Author Topic: Oasis can't hear anymore :-(  (Read 9636 times)

Offline Moni

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Re: Oasis can't hear anymore :-(
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2005, 06:21:48 am »

Having lived with both dogs born deaf, and ones that have lost their hearing due to age I totally understand.  :)  I think I will probably get upset when my hearing dogs get old enough to lose their sight or hearing.  Not because I think less of them, but because it marks their aging in a definite way. 

I'd start using signs for Oasis, as long as they're consistant it doesn't matter if they're "real" ones or not.  Flashing lights and stomping work good for getting their attention, as long as you teach him what they mean.  :)  Also exageratted facial expressions and body language help convey your feelings to him.

Cuddle him tight and enjoy his silver years.  I really love those greybeards.  :D
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Re: Oasis can't hear anymore :-(
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2005, 06:34:44 am »
sorry to hear about Oasis. It is hard to see our babies slowing down. I see it in Puck too. It really tugs at the heart strings. Appreciate the time you have left and be content that you have loved and cared for them the best you could.

Offline Good Hope

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Re: Oasis can't hear anymore :-(
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2005, 07:10:13 pm »
You know dogs are dogs and humans are humans... but science cannot explain away that wonderful bond that forms between an owner and their pet. I believe the little signs of aging are just reminders of the inevitable and allow us to appreciate that pet more, so somehow the loss isn't quite so painful. I guess this really makes you fortunate, so often dogs are lost to accidents, stolen, etc.

I'll bet those few extra minutes you will now spend each day... will bring back great memories and make new ones to cherish for years to come.

Hope Oasis is around for quite awhile.

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: Oasis can't hear anymore :-(
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2005, 09:35:16 pm »
 :'( you just touched a heart with your words.  I was so very lost that I did not have the time to tell Rosie goodby.  In the day to day rush it is easy not to give that extra hug, and extra I love you.  When they are gone you would give anything just to have a few more days to sit and tell them how much they mean in your life.  It was also a gift to Sugar Bear and Dixie in that they get the little extras everyday, since I know know that I will never know when the last day will be. 

I don't know if this is going to come out right, if I'm able to explain my feelings.  But here goes.

You've been given a little gift.  You realize that something is coming.  You're able to give Oasis that little extra special pet, treat, love.  In a way, I quess you're able to say good bye.

Two years ago, my mother's Doberman, Baron, was diagnosed with cancer.  The vet figured about 4 - 6 weeks.  My parents and the whole family were able to give him the extra goodbyes.  My mom made him steak and roasted chicken for the last few weeks.  It made me realize that I had been taking my Max for granted.  With the kids and the house and all that I guess, in all honesty, I hadn't really been paying a whole lot of attention to my first baby.  Two weeks after my mother's dog died, Max had a tumor, that we didn't know was there, rupture in his stomach.  I had to make that horrible decision to put him down.  But thanks to Baron, Max left this world knowing he was loved and appreciated.  If I hadn't come to that realization, I would have lived the rest of my life thinking that I didn't get the chance to cement my love for him.  Don't get me wrong, Max was my first child and he was treated as such.  But there were times when he did get pushed to the back burner.

Even though Oasis is slowing down, you may still have a lot more wonderful memories to make with him.

I hope I got what I wanted to say across.

Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: Oasis can't hear anymore :-(
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2005, 09:40:03 pm »
You are all so right. I have been making sure I give him extra kisses on the nose and go out of my way to kiss him goodnight before I go to bed.

One benefit of the hearing loss I realized this morning. He used to come into my room whining and whining to go out as soon as the alarm went off. I never could reap the benefits of the snooze alarm.

Today, the alarm went off and was able to catch a few more zzz's 'cause he didn't hear it so his "bladder alarm" didn't kick in 'til he saw me walk out into the living room!

It was so nice out this morning and I had a little extra time so we actually got to take a nice leisurely walk around the block instead of the quick in-and-out, potty-and-go rush we usually have in the morning.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline DixieSugarBear

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Re: Oasis can't hear anymore :-(
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2005, 11:13:13 pm »
I am sure that that long walk made he very happy.
Lisa, owned by the following:
Sugar Bear - Great Pyrenees 4.5 yr.
Dixie Darlin - Great Pyrenees 4 yr.
Penny Lane - Great Pyrenees 2.5 yr.
Beauman - Great Pyrenees 14 months
Izzy - Great Pyrenees 14 month
Rosie - Great Pyrenees (at the bridge)