Author Topic: question on dog aggression: gender issue or dominance issue??  (Read 2049 times)

Offline Kermit

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question on dog aggression: gender issue or dominance issue??
« on: August 21, 2005, 12:22:08 pm »
Ok, here is the story. Last night My boyfriend and I were in the back yard with all 5 dogs. Everyone was having a blast, running and playing. They rediscovered an old toy in the yard and Zoot scored it and was running proudly with it in his mouth. He got to the bottom of the hill and dropped it. Sunshine Bear made a grab for it. Zoot defended it. It first seemed like your average fight over a toy, but it escalated into a full blown dog fight in a matter of seconds! It was HORRIBLE! The worst dog fight ever at my own home. There was blood all over Zoot and we could not get them to stop. No way I was reaching in there!!! I finally yelled, get the hose!!! And boyfriend sprayed them in their faces until they were still, but Sunshine would NOT LET GO of Zoot's neck. Somehow we got them apart, and I washed the blood off of Zoot to find a slice in his ear that was causing all the bleeding. Both dogs ended up with quite a few scratches but no puncture wounds, thank Heavens.
I think I have still not fully recovered from the stress.
So for those who don't know my dogs, Zoot is a 4 year old neutered male I have had since a puppy, and Sunshine Bear is a foster, neutered 12 month old male, who I have had for about 3 weeks. They have never been like this towards each other before, but I am suspicious that Zoot is starting to wonder just how long this guy is going to be around. Do you think the fight was caused by male energy, Zoot being jealous of another male in the home or is it just a matter of it being two dogs that aren't willing to back down? Would the same fight have broken out if Sunshine were a female with dominance issues? I have never had male and female dogs at the same time so I don't know if they are more or less inclined to fight each other. I was starting to think I should not foster any more male dogs after this, but perhaps I could foster a submissive one?
Sorry this is long-winded but I am trying to figure out a way to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. Zoot did a similar thing with Nigel after he had been with us for 3 weeks or so, and now they are pals.
Other experiences?
thank you..... :-\

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: question on dog aggression: gender issue or dominance issue??
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2005, 01:00:39 pm »
My personal opinion,

running 5 dogs together is always a dicey situation.

Like you saw, a disagreement over something that is valued, and they go at it.

Once 2 start, the others usually join in.

I almost NEVER run more than 2 dogs together at once for these reasons.

So glad no one was seriously injured.
Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline Kermit

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Re: question on dog aggression: gender issue or dominance issue??
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2005, 03:29:04 pm »
Thanks for the replies, you guys. It really makes me feel better just to know that others understand what I am trying to deal with. It's great to be able to learn from other people's experiences. I guess it took me by such surprise, and I never saw it coming, I just hoped I would have been able to sense it earlier and be able to prevent that kind of thing. I am still learning, and I really love fostering, so I guess this has brought me to a new level of understanding dominance in dogs. I think it would be in my best interest to do some research on the subject!!!

Zoot and Sunshine Bear have been around each other a little today and there hasn't been any tension as far as I can tell. Zoot is keeping a respectful distance, it seems.

Redyre, it's true- Nigel almost joined in when he saw the other two going at it and fortunately didn't get involved far enough; I grabbed him and got him out of there! I would hate to think of what might have happened if they all got going, since it was only me and my boyfriend out there at the time. I'm lucky that I wasn't by myself.

Ok I feel I have a better grip on the situation and I have a better idea about how to take care of all these guys now.
Thank you. :)

Offline luvmenewfs

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Re: question on dog aggression: gender issue or dominance issue??
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2005, 06:06:00 am »
Wow.  Great thread.  We had some problems with the boys and we only have two.

For a short period of time they were vying for different positions.  Finally we had enough of it and let them know "HEY.  WE'RE THE ALPHA"
It was rough for awhile though. 

I feel for you.  We only have to and settled it of course, but, man, I just really feel for you.

Would you mind keeping this updated on how you work with this and how it works out?


Offline Kermit

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Re: question on dog aggression: gender issue or dominance issue??
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2005, 03:51:13 pm »
Well, since I last posted on this topic there has been a real change in behavior from these two guys. It appears that Sunshine Bear has established dominance over Zoot. I'm sure Zoot isn't thrilled AT ALL, but I have noticed him being submissive, moving out of Sunshine's way, not looking him in the eye, etc. He hasn't tried to challenge Sunshine in any way. He just backs off and lets him be the star of the show. For several days I kept the dogs from playing rough at all, any time I heard "growling" from anyone I put a stop to it immediately even if it was very playful. I just didn't want to hear any growling for a while! Then I just happened to notice the change in Zoot's behavior. I don't really care who is top dog, as long as they all respect me. I can take anything out of Sunshine's mouth without so much as a grumble. But when it comes to the other dogs, well, he gets his way now. It seems to be working for them. But I am still keeping an eye on them.