Author Topic: Sad and stupid...  (Read 4280 times)


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Sad and stupid...
« on: September 13, 2005, 07:13:52 pm »
Hey all...
So, I started volunteering at the Bloomington Animal Shelter today. (Bloomington, IN) I'm going to be their adoption counselor (well, one of them) which is awesome! I'll help match people to pups. I'm psyched!

 Anyway, so another guy started volunteering today, too. I overheard him telling someone that his mom and dad bred Newfs as he was growing up. So, of course, I weasled into the conversation. Anyway, so he's telling this girl (and now me) about various Newfs they had. He told us about a female they had that weighed 160 and lived to be 15. I was like, "really? 160 is way bigger than the breed standard for bitches." And, he tells us that one of their males weighed 220. I'm like, "No way. That is way too big for a Newf!" This guy didn't appear to know or care...anyway. he's going on and on about how big and long-living their Newfs were. I'm like, rolling my eyes on the inside. So THEN he tells me about the only Newf they had that died's the story.

She fell into a thorn bush. And, rather than "put her through" getting pulled back out of the thorns, his dad PUT A BAG OVER HER HEAD AND "FINISHED HER OFF." I'm like, WHAT?! Did he think that was merciful? I couldn't believe it. I wanted to cry and puke. Can you guys believe it? And this guy just thought that was fine. I'm sorry, but, being pulled through thorns would probably be sucky for a little while...but, do we just KILL a dog to avoid it? GAH! How terrible! What freaks. Thank GOD they don't breed anymore.


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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2005, 07:28:20 pm »
Totally sounds spooky, Tina. I couldn't believe it!

Well, I have worked at animal shelters I'm prepared for the joy and the heartbreak...a t least as a volunteer, I won't have to euthanize....

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2005, 07:31:16 pm »
And this person is volunteering an animal shelter.  Sounds a little spooky to me

I was thinking the same thing. 

If you can't get a dog out of a thorn bush, I'd hate to see what would happen if it ever broke a leg or got a cold.


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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2005, 07:32:34 pm »
I'd be really leary of that guy, if he thinks that is normal and something to brag about! But I'm glad to hear that you are able to volenteer and do something positive for the animals there.


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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2005, 08:01:25 pm »
Well, it was his dad that did that to the dog...but the guy didn't think it was weird.

yeah...he makes me super nervous.


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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2005, 10:02:30 pm »
Do they not screen the volunteers or what????...I'm thinking you might want to mention this little piece of admission to the shelter manager. :(

Offline pndlake

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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2005, 10:29:48 pm »
That is total BS.....some people feel that they need to tell stories like that because they really believe they will impress other people with their knowledge. They are usually very lonely people.  It is sad because intelligent people like yourself are laughing at them and making fun of them.  We cannot control the personalities of everybody that volunteers, so keep up the good work, feel good about yourself and let him go on his way.


Offline PupDaddy

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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2005, 10:43:14 pm »
That is total BS...
I agree, his whole story has my BS detector humming!

Offline Stephanie

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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2005, 11:15:19 pm »
Do they not screen the volunteers or what????...I'm thinking you might want to mention this little piece of admission to the shelter manager. :(
Yeah...Be a big tattle tale!!! I'm sure they don't want people like that caring for animals, at least I wouldn't.
That really cool that your helping out!! :)

Offline Tulsas' Dad

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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2005, 12:04:16 am »
Good job on your part.
Discount the comments from the BOZO.
Like Peggy said,  He's probably lonely, and looking for attention.
You will make a difference in an animals life.
Sleep well knowing that you've done your part.
The # will dance himself into a corner.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2005, 06:41:41 pm by jabear »
The scientific name for an animal that doesn't either run from or fight its enemies, is Lunch.--Michael Friedman


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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2005, 07:20:06 am »
That guy is crazy. It makes me sick seeing what animals go through with irresponsible owners. I hope he doesn't have any pets of his own. I can't believe he thinks that's normal. I would definately watch him closely.

That's great that you're able to volunteer. I have a friend who volunteers and fosters cats at our humane society. I have thought about fostering dogs, but not sure I could handle all the emotions.


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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2005, 07:39:35 am »
Congrat's on volunteering!!  I've always thought it would be so rewarding to volunteer at an Animal Shelter!!  Hopefully you'll have more good days than bad!

As for that guy if he is telling the truth chances are these Newf's were just animals to them and not companions, maybe just used for breeding and making money.  If the story's true it's very sad, but it sounds like he's just trying to get some attention.



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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2005, 08:04:32 am »
That is so awesome, Nicole, that you are volunteering!  My hubby won't let me near the local animal shelter, b/c he knows we'd end up with a zoo!  My heart just can't take it! 

Your co-volunteer is a freaking numbskull!  Since he didn't appear to be mortified by the fact that his father did this, I'm thinking that either a) he's making the whole thing up to look "cool" - which if he is GROW UP or b) he needs to be as far away from the animal shelter as possible.  What a turn off for someone looking to adopt an animal to have someone with that kind of mentality assisting them!

Oh - and please, Nicole...stay away from any thorn bushes!  I'd hate to have to break out the BPO bat on this guy.


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Re: Sad and stupid...
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2005, 08:19:21 am »
Hey all,
 Thanks for the appreciation. I think that you are all right, this guy is obviously retarded and bored and lonely. He just returned from Iraq, he's only 22, and he had a major surgery that has now rendered him technically disabled. (They removed one of his ribs) So, honestly, I kinda feel bad for the poor kid.

However, yeah. Its kind of frightening. He's just adopted a cat from there, too, so aparantly they did SOME kinda screening on him!

My only consolation in all of this is that he isn't going to be actually working with any of the animals...I know. He won't be vaccinating or anything like that. However, my HUGE concern is that this guy is supposed to be an adoption counselor. Which means he'll be educating potential adopters about appropriate breeds for them, how to deal with particular behavior issues, etc. Adoption counselors SHOULD be the most educated and knowledgeable of the volunteers. THAT is what scares me about this guy! He didn't even understand why Purebreed Rescues exist, or what they are! The shelter sends most purebreeds to rescues, and he was like, "Why would you do that? What do purebreed rescues DO with the dogs? Wouldn't you want to keep purebreeds at the shelter, cuz they're more likely to get adopted?" We had to explain to him that since we are a city-owned and operated shelter, that every day a highly adoptable purebreed dog sits in one of our kennels, an equally highly adoptable mix doesn't get kennel space, or is more likely to be euthanized because we're a municipal shelter and cannot refuse a dog due to space issues. I still don't think he got it.

Oh well...I guess I"ll have to become the "Leader" of the Adoption Counselors and run him outta there on a rail. Or maybe I can just get him put on laundry duty and washing bowls. Or cleaning puppy poop.

But, Heather, you may wanna keep that BPO bat out, just in case!

Ok, now I'm off to class. See you girls (and guys) later.