Author Topic: Conflicting emotions!!!  (Read 1549 times)

Offline newflvr

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Conflicting emotions!!!
« on: November 05, 2005, 10:43:39 pm »
Okay....I'm in it up to my eyeballs.  I'm on jury duty and am on a murder/attempted murder/arson/shooting at cars on the freeway/   all by the same guy.  I'm on the panel now but have very mixed feelings about getting kicked I'm sure I will.  I want to know what happens but to be in the jury at a trial of gang-banger doesn't seem like a very good idea.  The trial is supposed to last 2 - 3 weeks...and I don't want to do that either...way too much time away from the pups!!!   Cowboy had an app't with the neurologist on Friday and it actually crossed my mind to ask to be excused so I could take my dog to a specialist.  Didn't do it, of course, but I did think about it.  It was great that Friday was an 'off' day in court so we could go. 

It's such an interesting process and both attorneys made it clear that it wasn't 'Boston Legal' or CSI.  I really would like to find out what happens.....


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Re: Conflicting emotions!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2005, 01:51:44 am »
Wow!!  That sounds interesting... yep I agree with what Tina said! :D


Offline NoDogNow

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Re: Conflicting emotions!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2005, 09:18:03 pm »
HA.  Missed me by a week!

Jury duty is one of those things that sucks if you're a person of conscience and empathy, because you get exposed to just the most raw and ugly things in your community--wherever that community is.  My aunt lives in rural Idaho, and has had to serve on 3 felony juries, one a death penalty case where they had to convict and sentence people.  It was agony for her. 

Me, I'm a hard-hearted witch, because I figure that anyone who goes around premeditatedly killing other people has forfeited their rights to 1-call him/herself a human being, and 2-continue living.

So of course, I never have to serve on a jury.   ::) ???

Try and keep your chin up; this is not going to be easy.

Sheryl, Dogless and sad

Offline newflvr

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Re: Conflicting emotions!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2005, 09:32:33 pm »
GREAT NEWS....sort of (since I had to be on the panel all day!)!  I was on the panel all day and finally got kicked off as they dismissed the last of the 60 jurors they called.  They have to start all over tomorrow...and I'm SO happy not to have to do it all again!  The first day was pretty interesting but listening to the same questions for 6 hours  straight, today, was agony!!!  And, nodogs, you are so right, it is the very worst part of humanity.  Give me dogs anyday! People's stories where SOOO sad!  The number of people who had family members murdered was UNBELIEVABLE!   I literally had NO idea.  Easily 25% of the people today had uncles, cousins, girlfriends, friends murdered.  That didn't come close to the nut cases that they tried to seat!

I can't tell you how happy I am to be home with the dogs!!!  YIPPEEEE!