Author Topic: I need advice  (Read 3034 times)

Offline Jaimie

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I need advice
« on: May 10, 2005, 02:08:33 pm »
My friend is in an abusive relationship and it has become really bad so she is getting out asap.  She has 9 dogs, one of them just had 4 puppies.. anyway.. she is trying to go out west and she needs someone to watch the pups and the mother, they are only 5 weeks old.  I have never cared for pups before so if anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.  It is not for certain that I will have to care for them but I would like to be prepared just in case.  Any advice would be muchly appreciated.  Thanks.


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Re: I need advice
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 02:13:12 pm »
oh i wish i could give some advice, but i haven't had puppies in 8 years!


how old are they?

Offline Jaimie

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Re: I need advice
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 02:23:52 pm »
I belive that they are 5 or 6 weeks old.

Offline newflvr

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Re: I need advice
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2005, 03:06:43 pm »
If they are purebred, maybe call the breed rescue group to get advice.  Just having taken home a 10 week old puppy last week, I would think the most important thing is to keep them safe (as in a fenced enclosure).  If they have been weaned, continue feeding them (3 times a day????) whatever your friend is feeding them.  Keep their area clean and get them to a vet for their first check-up and  first round of shots (at about 5 weeks and again at 7 weeks.  The vet can advise you about specifics.

Good luck to your friend and to you.  You have a good heart to even consider helping out in this way.  And good luck to the rest of the dogs!

Offline Jaimie

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Re: I need advice
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2005, 06:02:31 pm »
Thanks Newflvr.  As it turns out I will be getting the pups within the next week.  The sire is a boston terrier and the bitch is a boxer cross with eng. staff. I believe.  I have an insulated shop and I was thinking of building a pen and fill it with straw and keep them out there.  I have 2 house dogs and I think they will agitate the mother if she comes in the house.  I don't currently have a fenced area but I wll get one up asap.

Offline nettrek4

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Re: I need advice
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2005, 06:32:33 pm »
  Straw will be hard to keep clean, it will make a mess all over your shop.  I recommend that you cover the floor of the pen with MANY layers of newspapers.  You can just fold up a section or a layer when it is soiled, which will be about every 15 minutes.  The pups are probably already eating puppy chow of some sort, just stick with whatever they are used to.  First shots at 6 weeks, they will be checked for hernias, etc at that time.
   The mom might not want to nurse them much, or stay in their pen.  Their teeth will be causing her some pain by this age. She should stay nearby, and put her with them and encourage her to nurse them for a few minutes 3-5 times a day, if she will.  Then let her go back out of the pen.  Give them safe toys to chew. Even an old towel is a good tug-of-war toy, but only give it when you can be there to watch them, you don't want them swallowing loose thread, etc.  If weather permits and you get a fence up, let them stay otuside as long as it is warm, and come in and sleep at night.
   If mom will not nurse them, you can get a replacement milk formula at the pet store (Second Step) and that will help with digestion and with missing their Mom's milk.  Keep water available, but choose the bowl wisely, they will tip it over and make a big mess, walk through it, etc.  Look around the pet store and ask for some advice.  See what you friend has been using.
   If the pen is large enough, the pups will pick one spot to poop in, away from their bed.  Then you can gradually start using less newspaper, leaving the area where they DON"T poop bare.  In the end, they will associate papers with pooping, and will be paper trained.
   Good luck, this mom will need to be spayed, and I hope you can find homes for the pups, try to list them on sites that don't charge for the service.
        Marcia Potts, Bonnie Collies
Marcia P. and the Bonnie Collies