Author Topic: all of bpo  (Read 1470 times)


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all of bpo
« on: February 02, 2006, 04:41:51 am »
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. This is the best group of people I've ever met. I've not been here long, but I've made great friends already. Everyone greeted me with open arms, you all were there for me when I lost my Dotty, and now helped me find Eddie a home. I can't begin to thank everyone here enough for everything you guys have done. Just thought I'd let everyone know that :)


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Re: all of bpo
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2006, 11:28:26 am »
Aw, Cori!

You are right. This is the best group of people ever assembled. And, its all for the love of dogs. Well...hehehe. ..and each other. I also have made some very good friends here, and appreciate each and every member. Well, except Holly, cuz she's mean. hehhehe! ;) :-* :-* :-* :-* (LOVE YOU HOLLY!)

Anyway, Cori. Finding Eddie a home is just the right thing to do. Many of us have been in your situation before, with a dog that just isn't fitting in, but no good place for the dog.

I can't wait to see the little smooshy-faced cutie pie this weekend!!!!


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Re: all of bpo
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 02:55:09 pm »
Many of us have been in your situation before, with a dog that just isn't fitting in, but no good place for the dog.

I have been in the same situation. I rescued a young Akita mix pup. And once he settled in boy was he an aggressive little bugger. I didn't know how to deal with him. My son was afraid of him, he had my cats by the throat every chance he got. And he was only about 11-12 weeks old. He was neglected badly, born outside in winter, fed rarely. They were kicked slapped and thrown around by their 'owners'. When I got there one of his littermates was dead in the front yard.  :'(  A horrible situation all around.

I ended up re-homing Jake after bite my son's face and drew blood. He went to an Akita experienced home. So I know how if feels to want to make it work.. but just not be able to. Although the circumstances are different.. the feelings are the same. You have to do what's best for everyone involved.

Here's a pic of the nasty but adorably cute little Jake. lol