Author Topic: why do I even look? possible puppy mill  (Read 3654 times)

Offline macybean

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why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« on: February 10, 2006, 12:55:50 am »
So other than cruising petfinder, I occasionally look at the newspaper classifieds. I wouldn't look for a purebred dog in the paper; I prefer rescued dogs. Anyway, a lot of the ads just upset me (knowing that they are backyard breeders and whatnot). I don't know why I still look... It's like watching a train wreck, maybe...

Well, there was one for Newfoundland puppies and it said adults available. I immediately thought two things-one, newfs around Austin? I've done a little research into Newfs (really want one), and though I'd rather rescue a dog, I am aware that there aren't any "good"/recommended breeders around Austin. And two, adults for sale sounds like they're selling off dogs that are too old breed, which I guess any breeder may do, but it's in the paper... and I was just suspicious.

So I call the guy (again, why do I do this?). He says he's about 70 miles outside of town. Anyway, he's got puppies that he tries to push on me. I tell him I'd rather have an older dog, so he pushes a 10-month-old male puppy. I asked if he had adults, as his ad said. He said he has a 4-year-old female that hasn't had any litters. Silly me, I'm thinking he just chose not to breed her, but no, he says he doesn't know why she hasn't had a litter. Uh-oh. So he's trying to home her, but he tried to push me back towards the puppies or at least the older pup. Then he said the strangest thing-if I want an adult, maybe we can work something out with one of his other dogs. Who is willing to randomly part with one of their adults? That seemed very strange-I mean, he'd have to mean an older female or something... Very suspicious for a breeder, though, right? I mean, "work something out"? I always figured either you were or weren't selling certain dogs, and I guess it'd be one thing if we'd talked for a while, but this man was making this offer within the first minute of our conversation.

I got him to send me photos. He only have photos of the mom and dad of the current litter and one of the babies by himself. I asked for photos of the older pup and the 4-y-o, but he said he didn't have them (also not a good sign, I thought).

I can't stop thinking about these two dogs. Part of me wants to go check their conditions... See how he keeps them. Part of me also knows that I'll likely walk away with one in that case (unless it's all a fluke and he's got a great operation and dotes on all of his animals, etc.).

What do you do with suspected puppy mills/backyard breeders/people with shady breeding practices? How do you know for sure? Visiting? I feel kind of confused and a bit helpless here. These two dogs-the female that won't breed and the older male puppy-can't be all that valuable to him if he's not a caring breeder.

Am I worrying about nothing or should I go check it out?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2006, 12:59:26 am by macybean »


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Re: why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2006, 01:14:50 am »

All I can say is what I would do. I'd go check them out.But yeah, be prepared for taking someone home!!!! Maybe get a back-up plan worked, other people..(BPO?!) that would take dogs/pups if you felt you needed to rescue them. And, if its deplorable, call the Animal Control authority that has jurisdiction over him.

Just what I would do....good luck!

Offline cuttles/sadieMay

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Re: why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2006, 01:17:35 am »
I say go for it and deal with the out come later! I dont think you will rest till you know for sure! You might be doing these babies a favor! :)
Good luck!

Offline macybean

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Re: why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2006, 10:21:28 am »
Okay, I just emailed him back saying I'd give him a call later about visiting them (it's a little after 8am here).

I guess then I'll go from there. I searched for him last night online, and he doesn't have a website. I found him listed on a website called Breedersclub.n et. He doesn't have his own website (I checked the tailend of his email address, and it came from an internet provider, not a personal website). He just has this one ad from what I can see, and I guess ads in the paper.

Offline bigdogmom

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Re: why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2006, 10:23:04 am »
I just want to add that you have a kind heart. Reading your post I got all choked up..How could someone be so cold? Even for a puppymill. You are absolutely right to have red lights and sirens going off in your head. I can't advise you whether I think you should go or not, but thank you for at least bringing it to others attention. Please keep us updated what you decide..

Offline macybean

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Re: why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2006, 10:23:30 am »
And when I found the ad online, I found out he breeds Saints, too.

Offline kathryn

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Re: why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2006, 10:36:40 am »
Just FYI:  Michael and I live South of Houston and he is supposed to go to Austin next weekend.  So we will be glad to try and help if you need us.  Even for just moral support.

Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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Offline macybean

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Re: why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2006, 10:41:14 am »
Thank you.

I think I will bring my camera and tell him it's just b/c I wanted to get pictures of the other two to "help me decide" or something.

I'll get back to you all. Hopefully, it's nothing and the dogs are kept in great conditions and loved.

Offline Mom2Sadie

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Re: why do I even look? possible puppy mill
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2006, 05:37:40 pm »

All I can say is what I would do. I'd go check them out.But yeah, be prepared for taking someone home!!!! Maybe get a back-up plan worked, other people..(BPO?!) that would take dogs/pups if you felt you needed to rescue them. And, if its deplorable, call the Animal Control authority that has jurisdiction over him.

Just what I would do....good luck!

Ditto to that. I'd be checking it out too. But be prepared, puppies tend to be irresistable.

It does sound pretty shady from what you said. The breeder that one of my kitties came from was a similar story with the "We can work something out". This breeder tried to pass off two of her adults on me too. I ended up taking one of them home because she looked sickly and as it turned out she was! She had had an emergency C-section one week prior and lost her litter as it turned out and she was extremely malnourished. I had to find a home for kitty since she HATED my other 2 cats and was miserable with them around, but I did talk to my vet for advice and he helped me file a report. She was easy to find a home for since she was such a love. My friends tell me I'm a sucker but I can't stand seeing animals treated poorly.When I hear or read stuff like your post, all my hairs stand on end. Trust your instincts.
Dear Lord,
Just for today, let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.

Sadie the Newf
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