Ty again!

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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2005, 08:58:32 pm »
I am owned by 3 cats, one of whom is prone to hair balls. We've always been able to clear him up with the laxatone stuff though. What I have done is added groud flax seed to his diet , plenty of laxatone ( he hates it but I wrap him in a towel and force him to lick it off my finger , not fun but that's the only way with Sobe ) and I make sure he gets plenty of water. Broth or tuna juice work too, just watch the sodium content. If you have a syringe and can have him drink plenty of water that way, that would be best . Laxatone and tons of liquid seems to be key here.

As you've seen the vet, if your cat has not pooped in two days, just call the vet and tell them. Make sure they know you are broke, and ask if you can let this go another day or two over the phone.
My experience with Sobe is that it takes him two days each time before he has a poop again. However, I can't tell you if your cat is more plugged with a hair ball than Sobe usually gets.

The other thing I do is I pick grass, the tall rough kind. I have a plastic vase in my sink and that always contains fresh grass for them to chew. My cats are indoors only. This grass seems to help prevent hair balls too .  Then of course I comb Sobe , Rue and Cosmo  with a fine comb each day. The dogs get brushed each day too.  Can you tell I'm busy with babies 24/7 ,lol.

Good luck, keep us posted, and if you are not sure, call your vet and ask for advise . Mine is very reasonable if he's already seen Sobe and knows what the problem is. And it also gives me the knowledge that if this is heading the wrong way, my vet will tell me .


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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2005, 04:54:11 pm »
Thanks for asking Julie! :) She spent the weekend at the vet where she could be cared for & monitored...Su nday she had a soft but formed stool so she must have passed some of the blockage...I am still giving her the cat lax & feeding her moist food...She is acting about how she always does & isn't in any distress at all but I know she still has to get the rest of that hair out...Friday morning I am taking her in to have her shaved...I am just going to keep her shaved...She is an indoor only cat & heas the worst coat!...I can brush her for 30 minutes &the next day she is leaving wads of fur laying around....I will just have it redone every 3 or 4 months & she should be fine then. :)

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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2005, 11:20:13 am »
Hi , Just some advise to anyone who has a cat with an obstruction. I have experience with rabbits, and particularly with GI stasis, where the GI tract slows and obstructions occur. What I have done, and this has saved my rabbit's life 4 times already, is manually massage the abdomen. If the cat stops eating, you'll want to give an electrolyte solution like pedialyte by syrige. If the cat is eating and drinking don't worry about it. It actually probably wouldn't hurt to give water to your cat by syringe during this time to get all the fluid it can. I know that with rabbits, oil-based laxatives can actually make things worse by moving the obstruction into an even worse position. I know rabbits and cats aren't the same, but they're not too far apart either. The first time that my rabbit had this I took him to two vets who basically did nothing but give him a vitamin B shot. He went a long time without eating or using the bathroom and nearly died until I got info off the internet that saved his life. Anyway, try a deep gentle massage with the cat lying down, its back end propped up on a towel, and massage every few hours. It may do the trick, and if not I don't think it can make things worse. (It's much less expensive than surgery)
Jennifer W


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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2005, 11:24:06 am »
Thanks!...My cat is fine now...Passed the obstruction & we had her shaved...I was massaging her belly...It just made sense to even though the vet didn't say anything about it...I have 2 bunnies & thank God no obstructions.. .knock on wood!!!...I have to groom Jack, my mini lop, frequently though because he sheds like crazy!


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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2005, 12:04:04 pm »
you gotta post pics of this shaved cat!  you must!  glad sh'es okay


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Re: Help please..anyone that's cat savvy...
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2005, 12:16:45 pm »
you gotta post pics of this shaved cat!  you must!  glad sh'es okay
as soon as that cord arrives you will have shaved cat pics!...just got back from taking my aunt & uncles cat to have him shaved too...They look like poodles!!