Author Topic: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!  (Read 5715 times)

Offline Nina

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Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« on: October 12, 2005, 09:59:59 pm »
Ok I have tried everything and I don't know what else to do. Dilbert barks at us for attention, and when he wants to play. The thing is it is not just one bark and it ends, he'll keep on barking and barking and barking. I tell him to be quiet and he just keeps barking, I don't want to give in and play with him as that just re enforces the barking. I put him in time out in his crate, but I don't like doing that, and he likes his crate so that isn't doing anything either. I just don't know what to do. The barking is really driving me nuts.  HELP  :)

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline Nina

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 10:20:20 pm »
Anyone have any idea's :)
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline lilysmom

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2005, 10:39:47 pm »
I think by even addressing the barking with "be quiet" you might be adding fuel to the fire so to speak.  I always use a water bottle to scold bad behavior.  When your dog barks spray him and tell him no barking.  It's worked for both my dogs.  And they aren't afraid of water so I think it's just the shock factor.  Others may disagree with me.  I don't know.  But maybe it's worth a try.  And when he does stop barking reward with a pet and a good dog or a treat if you use the treat reward method.  Hope that helps. :)
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Offline Kermit

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2005, 10:47:21 pm »
Hmmm... when I first brought Sunshine Bear home he was very vocal with the barking. He got a lot better and I am trying to remember how we accomplished that...
I think when he was barking too much out the window at things I would have him lay down on a blanket for a little "time out" and make him stay down for a while. I think dogs are less likely to bark if they are laying down. When Will would come home from work Sunshine would do a really excited bark and honestly I would just sit him down and hold his muzzle closed gently, and tell him "Shhhh...." in a very quiet way that seemed to have a calming effect on him.
Those seem like pretty easy things to do, but he responded really well. I like to use the "lay down in time out" technique for lots of different problems. Once they are nice and calm you can sweet talk them and tell tham how good they are, which is nice. :)
I don't know if this will work for you, but I thought I'd share!
Good luck!

Offline Saintgirl

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2005, 11:05:18 pm »
We used to have the same problem with Abbey. She would bark to play, bark to get a belly rub, bark for just about everything. It was unbelievable that a dog could bark so much, and because she was so cute when she was a pup, we were reinforcing her by doing what she wanted. Sort of fueling the fire, I suppose. So we made an appointment with our wonderful vet and he helped us realize where we were going wrong. First and foremost we absolutley had to IGNORE her when she began to bark, and let me tell you we thought we were going to gocrazy. Once she had finished her barking spree we would give her a simple command, something like sit or down and then reward her greatly. If she began to bark again, we would ignore her again. The most important thing that we were told was to make sure that we did not reward her in any way for any sort of unwelcome barking, and rewarding her included giving her the attention that she was seeking. After a few really loud days of barking, things got much better. Now she is 2 and much more polite. She knows to speak on command, and has learned that when she gets too carried away and barks she will not get what she is looking for, infact she will get nothing at all.

Good luck!! You might want to invest in some earplugs for the next little bit... if you try this!
Leah, Hutch, and Abbey

Offline Moni

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2005, 11:42:21 pm »
I've tried lots of ways.  Supposedly if you teach them to bark on command, you can teach them "quiet"  after.  However, having dogs who are too smart for their own good, they realized if they bark and THEN where quiet they would get treats/praise.  lol  So we broke down and used a penny shake can for the hearing ones and a squirt bottle for the deaf ones.  It usually worked, unless it was something they were really adamant about.  Then a couple summers ago we got a box of those popper/snapper things(look like pebbles wrapped in kleenex).  One day Mojo was going balistic at something and I couldn't find the penny can, so used one of them instead.  WOW!  They all hushed then ran and layed down.  I know, mean mommy.  :-[ So I took their cue on it, and decided to use it to my advantage.  Whenever they started creating a racket, I'd say ok enough and if they didn't stop then I'd say "Quiet" and toss 1 popper.  They all learned that quiet=popper pretty quick.

If we had our own place, I probably wouldn't be as strict about it.  However, we rent and I tend to go overboard with trying to be a responsible dog owner since I do have 6 puppers.  I want to make sure everyone around us realises that that even though there are a lot of them, they are well behaved(usually) and aren't super noisy all the time.

Good luck with your pup, I'm sure you'll find something that works for you two.  :)
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Offline Nina

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2005, 11:53:24 pm »
Thanks for all the great advice. I will for sure try all the options given to me.  ;D
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2005, 11:54:31 pm »
Angus likes to bark as well (he has barky neighbours) and I am doing the same as Saintgirl has done. Ignore bad behaviour, reward good behaviour. Angus' barking is slowly becoming less.

Offline Carolyn

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2005, 04:53:40 am »
The soda bottle with stones in it stopped the barking at things outside. Apache likes to talk to me, he makes all kind of woo woo sounds. The worst is when were outside & Im doing my chores, he knows when Im done. So just before Im finished he'll go sit in front of the "indestructable ball" & cry & whine & bark & paw at the ball worse than a little bratty kid. So most times I give in & play soccer around the yard with him. He plays really good, he'd make a great goaly. It makes him happy & its good exersise for me. Yes he has me trained well. In the house he'll bark if a ball or something went under furnature & he cant get it. The only way to make him stop is get it or ignore him long enough & he'll stop.

Offline tonyc

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Re: Dilbert won't stop barking and it is driving me crazy!
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2005, 05:57:37 am »
+1 to the pennies in a coke can to stop barking. I can toss the can and Daffy used to run away and stfu... cept.. Nikki isn't afraid of ANYTHING.. so i'm about to buy the spray bottle soon

them poppers idea seems pretty darn brilliant... gotta buy some from the neighbor nickle/dime store...