Author Topic: Advice Please!  (Read 4150 times)

Offline ting1sf

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Advice Please!
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:46:42 pm »
I have two human kids and two doggy kids and on top of that full time school. Life so far has been chaotic and crazy with the new puppy. Yumi has been with us for 9 months now and things still has not calm down. I was wondering how other people's scheulde is like? What is a typical day for someone that has the same workload? For example when is a good feeding time and walking time. We use to have a walking time but it became very inconsisent.  I was just wonderin if there is a easier way to go about all this? thanks for reading!!!!
I rather love a dog than a human. Because you put  100% into a dog , you get 200% back. As for humans you sometimes you get nothing back.

Offline doglover

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Re: Advice Please!
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2005, 05:01:34 pm »
Well, I can relate. I have 2 Kids, 3 dogs, 4 cats and 2 foster cats. Plus I go to school at night, this semister I have 5 classes. I feed my dogs after I feed the kids and they are playing in the living room, at night we feed them after we feed the kids and hubby is give them a bath or they have gone to bed. I don't really walk the dogs, we have a fenced in backyard. But growing up we had to walk the dog and us kids did it most of the time. What we started to do was make a chart of what needs to be done during the day, then as things get done we check it off, this really helped with one of my dogs medication, so we knew he got it and also so we didn't both do it either. It also helps I have a very hands on husband who really helps with the kids, when he gets home is his time with the kids, so he takes care of them at night while I'm in school. I really can't think of anything else. The reason we made the chart was we both would do the things or they wouldn't get done at all. We have feeding dogs, cats cleaning cat boxes and such things. I hope this helps. Are you a stay-at-home mom?


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Re: Advice Please!
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2005, 06:25:53 pm »
I have 3 dogs, 1 1/2  kids (one is 18 and not really a kid anymore) and 1 hubby.
At 5 am I get up and three dogs go out for am potty and run in fenced in back yard. Raven goes back to bed, Strider and Merlin get fed, I shower. Hubby awakened at 5:30am.Two dogs get leashed up and out for a 20 min or so nieghborhood stroll. wake up kids at 6:30am, out the door to work by 7am.
Home for lunch, let dogs out, play 20 minutes, back to work. 5:30pm home from work, cook supper, eat, do dishes. If there is no hockey game or practice to take my kid(s) to, it's time for another stroll, then relax. (Do housework-pre-prepare meals...) The dogs go potty in the fenced in backyard whenever they want out, and run around back there. If I'm lucky, bed by midnight.
That is a typical weekday, weekends are more chaotic.

Offline Carolyn

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Re: Advice Please!
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2005, 03:17:09 pm »
No human kids but 3 dogs, 2 horses & 2 cats. I feel guilty if I don't spend time with my animals. I work full time. Im up at 5am , everyone goes out to potty, feed dry kibble if anyone wants to eat, some house chores. Outside by 6:20 clean the barn. 1 horse is retired the other a 5yr old who must be ridden or walked with the dogs daily. On the trail by 6:40, walk the dogs with the horse at least 1/2 hour (ride my horse spring-fall) Must be in the shower by 7:30, get dressed & out the door by 8. Try to relax at work! Get home 5:30pm, hubby has been cooking dinner almost every night otherwise we eat too late. I change & go take care of the horses, feed the dogs, eat diner, clean up, shower. Its usually about 8pm by now watch a little boob tube. Around 9:30 start falling asleep, have a little desert, dogs get frozen yogurt, cats get cat milk. Let them go out to potty in bed & asleep by 10:30. What a life! Even on weekends I get up early usually 6 so we can walk/ride after that doesn't matter what the day brings. If I don't ride in the morning & wait till later I get mad if I don't ride or walk the dogs because I get caught up in something else or too tired. If I complain about not being able to do it any more, hubby says "well we could get rid of the animals" I don't think so, Id rather be dead. Definatley couldn't handle human kids, not with full time job anyway.

Offline BabsT

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Re: Advice Please!
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2005, 03:29:35 pm »
I have one son (7) currently pregnant, watch my nephew during the day who is 3 yrs old.  I have 2 dogs a 1yr Central Asian & 25wk Caucasian and a cat.

I wake up between 4:30-5am every morning, I would clean the cats litter box but I cant anymore because I am pregnant, so I just feed and water her.  Then I let the dogs into the yard or go for a 1.5 mile walk (weahter pending) when we are back, i let them rest for about 15 min...i prepare their breakfast  (raw diet) put them in their crates, shut the door.

I then make my husbands and my sons lunch for work and school, pack his back pack and put on the coffee for myself.

I then take a shower and get dressed.  After I am dressed I wake my son and give him breakfast, meanwhile I let the dogs are of their crates and they hang in the 'doggy room'  room off our kitchen that they chose to spend their time in

Then the dogs into the yard, final elimination and my son puts his shoes on.  I pack up all my things and load the car.  I grab the dogs because I take them with me and put them into the back of the SUV.  Go back into the house make sure all the lights are off  and then Noah and I are in the car by 6:30am

When I get home, I unload the dogs and let them into the yard, I prepare my pups dinner because she is still a baby and on two small meals.  Take out whatever I am thawing for dinner.  Noah will feed the pup dinner, close the crate and then homework which is 1.5 hours (A LOT I KNOW)...

Then i make dinner and the dogs just hang around usually sleeping LOL
I am usually a night owl but being pregnant wipes you out so I am in bed by night...but usually I went to bed around 11:30-12 at night
Zero 23mth  Central Asian Ovcharka
Anchara 16mth old Caucasian Ovcharka

Offline ting1sf

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Re: Advice Please!
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2005, 04:54:09 pm »
No human kids but 3 dogs, 2 horses & 2 cats. I feel guilty if I don't spend time with my animals. I work full time. Im up at 5am , everyone goes out to potty, feed dry kibble if anyone wants to eat, some house chores. Outside by 6:20 clean the barn. 1 horse is retired the other a 5yr old who must be ridden or walked with the dogs daily. On the trail by 6:40, walk the dogs with the horse at least 1/2 hour (ride my horse spring-fall) Must be in the shower by 7:30, get dressed & out the door by 8. Try to relax at work! Get home 5:30pm, hubby has been cooking dinner almost every night otherwise we eat too late. I change & go take care of the horses, feed the dogs, eat diner, clean up, shower. Its usually about 8pm by now watch a little boob tube. Around 9:30 start falling asleep, have a little desert, dogs get frozen yogurt, cats get cat milk. Let them go out to potty in bed & asleep by 10:30. What a life! Even on weekends I get up early usually 6 so we can walk/ride after that doesn't matter what the day brings. If I don't ride in the morning & wait till later I get mad if I don't ride or walk the dogs because I get caught up in something else or too tired. If I complain about not being able to do it any more, hubby says "well we could get rid of the animals" I don't think so, Id rather be dead. Definatley couldn't handle human kids, not with full time job anyway.

Wow... I think if you can handle all this you can handle eveything hehe :) My Boyfriend says the same thing when he sees me stressed out over the doggies... My reply... would you say the same thing about our human kids... Thas starts the debate how dogs are not human hehe ;D
I rather love a dog than a human. Because you put  100% into a dog , you get 200% back. As for humans you sometimes you get nothing back.

Offline ting1sf

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Re: Advice Please!
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2005, 05:00:59 pm »
Thanks so much for everyone's reply. I guess in many ways lack of sleep is still the answer but hearing from all you guys really help gave me a booast. The task seem a lot less impossible  hehe :D. Well I think I just need a schuecle change and better organization   :P Thanks again!!!!
I rather love a dog than a human. Because you put  100% into a dog , you get 200% back. As for humans you sometimes you get nothing back.


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Re: Advice Please!
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2005, 05:04:50 pm »
Grace is 10 months old and is still up before the crack of dawn and still full of go go at midnight.  She's nuts.  I keep telling myself she'll grow out of it.  and she has a little here and there.