Author Topic: Please please please someone make it stop  (Read 13520 times)

Offline queenkofsnow

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2006, 05:35:12 pm »
One thing that really worked for Mike.....and this is depending where you live and what time of year this is, but we put a fan on aimed at the kennel.  For some reason he like the cool breeze and actually would sleep longer an more peacefully and it helped to mask out the noises that he would make and therefore I would sleep easier, too.  We actually had one of those expensive tent kennels, but he did far better in a big cage kennel.  To this day he doesn't like to be hot and sleeps during the day on the cold floors not the carpeting.

Offline goldenlovingknitter

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2006, 06:03:17 pm »
Ace might enjoy the wind hitting him in the face but one things for sure Sunny would freak out. LOL He hates fans or anything else blowing on him except if he is in the car.  He barks and growls at all fans hehehe. ;D

Offline cuttles/sadieMay

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2006, 01:02:37 am »
Our little mixed breed did the same thing for the first few weeks after we got him. When it was night time/bed time and he had to go in his crate, he'd scratch/paw and cry even bark to be let out. Now it's a nice thing for him to go to for downtime. Have you considered putting the crate someplace else in the house? Maybe covering it? How about a heartbeat bear to put near the crate to give him some "comfort" noise? Or a small radio turned down low to give him some reassurance?
When Kayzer came home he did not like his cage at night time at all so I threw a blanket over it and as long as he couldnt see me he quieted right down! It only took one or two nights and he would go right to sleep as soon as he went in! Now when I say bed time he goes to it on his own! I hope he calms down for you soon. Sleep deprivation is never good!
My Mother in laws shephard was a winer just like that! I puppy sat for her when he was about 8-9 weeks and all he did was cry for everything!
It drove me nuts!
Maybe its a shepherd thing???
Good Luck

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2006, 03:03:13 am »
Awwwwwe, your puppies are so cute!!

Both Keiko and Gunther were not used to being crated when I got them.  Gunther at 12 wks and Keiko at around 6 wks (I actually didn't want her til 8 wks, but I didn't have much choice, the owner dropped her off early)  Both of them cried straight thru the night for about 2-3 nights.  I never let them out for the first 2 hrs they were crated b/c I knew they did not have to go b/c they went out right before being crated.

Believe me, it is hard to ignore, and my husband was ready to pull his hair out with Gunther....... ...........but by the third night, he was quiet, and only whined to let us know he needed to go out........... ........ONCE per night.  yay!!

If they know they can get away with it, and you will eventually let them out........... .......believe me, they will cry for hours on end b/c they know the end result is freedom, even if only for a few minutes.  This too, shall pass.  Just remember to be strong, and invest in some earplugs.   ;D

Offline my3dogs

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2006, 03:26:46 am »
Your puppers are cuties!

Jilly would cry and whine when she was little.  She's part ybe it is that. ;)
I read books, asked everyone I met and then compiled the things that I thought would work for me.  While she was teeny tiny I had her crate next to my bed and kept my hand close to her crate.  Maybe not recommended but it worked for us.  When she fussed and it wasn't time to go out I would say shhhh...and press my hand to the crate.  She would know I was there and go back to sleep.  I only did this for a week or so.   
I would not speak to her when I took her outside other than to say, "good girl" once when she did her business outside.  No playing and I kept it low key....then back in the crate.  For a couple of weeks Jack slept in the crate with her for no other reason then that's what worked at the time.   When she was about 8 months old we retired her crate.   It wasn't working for us any longer.   Jack never used a crate and everytime we let her out of hers it was like the canine version of WWF. 

Sounds like you are already intune to your dogs' your dogs dislike of the fan.    Best of luck with the pup.  Hope you'll post updates on what works with the little imp.  He sure looks like a cuddle bug!

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Offline goldenlovingknitter

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2006, 05:06:56 am »
Update...we put the blanket over the crate and kept them both awake for a few hours before they went to bed.  So they were tired when they got in.  Ace wasn't thrilled to go in at first, whimpered a little bit, but he went in and passed out.  He didn't make a sound all night long, and when my alarm went off he still didn't whine.  I was so happy when I woke up I thought I would weep tears of joy.  AHAHAHA.  I think we've found a routine for the time while Sunny can sleep then be put to bed Ace can't so we're going to be watching him very closely to make sure he isn't sleeping.  Probably make training two hours before bedtime and play time an hour before that way he's nice and tired. LOL  Thanks everyone I'm sure there will be more restless nights, but you all have been very helpful and words can't say how much I appreciate it. :)


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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2006, 09:58:25 am »
I'm glad the blanket worked for you!  I know my girls would pull it into their cages and eat them if I did that. I just keep them active all night so they are ready for bed...and they are in a routine that at 11:15 they "go to bed".  Grace will sleep all night now and gets up at 6ish which is fine.  I even got to sleep till 7 this weekend.  What a treat! 
They grow out of it. 
I've heard of a trick that helps...fillin g a tin can with coins and shaking it when they whine and bark.  That way they don't hear your voice and whine to get out to see you.  :)

Offline sgoehner

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2006, 10:42:35 am »
I used that blanket with Maggie as well.  The first month or so she would whimper at around 3:00 or so and I would just wake up, take her out, and then when we got back in it was straight into the crate with the blanket over it.  After about a month she stopped waking up in the middle of the night, and now she will sleep till around 7:30.  That is if she doesnt' catch a nap between 5 and 10.  On the weekends sometime we take her out at 7:30 then put her back in her crate and say "1 more Hour" and she doesn't make a sound and we get up and let her out at 8:30 and the day begins.

Offline Hedda Garland

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2006, 11:16:57 am »
That's great news. For sure it all has to do with the early removal from the litter, but you found a way for night routine and you're going to get the rest, too. I hope for you that your library will have some books for you.

Offline goldenlovingknitter

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2006, 09:07:13 am »
I'm stopping by the library tomorrow to get some books :)  hopefully they'll have a lot of the books everyone was telling me about.  Ace slept through the night again and only woke up once and it was just before my alarm went off.  I'm told after I left and put them back to bed he cried and cried. So we're going to leave them out to play instead of putting them back to bed for an hour before my husband wakes up. :)

Offline greek4

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2006, 10:13:24 am »
Good job, Ace!  We knew you could do it.

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2006, 11:55:28 am »
Yea!  Glad to hear you are trying things and finding what works for you.
I love the pic of the two of them. 
They look like..."here we are ma....and we love ya!!! Wanna play?"
"As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes." - Mel Brooks

Offline goldenlovingknitter

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2006, 01:40:48 pm »
LOL They were smiling for the camera LOL :) its hard to get a good pic of the both of them since once always wants to sniff the lens.  :) ;D

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Re: Please please please someone make it stop
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2006, 02:02:02 pm »
I am so glad that you are finally getting some sleep :)

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