Author Topic: My Speech  (Read 1665 times)

Offline dober_gurl

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My Speech
« on: August 31, 2005, 05:42:13 pm »
I'm supposed to Make a Speech in what do you know Speech Class, this Friday! *throws up* Oy I hate being infront of people, I had to get up infront of the class today and give my sort of speech today about my friend Charbel. As soon as I started talking my knees started shaking, my somach turned over, and I swear I almost fainted! Anyways that's not was I really wanted to talk about. ;D I want to know what you guys think about my Speech, it's supposed to be an autobiography about me.

Hi! My name is Megan Williams, I am twin, and I absolutely love animals especially dogs! So, I'm going to tell you about my life, my family, and why dogs are so important to me.
   Now I do love dogs but I haven't always, there was a time when I was terrified of them, it happened when I was 6 years old. My mom found an abused dog named Hershey, the owners were so mean to him and did horrible things to him! So, we took Hershey in and kept him. Well, one day while my parents went out. My baby-sitter, sisters, brothers, and Hershey all went to hang out in my older sis's room for awhile. My brother and I were on the bed with Hershey and was laying with him when for no reason Hershey turned around and bit me! He bit me so hard that it actually took my nose off my face! I ran screaming to my baby-sitter who yelled at me for getting her shirt bloody! My brothers and sister took me to our neighbor's house and she took me to the hospital, I ended up having to have my nose stitched back on and plastic surgery. My parents had Hershey put to sleep the next day, but I've come to realize that dogs are not evil, it's their owners that are and because of this experience I try to make a difference in evey dog I come across, I do my best to find them homes, neuter or spay, and help the ones that don't have it so good now.

Now as I said I am also a twin. My sister and I are very close. We hardly ever fight, we share everything, but we are not identical we are fraternal. I don't have many weird twin stories to share but the one I do have is this: Once when my sister and I were going to Kindergarten, my sister Rachel stayed home sick. She kept telling my mom that I was crying at school and my mom thought that she just missed me, so she wasn't paying attention to Rachel and later that afternoon she got a phone call that I had hurt myself and that she needed to come and get me because I wouldn't stop crying. That really freaked my mom out but it does prove my sister and I are closer than anyone can imagine!

Another interesting fact about me is that I went to a Catholic School for 7 years, it was nice, there was a closeness that you could never get in a public school but I have to admit they were some hard times for me. I don't know why but a lot of kids picked on me, ignored me, and were very mean to me, there. They preferred my twin over me and hardly ever invited me to any other their parties just my sis. Towards the 7th grade I got very depressed in that school and did some really bad things because of it. One time I remember so clearly was when it was toward the end of the school year. Everyone brought a camera to school to take pictures with their friends, well when I tried to get in some pics they pushed me out of it and told me I could be in the next one or they only wanted those certain people in it. I also remember trying to get people to pose with me for a picture and they would walk away saying later or something. I'm so glad to be out of that school and in here, where I'm more excepted and have a new crowd of friends, I don't have to worry about where I sit at lunch or if anyone will be my partner in class, I know a lot of people will now.

In the future I am planning on doing something with animals, I want to start my own Dog Day Care, become a Dog Trainer, Show, Breed, and rescue Doberman Pinschers and/or Saint Bernards or become an Orca Trainer for Sea World, I think it would be awesome to be thrown in the air and ride on them, so it would be an awesome job even though I was told the first 2 years is just working with fish.
I don't plan on having a family, I'll probably be married but I really don't want a lot of kids I might have one or two if I have twins but that's it. I'd rather keep my pets as my children.

So in conclusion I may be very close to my family and love animals a little to much but that's the way I am and I like it. I've learned not that long ago not to care what people think and I'm sticking with it. 

Oh and FYI Andi and Jamie, My "boyfriend" e-mailed my sis again he wants all three of us to get together this weekend and hang out, I'm thinking about e-mailing him, saying yes, and bringing my own date and have my sis bring her own date as well.... does it seem to mean?
"None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed"

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Offline Anky

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Re: My Speech
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2005, 05:49:58 pm »
Hi Megan!

The speech is good, the one thing I would suggest is a segway.  Make ure that the parts of your speech flow together easily from one to the other.  It takes the audience a minute to go from talking about your accident, and how much you love dogs to your sister.  Maybe go from the incident to how you want to work with animals, and your future with them.  While you're talkinga bout your future bring up how you don't know if you want to do the family thing, then talk about your family, which would include your sister.  Making it flow is what keeps people obsessed with your speech and actually want to listen to it. 

Forget that you're in front of a ton of people, just act like you're telling some people in ploite conversation.  Single out a person in the audience, like a friend or something, and just tell them the speech.  Maybe you have another friend on the other side of the room.  Tell them too.  I was a shrinking violet all druing high school but I came alive in Speech class.  I just acted like I was talking to myself, but hopefully you don't have the voices in your head that I do! :P


And one day I'll learn to type properly  ::)
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Re: My Speech
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2005, 06:24:07 pm »
Megan, your speech is very good!!!  I learned a lot about you while reading that and I think you will do very well with that!  About the "boyfriend"  LOL!!!  That's too funny to bring a date and have your sis bring a date too!  I'm thinking this kid has a motive on why he wants to hang out with twins, so taking another person with you wouldn't be a bad idea.  I don't think it's rude at all, I personally think he's the one being rude!   ;D
