Author Topic: New here! And a question about boredom/games..  (Read 15099 times)

Offline OwnedbyaSaint

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New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« on: May 01, 2005, 08:59:37 pm »
I'm new here -- just found this site.  I own a wonderful Saint Bernard named Sugar.  She is 11 months old.  She is a real joy.   I've noticed lately that she seems to get bored.  I work from home and am here with her most of the day and all night.  She has an older brother(a Pomeranian), but he isn't too keen on playing with her.  Does anyone know of any fun games to play with my Saint?  She loves to do her tricks and play with all of her toys(she has tons), but I was looking for some other things to do.  We've tried putting treats under boxes and having her "find it", but she gets bored of that quickly.  She has 2 acres to run, and I do walk her every day.  I don't walk her more than 2 very short walks a day because I have read it is bad on their hips to walk them too much before they are 2 years old.  Is this true?  I've heard exercise is the best cure for boredom, but on the other hand I'm worried about hurting her hips at such a young age.  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.  


Offline Malishiku

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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2005, 06:08:55 pm »
Although, I'm not familiar with Giant dogs quite yet. I do know that with large and medium dogs (under 2 years of age) you don't want to "work" them hard. The less strain and pressure on the bones, the better I suppose. The same, probably applies especially to giant breeds. I don't think walking them "too much" is going to do anything. It's more straineous, extensive physical activitiy that can possibly damage the growing bones. You could probably walk your Saint all you want and she should be just fine, as long as you keep a steady pace. If you notice your dog is getting tired then perhaps it is time to relax.

I really wouldn't worry too much about her hips or bones. I mean, as long as you aren't making her jump over things, climb a flight of stairs, making her weave in and out of poles that are placed together as tightly as r dog will be fine. I think that simple excerises are best.

If you would like to get your dog into some kind of sport, you can. Being a puppy and depending upon the sport, she probably couldn't do anything until the age of 2...but she can most certainly learn the routine.

You can even try to be creative and invent some new games. Perhaps do the "find it" game on a much larger scale. If you have 2 acres, that should be easy for you. Instead of treats, try using people that she loves! Take her senting skills to the next level.

You and a few others from your family can get into a circle. Then each take a turn on calling her to them.

Chasing games are quite fun too, so long as no one gets tackled by the dog! lol.

Does your dog like people and other dogs? Perhaps you can invite some people over or bring her to a friends house. Take her to some classes where she can meet and interact with other dogs, perhaps even dogs close enough to her size. Take her to the Beach, the Park or someplace that's new that may spark her interest.

Just some ideas...

...good luck on your adventure to new games!

=(^ - ^)= Silverstorm

« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 06:10:46 pm by Silverstorm »
=(^ - ^)= / ) Corina A. Gonzalez
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Offline amajac

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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2005, 09:22:24 am »
Austin loves those play pop up tunnels, he plays hide and seek with himself constantly.  He was introduced to them at puppy preschool, now I have tunnels, a sandbox  in the back, I am waiting for the baby wading pools to be stocked for the summer, he loves the one at Day Care.  My daughter wants to know why the dog gets more toys than they had a children.

Cheryl Hain

Offline stjennifer2413

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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2005, 01:01:28 pm »
The idea about scent based games is a good one.  My saints both have amazing noses and I've thought about enrolling them in a tracking class.  And the suggestion about taking her to a dog park or beach is also a good one.  She'll love the interaction with other dogs and she'll be exhausted from her playtime.   I wouldn't worry about too much exercise.  Puppies need a lot of exercise and unless you're asking her to do complex agility work, it's highly unlikely she'll suffer any ill effects. 

Offline Jaimie

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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2005, 02:12:23 pm »
I have large Kong toys and when my pooches are bored sometimes I will put some peanut butter it them and they will usually spend quite a bit of time trying to lick it all out.

Offline Sullivan

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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2005, 02:51:55 pm »
I too recommend the dog park.  Seamus absolutely loves it, and I absolutely love sleepy Seamus afterwards.  If you ever play with her in the house I suggest cat toys.  Seamus loves tug of war, but i'm not strong enough anymore.  I've started buying those long cat toys with the feathers and stuff at the end.  He goes crazy trying to catch them, and it kind of wears him out too.  He also loves toys with noise makers in them.  He will spend hours trying to get the noise maker out.  Once he does it is kind of messy, but worth his happiness.
I walk Seamus 3 miles 3 to 5 times a day.  I had also hear the same thing about exercise, but I felt so bad keeping him cooped up.  We don't have a big house or yard, so it was the only alternative I had.  Seamus handles the walks fine.  We don't get our heart rate up or anything.  He gets to sniff and greet the neighbors.  He loves it. 
Also we play tag outside.  That game can sometimes be dangerous if he "tags" me too hard, but that doesn't happen very often.  ;D
Good luck!


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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2005, 02:57:29 pm »
I have large Kong toys and when my pooches are bored sometimes I will put some peanut butter it them and they will usually spend quite a bit of time trying to lick it all out.

LOL...really long story short, cody got his tounge stuck in a beer bottle once. 

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Offline Saljen

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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2005, 04:28:08 am »
My girl likes bottles - plastic 2 liter soda bottles or gallon milk jugs. Two things she loves: I tie sturdy twine (I use hemp rope) around the bottle or jug then tie the other end on a fairly high (and sturdy!) tree branch, with the bottle about a foot and half above the ground. Then I swing the bottle around a bit until she gets interested, then she will play with it on her own, batting it about, pulling it, letting it go and chasing it around. I have to keep an eye on her tho because when she gets it down she'll start eating it. The other game is I do the same thing to a bottle or jug but don't tie the twine to a tree. Instead, I get in the middle of the yard and swing the bottle around. Rosie loves to chase after it. I let her have it for a bit, then when she relaxes her grip I quickly pull it back again and swing it some more, sometimes snaking it along the ground like something alive. She loves chasing it back and forth.

Rosie also LOVES fetch and catch, and I notice she likes to try out different things to play with, not just tennis balls. She also likes splashing in water.

Offline Jerry

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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2005, 12:01:52 pm »
Our Josh loves to play "soccer".  I (or my son if he's home) play with our feet, Josh plays with his nose.  We have a big, hard plastic ball about the size of a basketball.  I give it a kick and Josh will chase it across the yard and push it back with his nose.  Sometimes when I go to kick it again he will nose it out of my way so that I miss it and he sits there and grins at me.  He loves to do this and we usually end up kicking or nosing the ball all over the yard.


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Re: New here! And a question about boredom/games..
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2005, 01:23:08 am »
My friend has 2 boxers who LOVE laser tag!!..Great exercise!