Author Topic: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...  (Read 4837 times)

Offline Maggie's Mom

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HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« on: December 08, 2005, 12:39:24 pm »
My friend has asked me to post this in hopes that someone has some idea of what to do to help her with her dog.  She has a 1 year-old Italian Mastiff named Bella.  Bella breaks out of her cage, every one that they've ever put her in, and then destroys the house!!!  She apparantly bangs her head on the cage (a wire one) until she can squeeze out, opens the door from the room that she's in, and then; eats the couch, scratches holes in the middle of walls, rips up shoes, eats clothing, etc., etc., etc.  They have another dog, a rotty named Abba, that they keep in the same room with Bella, to try to help keep her calm, but she breaks out anyway, and then they both have run of the house.  They just moved into their brand new dream home 5 days ago, and already have 6 holes in the walls.  She doesn't know what else to do.  They've talked about padlocking the cage closed, but they're afraid that she'll kill herself trying to break out.  Any suggestions? ???
Stacy, Wes, and Maggie (Great Dane)

Offline Kermit

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2005, 12:45:18 pm »
Sounds like that dog needs some serious therapy!!! How much time do they spend with Bella? Does she get long walks every day? Maybe they could try kenneling her for the time being while they figure out a plan, or find a doggie daycare where she could stay- I think padlocking the crate would be kinda cruel and ignoring the problem at hand- it would not be a solution at all to this dog's serious issues. She would probably end up injured. Someone needs to try to get to the root of her anxiety rather than just trying to cage the beast so she doesn't destroy anything else. Ya know?
I wish your friend much luck and patience!!!

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2005, 12:49:04 pm »
that is exactly what Sophie used to do!  She gave her such a nasty scrape on her nose from pushing on the top of the crate. 

We bought an ex-pen on ebay and it is great!  It gives her just a little bit more room to move around and I don't think she feels as trapped as she did in the crate.   The only problem I could see with getting an ex-pen for Bella is if she jumps out.  The pen we have is 42 inches high and i don't think Sophie could jump this unless she had a running start and there is definitely no room for that.  But if Bella can jump straight up 42inches the she could probably get out.

Also have they tried bitter apple on the furniture and where ever else she is trying to chew?  Or even hot sauce.    She may also want to try Rescue Remedy.  I have had good sucess with that on Sophie.  We give it to her in her water before we leave for work and she is so much calmer.  There is a couple older posts about Rescue Remedy that might be worth reading.
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Offline Maggie's Mom

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2005, 12:53:12 pm »
Hi, thanks for the suggestions.  Only, I don't know what an ex-pen is? ???  She's 28 inches at the shoulder right now, but I'm sure she couldn't jump that high.  The only problem with the bitter apple and hot sauce is that she always goes for something else, so they wouldn't even know where to put it.  Also, right now, the main problem is the walls.  They have to patch and repair every time. 
Stacy, Wes, and Maggie (Great Dane)

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2005, 01:06:06 pm »
an ex-pen is an exercise pen.  it is made up of about 6 wire panels that you connect together to make a circle or a square.   I'll see if I can find a picture.
Rachel and Sophie

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2005, 01:11:15 pm »
oh here is it. 

and this is the person I bought it from also.  You can buy these at any pet supply place but it was cheapest on ebay.
Rachel and Sophie

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Offline Maggie's Mom

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2005, 01:15:02 pm »
OK, I've seen those before.  That's not a bad idea at all.  I'll let her know tonight.  Anything's worth a try right now. ;)  Thanks again.
Stacy, Wes, and Maggie (Great Dane)

Offline Maggie's Mom

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2005, 05:02:27 pm »
Bella and Abba are very spoiled.  Probably the most spoiled dogs I've ever seen.  That being said, they are also very well-behaved, when Kate and Ryan are home with them.  They get attention every minute of the day that they are home with them.  They do go to doggy daycare probably 2-3 times a week, but they just can't afford EVERY day.  They have tried so many different things with her, but nothing seems to work.  It's almost like they've given her TOO MUCH attention, that she doesn't know what to do with herself when they're not with her.  The idea of having a room to just leave them in might be ok, except that the house is brand new (they just built it), and there isn't really a room that they don't care about right now. 
Stacy, Wes, and Maggie (Great Dane)

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2005, 08:48:43 pm »
Bella and Abba are very spoiled.  Probably the most spoiled dogs I've ever seen.  That being said, they are also very well-behaved, when Kate and Ryan are home with them.  They get attention every minute of the day that they are home with them.......... .........It's almost like they've given her TOO MUCH attention, that she doesn't know what to do with herself when they're not with her

Well, that most certainly may be the case.  Dogs that are spoiled, too attached to their owners, have owners who are home with them all day (not that they are, but using an example), and dogs who were abandoned or have lived thru shelter life are most likely to have separation anxiety.  Do you know if she starts getting anxious before they even leave?  There are tricks you can do to get them to think that it's not such a bad thing they are leaving, although in this case I don't know if they would work.  Such as the "don't give much attention before leaving or when arriving home"  or the "change around the routine before you leave so they don't know you are leaving until right before you do" trick.

Do they have a basement?  Or is it a finished basement?  What about setting up a doggie area in the garage?  They can even set it up so it's not too cold out there.  Because if they can't crate her, and she can't be free roaming, there aren't alot of options left.  Rescue remedy, by the way is great stuff.  So are all of the Bach's line of flower essences.   I believe, though that if you use it, you have to continue to use it, not sure about that.

Hope your friends can work this problem thru.  A totally destructive dog certainly is a big challenge.

Offline Maggie's Mom

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Re: HELP....Italian Mastiff w/ severe separation anxiety...
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2005, 12:27:04 pm »
I'm going to look up this Rescue Remedy stuff you mentioned- everyone so far has recommended that and I've never heard of it before.  Maybe the garage thing would work, they certainly have plenty of room to work with in there.... I'm going to pass on all of these great ideas, thanks for the suggestions.
Stacy, Wes, and Maggie (Great Dane)